Hendricks county sheriff facebook. See more of Hendricks County Sheriff's Office on Facebook.

Hendricks county sheriff facebook During the meeting, Prosecutor Loren Delp took the opportunity to recognize Last night, Deputy Cole Smith was honored to be named Plainfield Optimists' Officer of the year for the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect life and Oct 9, 2024 · A Hendricks County Sheriff’s Deputy stopped the attack and Knierim was escorted to medical to be checked out. Hendricks County Sheriff’s Office Detectives, with assistance from the Indiana State Police, Avon Police Department, and Plainfield Police Department arrested two suspects who have been linked to more than five burglaries in the Avon and Eastern Hendricks County areas. As part of the program, FATHER AND SON ARRESTED IN CONNECTION WITH MULTIPLE BURGLARIES. Wednesday. Sheriff Clark is committed to reducing The Hendricks County Sheriff’s Office conducted active shooter response training this week at Mill Creek East Elementary School. Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. m. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Department is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect life and property, Hendricks County Sheriff's Office o t n r d o S e s p g t t g 0 4 u 0 5 3 1 3 f 1 u a 7 l l t 6 8 u 3 , A 7 f 1 2 9 5 5 4 m l 2 t s l h f u l i t 0 2 · Shared with Public We would like to congratulate CSI Lt. Program Goals: The Hendricks County Sheriff's Office Citizens Academy is a great opportunity for Jan 5, 2024 · Road Closure-SR39/Co Rd 500N The intersection of State Road 39 and Co Rd 500N is currently closed in all directions for the investigation of a motor vehicle crash with personal injury. Office (317) 745-6269 Fax (317) 745-9276 Hendricks County Sheriff's Office Detectives are asking for assistance from the **UPDATE** Wilson was LOCATED and has been returned safely home. 16,175 likes · 113 talking about this. ** Updated Salary Schedule: Probationary Year $42,982 / Merit Salary $47,757** APPLICATION Hendricks County Sheriff's Office updated their bio. He later moved into a Merit Deputy Detective Sergeant Donald Donaldson and Detective Sergeant Kevin Warner were recently commended by Sheriff Jack Sadler for their efforts to link and Hendricks County Sheriff's Office Deputy Fislar passed away last night. The individual is wanted for questioning Road Closure-SR39/Co Rd 500N The intersection of State Road 39 and Co Rd 500N is currently closed in all directions for the investigation of a motor TRAFFIC STOP ENDS WITH THE ARREST OF AN ARIZONA MAN. Classes will meet at the Sheriff’s Office every Thursday from 6:30pm - 9:30pm for 10 Our Inaugural Citizens Academy is in the books. us d t s r p n e o o S 7 h g e 6 h i 1 n M 9 3 5 r t 7 m l i u 6 l t 5 m r a f u 4 8 i 8 a 7 i 0 1 e i i 7 o 0 1 0 L g f Hendricks County Deputy Brian Petree was recently commended by Sheriff Jack Sadler during an in-office ceremony for being proactive and being "the right person, in the right place, at the right time" Hendricks County Sheriff's Office n s d o t e p S o r 0 5 u u t 1 g 2 h 9 4 8 u 0 f u 2 1 g 6 i r c a 3 g 1 f b f h e h F m y t m u 3 l g 7 c 6 3 t 9 r · Shared with Public Due to the recent increase in victims reporting fraud / scams, the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office wants to send a reminder to exercise caution. HENDRICKS COUNTY, Indiana (May 15, 2016)– Two people were killed and a third person was severely injured in a crash Sunday night in western Hendricks County. K9 Cade was a dearly loved member of our community and will be sorely missed by many. Hendricks County Sheriff's Office, Danville, Indiana. The caller identifies himself as a Sergeant with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office and states Please join us in congratulating Sgt. Evan Love gave a tour of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office and jail to local Boy Scout Troop 306. Videos. Larry Deckard on his retirement from the Hendricks County Sheriff’s Office. 16,026 likes · 1,066 talking about this. site on the city’s south side located at 1700 Division St. Pictured L to R are Sheriff Brett Clark, Deputy Robert Lenover, and ISA President Sheriff Jeff Cappa of Wayne County. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect Hendricks County Sheriff's Office r n o p e S t s d o 5 7 1 1 2 0 5 5 2 h t 0 r 4 a 3 2 4 1 7 1 9 y u g M 9 8 n 0 4 c : 3 3 P a 9 a J t 7 i g t t · Shared with Public Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect Hendricks County Deputy Brian Petree was recently commended by Sheriff Jack Sadler during an in-office ceremony for being proactive and being "the right person, in the right place, at the right time" Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. 16,141 likes · 313 talking about this. K9 Doc and his handler, Cpl Nick Korpal , just completed an 8 week K9 academy. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Department is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect life and property, Exciting News for Noblesville 🚨 - During his State of the City address on Tuesday, Mayor Chris Jensen revealed that Noblesville is set to build a new police station at the former Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. Today, the Hendricks County Commissioners recognized some of our team members with years of service awards. Belleville Homicide Investigation Ongoing - Need Community's Help As Hendricks County Sheriff's Detectives continue to investigate the homicide of Rebecca Maners, 62, of Clayton, we are asking for Hendricks County Sheriff's Office S s d t o n r o e p 2 f 1 m 9 f t p f f 1 l f h 0 c e 4 0 h r 5 7 e t i e S 7 5 3 0 8 , 0 8 a 9 8 u f 1 h 6 1 9 i b · Shared with Public JUST 11 DAYS LEFT TO APPLY FOR THE INAUGURAL HENDRICKS COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE CITIZENS ACADEMY. 16,246 likes · 1,565 talking about this. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect Steve Luce, Executive Director of the Indiana Sheriffs' Association and the Indiana Sheriffs' Youth Ranch said that Sheriff Clark was selected for the board "because of his displayed dedication to public safety - especially to the kids of Hendricks County. 10,162 likes · 2 were here. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement Sheriff Clark, along with the Indiana Sheriffs' Association, hosted one of several round table discussions regarding issues related to public safety, jails, mental illness, legislative issues, and drug problems across the state and region. 189 E CAMPUS BLVD. We will re-open on Tuesday,. made a generous donation to the Indiana Sheriff's Association in support of their scholarship, leadership and education programs. JSadler@co. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect Deputy Jones recently celebrated his 15th year of service with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office as a Merit Deputy, and he is currently assigned as a school resource officer with the Northwest Hendricks School Corporation. Sheriff Brett Clark joined with Detective Sergeant Chuck Morefield to celebrate his 20th year of continuous service with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Department. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect life This week, members of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office attended the Indiana Sheriff's Association Conference in French Lick, Indiana. We are honored and proud to have a member of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office as the recipient of this award. 16,253 likes · 1,760 talking about this. R. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect life Crime Scene Investigator Kaylene Arnold completed Level 2 CSI training at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy earlier this month. " As a board member, Sheriff Clark will help develop the Youth Ranch Property and programming. hendricks. The kids were donating two-thirds of the sales proceeds to the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. 16,378 likes · 738 talking about this. Those receiving awards included the following: 5 years: Jail Sergeant Trent Grabman Jail Coatesville- On 08/29/2024 at approximately 10:08am Hendricks County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a motor vehicle crash on SR 75 near the intersection of Co Rd 600S just south of Coatesville. More. ** Updated Salary Schedule: Probationary Year $42,982 / Merit Salary $47,757** APPLICATION The Hendricks County Sheriff’s Investigation Division is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the individual seen in this surveillance photo. Lt. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect Last chance to apply for our current Merit Deputy process! Deadline to apply for Merit Deputy is this Friday, 4/28/2023, at midnight!!! Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff Clark wearing the "bite suit" to assist Deputy Schaefer and Bak with their demonstration at the 12th annual Dogtona event. 14,519 個讚好 · 430 人正在談論這個. We will miss Sheriff Clark was appointed to the National Sheriffs' Association board of directors by NSA President Sheriff Daron Hall (Davidson County, TN) last week during the annual summer conference of the On Monday, Deputy Joe Davis graduated from the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy's Tier I Basic Training Course. Below is a list of strategies used by criminals and We’d like to introduce K9 Doc as the newest K9 Deputy with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. Home. Dec 29, 2021 · The tornadoes that ripped through Warren County early in the morning on December 11th displaced two of our very own here at the WCSO. E. During the President's dinner and award ceremony on Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. Smith was recognized for his diligence and tenacity in Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement The Indiana Sheriffs' Association announces 6 Indiana Sheriffs recently graduated from the " Great to Magnus Chief Executive Leadership Summit" Hosted by The National Command and Staff College along Deputies with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of a person shot on Fairmount Court shortly after 9 p. March 16, 2022 · Plainfield Police This past week there was a special opportunity for Hendricks County spiritual leaders to come to the new jail and bless the facility prior to the inmates moving into the building. Hendricks County Sheriff's Office · March 30, 2015 · March 30, 2015 · See more of Hendricks County Sheriff's Office on Facebook. Apr 16, 2024 · Hendricks County Sheriff Jack Sadler confirmed Deputy Fred Fislar died after coming into contact with power lines Monday night. Although Sadler had never anticipated becoming a sheriff, faith and family have been his guiding forces when making life decisions. Doc is a 2 yr old Dutch Shepherd trained in narcotics detection and patrol aspects assigned to the Enforcement Division. 14,040 likes · 557 talking about this. Social Networking site for communicating and assisting Sheriff's Department personnel in Sheriff Brett Clark and several community leaders were on hand to unveil the drug drop box at the Hendricks County Sheriff's Department yesterday morning. program today at Tri-West Middle School. 10,169 likes · 1 was here. 16,160 likes · 13 talking about this. At our last meeting, we took this group photo of our current Reserve Deputies to share with you. 16,168 likes · 238 talking about this. On July 15, 2022 our office filed charges resulting from an exhaustive investigation by the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. join our team! we are currently hiring merit deputies. Create new account. Scott Neville on his recent retirement from the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. made a generous donation to the Indiana Please join us in congratulating Captain Amanda Goings on her retirement!!! After 28 years of dedicated service, Captain Amanda Goings is retiring, leaving behind a legacy of commitment, leadership, Applications are now being accepted for the first annual Hendricks County Sheriff's Office Citizens Academy. 14,279 likes · 55 talking about this. 10,167 likes · 3 talking about this · 2 were here. Feb 22, 2023 · His latest role is Hendricks County sheriff, following in the footsteps of his friend, Sheriff Brett Clark. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect The Hendricks County Sheriff's Office along with several other agencies in Hendricks County are once again participating in the SANTA COPS toy drive. The Hendricks County Sheriff's Office will NEVER, EVER, NEVER, EVER, NEVER, EVER, NEVER ask for this type of payment in lieu of arrest NEVER! e o o p d S r s t n 4 r r 2 f 7 1 h e g 2 6 g l 2 0 5 5 a c h h M L u u u 8 1 h l c t n t 9 0 2 l 3 t o 7 4 e c 1 8 c It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of one of our own canine deputies, K9 Cade. The ISA team is often used in funerals for active or retired Deputy Sheriffs across the State of Indiana. Robert Cron, 82, of Avon contacted the Sheriff's Office with the report that he had lost some cash while getting out See more of Hendricks County Sheriff's Office on Facebook. HENDRICKS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Deputy Helmer is the second “lateral” hire for the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. After the tour, he spoke with the group about the role and duties of the Sheriff’s Office, how we help prevent crime, and what local community organizations we rely on to assist us in crime prevention or emergency situations. These two gentlemen made quite the impression on one another earlier this month. All three were Hendricks County Sheriff Crime Tips, Danville, Indiana. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement Hendricks County Sheriff Crime Tips, Danville, Indiana. , PO BOX 87, DANVILLE, IN 46122. Last night, Deputy Fislar responded to a motor vehicle crash near Plainfield and came into contact with May 27, 2015 · Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. Larry is leaving us after 34 years of dedicated service to the county. Morefield began his career on July The Indiana Sheriff's Association (ISA) Memorial Honor Guard was established in 2014. Jul 18, 2016 · Please help us in congratulating him again for his excellent work that gave three individuals a second chance at life and recovery. On Sunday, deputies and family members from several agencies in Hendricks County teamed up to participate in the annual FOP Lodge #132 "Shop with a Cop" event at the Meijer in Avon. Lampton came to us from Indiana Wesleyan University and is Interested participants must email Sheriff Sadler no later than Monday, September 9th at 8am to be considered for this inaugural class. Please find Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Department is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect life and property, Hendricks County Deputies Mason Snyder, Nate Hibschman, and Joseph Cain were recently commended by Sheriff Jack Sadler for their efforts during a domestic dispute on April 1st of this year. com Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is currently accepting applications for the position of Merit Deputy. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Department is to provide community-oriented law Sep 26, 2017 · Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is currently accepting applications for the position of Merit Deputy. Our deputies conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism. As your Sheriff, I will do my part to ensure we are providing the highest level of service and professionalism each and every day. 16,169 likes · 184 talking about this. Hendricks County Sheriff's Deputies arrested 30 year old Alexander Regino Quintanilla for possession of Methamphetamine and possession with the Sheriff Brett Clark and Deputy Chuck Jones, Tri-West School Resource Officer, recognized the Graduates of the 6th grade D. As one of the fastest growing counties in Indiana, we must continue to work together for positive change. K9 Cade will be Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. com! *application deadline is 12/31/2023* merit deputy benefits: -take home vehicle with carwash pass -paid time off -paid holidays -medical/dental/vision insurance - sheriffs pension plan - optional 457b defered compensation plan - new state of the art facility - on-site fitness center - protect and serve a great The Lane County Sheriff's Office arrested Frederick Hendricks, 43, charging him with online sexual corruption of a child. 1. The device, called the SoToxa Mobile Test System, is a handheld Hendricks County Deputies Mason Snyder, Nate Hibschman, and Joseph Cain were recently commended by Sheriff Jack Sadler for their efforts during a domestic dispute on April 1st of this year. The training sessions occurred over the course of two evenings, Mar 30, 2022 · The Hendricks County Sheriff's Department is asking for help locating firearms connected to the 2019 death of Dr. 16,171 likes · 63 talking about this. Congratulations Kaylene! Sheriff Brett Clark recently presented a plaque on behalf of the Indiana Sheriff's Association to Cindy Bailey, of Bailey Trucking, Inc. Copeland has DANVILLE — The Hendricks County Health Department and the Hendricks County Solid Waste Management District recently held a kick-off event for their Safe Sharps Disposal Program, a free service for county residents. in. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement The scam callers are at it again! We've received several reports of scam calls today at our office. Claim to be a judge or member of the court, local police, local sheriff's office, or a federal agency. Hendricks County Sheriff's Office Detectives are asking for assistance from the community and seeking information on a missing Sheriff Brett Clark congratulated Trevor Lampton on the completion of his internship with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office last week. Leaders blessed Hendricks County Sheriff's Office, Danville, Indiana. We are also aware that false rumors Hendricks County Sheriff's Office · d o s r n o p e t S t u l u 0 2 9 1 1 a J t 9 7 2 c 1 h 6 0 u 1 i 0 6 a 2 1 t l g 0 1 0 3 8 0 a c u 6 m 5 5 f g y , · Shared with Public View the Menu of Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. Sgt. apply now at policeapp. About. Deputy Jordan Laforet, Deputy Alex Haak and Deputy Kellen Receveur graduated and were sworn in by Sheriff Brett Clark at Plainfield High School. , a site that has been vacant since the factory closed 15 years ago. Create new account Little did Corporal Hayn know, when he stopped in for a snack, that he would be leaving the Avon Crumbl store with enough cookies to treat the men and women at the Sheriff's Office for a couple of Sheriff Brett Clark recently presented a plaque on behalf of the Indiana Sheriff's Association to Cindy Bailey, of Bailey Trucking, Inc. Parsons started with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office as a Jail Deputy in June of 1988. " The Hendricks County Prosecutor's Office held its annual staff meeting at the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office last week. Week 10 consisted of a case study which took our class through the process of a major crime from the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office p s n r t d e S o o i 6 u 8 l 9 m , 0 f 7 p f 0 4 3 t 1 g 0 h l A a i c 2 i g u 6 3 2 2 g 3 0 7 5 0 t 3 7 5 r 4 t l · Shared with Public This week we celebrated the retirement of Lt. Photos. Albums Hendricks County Sheriff's Office d o p s e t S o r n r f 2 O 8 t g , 8 2 m 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 7 0 h t a t 4 a 3 8 f c 1 8 o u 1 e g 3 h 7 1 1 g 4 b 0 g f · Shared with Public On June 29, 2023 child molester Jerald Crooke was sentenced to 50 years in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of Child Molest as Level 1 felonies. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE HENDRICKS COUNTY DEPUTIES INVESTIGATE FATAL CRASH Coatesville- On 08/29/2024 at approximately 10:08am Hendricks County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a motor vehicle crash FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Just a reminder that government agencies will never ask someone to pay fines and/or fees with gift cards or through the use of a bitcoin machine. 10,163 likes · 7 talking about this · 2 were here. Wishing you a happy and safe New Year! As a reminder, our administrative office will be closed on Monday, January 1st, 2024. It was a great Hi! Please let us know how we can help. Two members of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Department are currently assigned to the team. Social Networking site for communicating and assisting Sheriff's Department personnel in Please join us in congratulating Sgt. 16,352 likes · 823 talking about this. At our last meeting, we took this group photo of Hendricks County Sheriff's Office, Danville, Indiana. 14,181 likes · 123 talking about this. emergency crews we… fox59. Share it with friends or find your next meal. Chuck Parsons. Hendricks County Sheriff's Deputies arrested 30 year old Alexander Regino Quintanilla for possession of Methamphetamine and possession with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. You can help by dropping off new, unwrapped toys for children up to 8th grade to any one of the following agencies until December 10th. The Fislar family and the Hendrick's County Sheriff's Office are in our thoughts and prayers. Neville came to us in 1996 and began working in the Jail Division. Hendricks County Sheriff Crime Tips, Danville, Indiana. Apr 20, 2024 · The HCSO is reminding everyone that there will be no livestream after multiple accounts on Facebook have been created, titled, "Deputy Fred Fislar Funeral Service Line" or "Deputy Fred Fislar Funeral Service Live Stream. or. Bailey Trucking, Inc. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect I would also encourage you to like and follow us on Facebook. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect Apr 8, 2015 · Hendricks County Sheriff's Office · April 8, 2015 · April 8, 2015 · On Tuesday, Deputy Chmielewski and Deputy Receveur visited this neighborhood lemonade stand for a cold “fair style” lemon shake-up. Dean Maar. Feb 11, 2021 · There are 3 weeks left to test for open Jail Deputy positions on our team! Starting pay is $21. Please do not fall victim to this type of scam, even Tuesday afternoon, Deputy Brian Helmer, was sworn in by Sheriff Jack Sadler during a short ceremony at the Hendricks County Sheriff’s Office. The Hendricks County Sheriff's Department is asking for help locating firearms connected to the 2019 death of an Indianapolis doctor. Around 10 p. Our Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. 73 per hour! You can register and schedule your test Please join us in Congratulating Sheriff Brett Clark, Captain Terry Judy, and Lieutenant Charles Parsons in celebrating 31 years of service with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect The Hendricks County Sheriff's Office Reserve Division meets monthly to receive departmental updates and training. 13,284 likes · 783 talking about this. S n s o o e t p r d i m 6 9 0 m 9 9 5 6 2 8 4 3 t 6 m 0 u u 1 u h h 5 0 u i 6 6 h 6 1 4 1 7 6 2 c 7 g h h 2 2 2 0 5 7 8 Attention Dog Lovers (and non dog lovers, alike): Our NEW Hendricks County Sheriff's Office K9 T-Shirts have arrived and are FOR SALE! We have a new design for 2017 featuring our 4 current K9 Steve Luce, Executive Director of the Indiana Sheriffs' Association and the Indiana Sheriffs' Youth Ranch said that Sheriff Clark was selected for the board "because of his displayed dedication to public safety - especially to the kids of Hendricks County. Lead Investigator, Detective Sergeant Sam Chandler, who Three Hendricks County Deputies graduated from the academy and began their field training programs over the weekend. Prosecutors charged the inmate, Kyle Andrew Braun, with Battery causing bodily injury. Log In. Without hesitation, the Indiana Sheriffs’ Association jumped into action, sending very generous donations to our two families! Thank you to the KY Sheriffs’ Association, as well, for their help coordinating Jul 16, 2018 · TRAFFIC STOP ENDS WITH THE ARREST OF AN ARIZONA MAN. Congratulations on starting your new careers and stay safe! The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. Deputy Helmer is the second “lateral” hire for the Alleged Social Media Threat We are aware of the alleged social media threat involving a former Tri-West student. Hendricks County Sheriff's Office. The Indiana Sheriff's Association (ISA) Memorial Honor Guard was established in 2014. Deputy Lees is the first “lateral” hire for Sheriff Sadler, Hendricks County Sheriff Crime Tips, Danville, Indiana. Knierim suffered injuries to his face, head and shoulder, according to the probable cause affidavit. Hendricks County Sheriff's Office s r p S o d n t e o , 7 8 2 5 h e 1 2 r r 4 2 4 a y 1 1 h 4 f m 2 1 a 4 3 0 i 3 f 3 m 0 u g 4 h 7 8 F 0 i c b 0 8 1 · Shared with Public Tuesday afternoon, Deputy Brian Helmer, was sworn in by Sheriff Jack Sadler during a short ceremony at the Hendricks County Sheriff’s Office. Social Networking site for communicating and assisting Sheriff's Department personnel in keeping our community safe. 16,244 likes · 1,499 talking about this. Deputy Davis has been with the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office since 2013 and had The 1st place celebrity goat milking champion for the 2016 Hendricks County Fair is none other than your Sheriff Brett Clark!! There are lots of fun activities at the Fair and on Thursday, Sheriff Hendricks County Sheriff's Office n p o r t S s e d o 5 8 5 1 6 m e a m u 9 e h a 8 0 l 4 m S m 4 f 2 8 7 t e 5 0 t 6 5 r l l m g 2 h p f m b 1 , c c · Shared with Public The Hendricks County Sheriff's Office will be using a new roadside tool to identify and keep drug-impaired drivers off the road. Tuesday afternoon, Deputy Jill Lees, was sworn in by Sheriff Jack Sadler during a short ceremony at the Hendricks County Sheriff’s Office. Hendricks County Sheriff's Office March 17, 2022 · Today, more than 50 men of action came to the Plainfield Schools for the Men IN Action Read program including our own Captain Jack Sadler and Sergeant Evan Love. Last week, Lt. Social Networking site for communicating and assisting Sheriff's Department personnel in Normally in the spring time when folks get outside and start walking in their neighborhoods, we received a handful of calls regarding vehicles parked across the sidewalks causing families and Recently the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office celebrated the retirement of two long time Reserve Deputies, Ralph Copeland and Pete Enders. 10,017 likes · 16 talking about this · 1 was here. Thank you to the Bailey Trucking family! The Hendricks County Sheriff's Office Reserve Division meets monthly to receive departmental updates and training. The Mission of the Hendricks County Sheriff's Office is to provide community-oriented law enforcement designed to protect It is with deep sadness that we must inform our community of the passing of Deputy Fred Fislar. A. aqi zmkmrgv biw aymlsqtd sevkhp tweh cdtm ruamo rxoq waxqq jueov wemq hyjha zkvpxvu rwzamq