Fallout 4 weapon material reddit. The receiver is attached to a blank dummy .

Fallout 4 weapon material reddit. 18 12 TacticalReload.

Fallout 4 weapon material reddit Ranger Sequoia: Technically not a "weapon" mod but a mod for mods. If you want to trade in some time and effort now - to avoid headaches and time and effort later. If you download your mods through fallout 4 directly you can look it up there, unfortunately it might not actually be a good choice based off the reasons another person just mentioned. Great when used with OCDecorator, as most placeable deco, like desk fans, coffee cups and food requires you to have the item in your Workbench or connected Workshops. Light Support Weapon from Fallout 2. assult rifle, hunting rifle, whatever. The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . I ended up using a lot of more obscure mods and was surprised how some really quality mods were kinda ignored on Nexus. If you are going to use explosive bullets in close combat you need to modify your armor to compensate. r/Fallout would still look like this since the CSS wasn’t changed until Fallout 4’s announcement in 2015 and New Reddit was still years away. The glitch is useful for those of us who want amazing weapons and gear but we don't have the caps to do it, and don't have console commands or mods. A community for both content creators, and users modding their games. ) but I'm having some issues with getting predefined Armor Addons to swap. The receiver is attached to a blank dummy . Uniques . From the… The Grenade Pistol and Flamer Pistol of Fallout Tactics. I've tried looking for decent tutorials, the closest I Been playing fallout 4 for a while, but can’t seem to find a good source of materials. com/fallout4/mods/84533?tab=images (Personal favorite) (Lots of other options, many are collections of various throwing weapons or standalone throwing knives. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online This list was inspired by u/degrie list of lore friendly weapon mod list but this one adds newer versions of weapon mods and new link for those that were deleted Fallout 1 Weapons Melee When you upgrade a weapon, the current mod will be placed in your inventory. A good way to get junk is to befriend every faction (just make sure they don't start killing each other, so you remain on friendly terms) and sweep their home bases of all the junk (wear some BoS power armor and store all your weapons and armor to maximize carry capacity) so the Institute, Cambridge Police Station, Boston Airport, Prydwen, Railroad HQ, and the Castle Tunnels, are your targets The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . g. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online Welcome to Fallout 4 Builds. Weapons WILL NOT automatically break down like junk in the regular workbench. Unarmed/melee weapon, most powerful in or out of vats in dam or dps Your go-to weapon that you always equip by default while exploring. Unbogus Fallout 4 Overhaul is what I use and it adds several new weapons already. Honourable mention goes to the Chinese Assault Rifle from Fallout 3. If it can be added to vendors and npcs, I add it. ) The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . A place to discuss Fallout 4 Mods! This sub is mostly PC players. 18 12 TacticalReload. Members Online [FNV] So, I'm trying to edit the model of a ghost person to make into a . 254 FE 3 YouAndWhatArmy. Fallout 4 has 176 weapon mods total (not counting unmodified muzzles), and counting the same mod that can Helly everyone, Having a Problem right now with the Weapon Workbenches, whenever i hover over Weapons in the Workbench my game crashes. 308s, but will easily make the wearer more or less impervious to the main Chinese pistol and rifle - this lines up with multiple depictions of power armor combat in the series (Fallout, New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76). Two Shot (Ranged weapons) - Adds the base unupgraded weapons to the upgraded weapons damage. Alot more i can list for those interested. This! Fallout 4 upended the whole economy, used to be you’d leave the bits of random scrap laying about. Most PA pieces are in a rusty, unusable state and it takes a fairly long time to unlock the skills and material to repair & upgrade PA. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. 13 d WorkshopFramework. I think I paid like 600 caps for it at the Nautilus. Not a fan of weapon condition, but that said, it'd be perfect if it had been introduced as a demarcation between weapons in 4. The Commonwealth Weaponry Expansion adds in retro or occasionally less well-known weapons into the game. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online Yeah, Fallout 4 could definitely use something like Honed Metal from Skyrim. The Desert Eagle was also in Fallout 1, and there's plenty of references to media from the 70s, 80s, and 90s in the first two games, from mention of "late 20th century films" popularising the Desert Eagle and posters for Tool albums, to pinups of Halle Berry and The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . Everything Fallout modding, from Fallout 1 to Fallout 4 and everything in between. Combined with Crossbows of the Commonwealth and the patch for Unbogus, I am LOVING Fallout 4 after years of struggling to find the right combo of mods. The reaper pistol has ammo choices where you go from . The modding system, while it should work wonders to provide more variation in theory, ended up having the opposite effect. 14 e MutantMenagerie. 254 FE 2 CROSS_Wasteland_Ronin. Yes, Plasma and plasma infused weapons goo-ify kills on critical hits, which guarantees Nuclear Material in the loot. 17 11 Homemaker. I am mostly interested in replacing the weapons with real world, but lore friendly/accurate weapons like the combat rifle to either the G3 or the FN-FAL. You don't need to craft Fusion Cores to achieve that. 7mm Pistol (Sig Sauer P127) at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community OG Fallout featured a lot of failed or obsolete weapons from the 80s and 90s. 11 b XDI. Also can’t get much more than 10 settlers to a settlement, any help would be much appreciated. Fallout 3 I had a special combat shotgun that worked great. It’s big but adds a ton of weapons, many of which have appeared in horror games like resident evil (there’s even the option to make the beretta look like the samurai edge) as well as introducing a lot of new ammo types meaning you won’t always have the ammo you need for your weapon. My least favorite is: Im currently messing around with modern firearms in fallout 4 , i really like the mod but the balancing doesnt feel right, i walked out of the vault and opened 2 yellow boxes and got a 90 damage shotgun. Members Online Weapon upgrades need to be done in a weapons workbench. It takes effort to get good armor in Horizon, especially PA as most frames can’t be salvaged and cores are rare. It adds 25% more recoil so it isn't the best for automatics. Unique weapons are weapons that are already named and will always retain the same special bonuses. I for example wanna keep weapons lore friendly or *at least* make sure they fit in the world of fallout. Splatter cannon/problem solver is #1. There is no Single mesh for weapons in Fallout 4. The Fallout franchise has such a great arsenal, and to rant for a second it greatly annoys me when I see all the tacticool shit being recommended and endorsed, while this good stuff can often get pushed to the sidelines, so users end up complaining about there being no lore-friendly content for the game when Is there a possibility that the Anti-Material rifle with the NCR Decal in Fallout 4 reveals a possible of New Vegas? Question From what i’ve understood is that the Anti Material rifle originates from the Mojave Chapter of the NCR and that it’s not very possible for anything or anyone to travel east due to the Legion being on everyone’s asses. There are some really good rare / unique weapons out in the wasteland waiting to be found, however these weapons require only 2 major perks to craft, and then an hour or less to farm the materials to make them. They are very customizable and fit Fallout 4's artstyle. EDIT: I did more digging and found some options. The only ones I don't add is where it is a player only, one time weapon. Their brand of retrofuturism wasn't stuck in the 50s. the only negative is the charging handle being on the left instead of the right like the actual AK platform, but this issue also plagues the hunting rifle which i think is another decently made FO4 weapon Welcome to Fallout 4 Builds. Please see r/Fallout4Mods r/Fallout4ModsXB1 r/Fallout4Settlements or r/Fallout4ModSettlement for mods or settlement build posting. 4. Everything Fallout modding, from Fallout 1 to Fallout 4 and everything in… The Fallout Network's Subreddit for the Bethesda game series Fallout . Makeshift Anti-Material Rifle: Fits into the general "pipe" aesthetic perfectly. 12. But I don't know if the attachment pack will be compatible with some other mods like the aftermarket laser kit or various HMR mods. obj model and i cannot figure out how to get the textures to show on it. The Attachment Pack adds in a lot of attachments for Fallout 4's guns in order to make them feel more interesting and fun to use. 56 rifle bullet in real life is likely to do more damage than a handgun round, and a 7. With weapon mods and perks, it's just unstoppable - even against rad resistant/immune enemies like high-level supermutants and charred/glowing/bloated ghouls. Otherwise, have a backup weapon for close-in work. There also isn't an easy way to make followers for 4 vs Skyrim due to voice types not having generic lines for everything, and no one has made new cloth physics but there's some cloth bones in vanilla items for reusing. The most recent era I have are weapons from the Cold Era. May be a bit more than you’re wanting but Modern Firearms just added a new update. You can save weight by scrapping raider weapons at a workbench or other junk items then removing just the scrapped material and carrying that. 223 ammo instead of the vanilla 5. Also I seem to remember some weapons giving nuclear material when scrapped with scrapper 2, probably the glow sighted ones. And then there is the Deliverer, the one lone bright spot in the deep, dark sea of vomit that are the Fallout 4 weapon models. Also Textures are not in the same folder as the meshes. Posted by u/Shusest - 2 votes and 3 comments Everything Fallout modding, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 76, and everything in between. Weapon mods had way too many incompatibility issues with my other mods. This subreddit is rated E for Everyone! The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . I've read up on this bug having to do with quest items I went and completed the quest duty and dishonour as I suspected knight Rylan's holotag was the issue however after completing the quest and scrapping the tags I still cant craft anything anyone have any ideas that [FO4] I have been working on making fallout 4 stand out in 2023. 44 to 2mm ec to micro missiles with a lot of skins and colour options. Cheat Terminal has a "God Mode" setting. It doesn't work that way. Yeah, I did a fallout 4 modded survival playthrough on YT where I reviewed and used like 150 odd mods. The Fallout 4 wiki is extremely well written, especially when it comes to material shipments. Apparel Like for weapons, Scrapper Rank 2 is still the best when scrapping armor to get the most out of what you're scrapping. 2: always buy vendor junk with nuclear components. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . (Example C:\Games\Fallout 4) When you launch your game, tap ~ to bring up the console and enter "bat addweaponmats" (or whatever you chose, without the quotes) and it should add all the required materials for upgrading your weapon. Wattz laser rifle is a good one if you want lore friendly. Yeah this is my choice. So I'm looking for some of your favorite modern/realistic weapons and armor mods! Everything Fallout modding, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 76, and everything in between. They did use it for power armor parts in 4 which I always forget about until my armor is destroyed lol Requires a fair amount of material to build the equipment, but to make the actual ammo it’s usually just steel + some other type of material, like lead, fertilizer, or copper, sometimes a combo of 2-4 materials for rarer ammo types. Unless your playing sniper, it’s the move for any player who isn’t doing a role play build and just wants to experience the story Honestly just Crosbows. Members Online [FO4] Been working on a few OutfitStudio armor mashups this past week, this is my favorite: the "Vault Desperado" do enjoy, there are so many fantastic weapon mods out there at this stage in the games life cycle that it’s probably harder to find a “bad” mod than a quality one, if you’re trying to keep file size down and aren’t too particular on which weapons you try out deadpool2099 has some fantastic packs that have 7-8 guns in each, like the g36, the p90, the spas, a glock, the uzi and a bunch The LEAR in Fallout NV: Its fragile and can only fire a low amount of shots before breaking, and is expensive to repair without kits or jury rigging. Most effective mid-close range weapon e. Dec 2, 2024 · I was wondering if anyone knew some good weapon and armor mods that are also in level lists, and also fit the general theme of FO4, so no super tactical gun mods but I am sure some would be good! I have already installed Dak's Attachment pack and Deadpool's service rifle and bullpup Dec 23, 2024 · Firstly, if you are new to modding or unsure about your modding setup - I do solidly recommend getting a stable baseline going by following the tried-and-true: https://themidnightride. Most of the time it deals about 60% to 100% more damage. 56mm. 10 a Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online So, I know that from each creation that offers a weapon there are set legendary drops, for example the Anti-Material Rifle you get from the quest will always have the penetrating effect (among having a unique skin), and that some of them have set legendary versions you can get from Vendors. Members Online I went into the Creation Kit and went to the Art & Sound tab for my weapon, then hit edit on the model, and then selected Custom Material Swap and tried to insert replacement materials, but I'm not sure how to import my textures/materials into the CK. It makes the game much more realistic. Deliverer - Fallout 4. Beyond what others have written, you should know that your settlers may use aid items like bloodleaf, glowing mushrooms, huffleflowers, mutated fern, radstag meat, queen mirelurk meat, etc (I got the name wrong for 2 of these). 16 10 CWPointLookoutFO4. After getting the Smitty special, game is almost easy. The content paired with the weapon is more interesting, and the weapon itself is a good choice for non-explosive automatics, especially with how early it can be acquired in a playthrough. This also happens with Vanilla Weapons. Legendary weapons come with random bonuses applied to them and are only dropped by legendary enemies. Aug 26, 2024 · Throwing Knife: https://www. As far as making the weapon as an entry, no problem, plenty of tuts, but I can't figure out how to apply the custom texture/mesh to it. Fallout 4 showerthought: Flying Prydwen around the wasteland is a terribly bad idea given how many Fatmans and other long range weapons are easily available to anyone with a bunch of bottle caps upvotes · comments fallout new vegas, either gauss rifle if you like energy weapons or the anti-material rifle basically a 50 cal sniper rifle. Armor Upgrades need to be done in the armor Workbench. Some Weapons seem to work but most of the time it just crashes. Make pipe weapons the trash they are supposed to be: have them be not that accurate, but also break easily. nif then all other parts are attached to that. For Blender, you're chip out of luck because the NIF plugin has not been updated for Fallout 4 yet. All Crafting/Workbenches within a settlement share inventory. It can be stolen very easily. Rifleman (2 PER; level 46 required for max) - increases damage for non-automatic long weapons. I use just about every modern weapon mod because having pipe weapons as the default for most enemies is silly. Hey guys, just wanted to share a trick with r/fallout I discovered while screwing around on fallout 3 and NV. For those who don't know, the idea of that mod was to give you the ability to pay for smithing and enchanting services (and if you went to the best smiths especially, you could get your hands on gear you didn't have the perks for). For 3DS Max, there's a NIF plugin that can export and import Fallout 4's NIFs, and a quick google search will find the Github page for you. Members Online There are tons of weapon mods on Nexus. Members Online Precombines and previs data are the big ones that the modding community has barely figured out at this point. So even though these things are useable for crafting everywhere through supply lines, I would recommend keeping these in a separate container at a master crafting The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . Fallout 4 legendary weapons never have a reason not to use them (aside from ammo, but that can be overcome later), and as a result break the game in terms of weapon balance and the economy balance. Fallout 4 has 105 weapons counting unique weapons, but not counting weapons that can be made into rifles like the Institute Pistol, the Laser Pistol or the Pipe Pistol, since that counts as a mod, and not counting the flare gun as a weapon. From guns shooting 50 cal ammo being weak as fuck, to the Commons Wealth and West Virginia having every single left handed gun in the wasteland I am using vortex as my mod manager, I am also using asurah's reanimation pack and basically all of the patches. From the first games that paved the way to the most recent, we are a subreddit for Fallout fans from all walks of life. Fallout 3 actually did a much better job designing each weapon with distinct properties that gave them strengths and weaknesses, whereas in Fallout 4 everything quickly starts to feel the same. Instigating (all weapons) - Does double damage if the target is at full health. There is Nuclear Physicist, a bobblehead that is acquired super early, half a dozen fusion cores that can be accessed within the first hour, vendors that always have them, and regularly show up in loot in quantities as high as 4 at a time. Unlike previous installments, weapons in Fallout 4 fall under three classifications, including normal, legendary, and unique. ) You have to get the settlements connected by trade routes, and then it still won't work, but it does have one advantage; if you have a consumable like raw meat at another settlement you will be able to create a cooked food using it in the cooking fires at your new one. On PC building in GM doesn't use supplies for building, planting or decorating. 50AE Desert Eagle at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community. A place to share your character builds or get help building your perks and stats for your sole survivor in Fallout 4. Create a copy of the vanilla weapon's NIF file that is linked to the new texture and has it's material file also linked to the new textures. If you transfer all mods to your workbench, if you put that upgrade on another weapon, it will use the mod before crafting a new one. Being the iconically overproduced weapon and a major weapon in the use of the Chinese, I feel it's also a bit more lore friendly than many of the more extreme mods I've seen. Yeah, the handmade rifle is one of the few weapons in fallout 4 that i say Bethesda did an excellent job with. 1. (And also because I like the origin of the weapon's design. Gun Fu (agility 10perk) rank 3 makes all hits after the 3rd a critical. Reply reply Biometric scanners give nuclear material and most junk vendors will have at least one. 19 13 EthreonMasterPlan. Just search up some variation of Throwing Knife, Throwing Knives, or Throwing Weapons and pick whichever is to your liking) Jul 27, 2016 · If you don't want to craft mods yourself you can find a weapon or piece of armor with the mod you want, take it off or replace it with the default at a crafting station (sometimes that requires materials) and put it on the item you want to have the mod regardless of whether you have the skills and materials to craft it. The only mods that its loaded after are weapon mods expanded and asurahs millenia weapon retexture project ironsight fix. Put your junk into the workbench inventory, it will automatically be scrapped into core components as needed. Stacks with sneak attacks and critical hits. Unlike other antimaterial rifles on the Nexus, it can only chamber one shot at a time but its raw power makes up for it. Press it twice, once for each menu and congratulations, you just duplicated your component. All the bullet damages are off, handguns do more damage per bullet than a rifle, like someone looked and said 9mm is bigger than 5. The only weapon mod I use is extended weapon mods because I haven't gotten far enough into fallout 4 modding to add outside weapons. com/. 14 votes, 52 comments. right at the start of the game. Hey Everyone, getting ready to start a new playthrough of Fallout 4 so I'm going through some of my older mods and updating them to more "modern" standards in xEdit (material swaps, removing merges and tagging individual mods as ESLs, etc. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online Everything Fallout modding, from Fallout 1 to Fallout 4 and everything in between. And make prewar guns very, very tough so it takes a lot of use to mess them up in any way. 56mm so it does more damage, but a 5. Weapons of the new millenia is loaded before everything including the asurahs patches. 5. There were very few actual totally unique textured/modeled guns. With or with out mods. Everything Fallout modding, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 76, and everything in between. The subscriber count would be much lower and most of the people posting here today wouldn’t exist. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Anti-material We would be seeing Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter being announced this year. Xbox 1 user here. 171K subscribers in the FalloutMods community. This includes all ballistic and enegry non-auto long weapons (shotguns, pipe rifles, snipers, Railway Rifle, Gauss Rifle, laser rifles, Institute rifles, etc. In Fallout 4, I hoard the stuff so much that you’d expect Frank and Mike to come by wanting to go through my stuff… missile launcher’s targeted computer on an instigating long ported barrel 10mm with a handmade rifle’s advanced receiver. There are canonical durability figures for the T-51b which suggest it can be pierced by 7. Next are definitely the CC gauss and 10mm replacers. 62mm and . moddinglinked. For PS4 our options are significantly limited, but so far, the handmade rifle replacement for the pipe rifle has my vote. This is for character builds, NOT settlement builds and NOT for mods. 612K subscribers in the fo4 community. Before going into downtown Boston empty your pockets, bring only one powerful gun with lots of ammo and stimpaks, dismiss your companions, go only during daytime, avoid looking at fire sources, don’t look up, stay in first person, stay in sneak, snipe your enemies from range, don’t make sudden movements, never run, go early game levels before dlc Otherwise pipe guns like any other weapon, if their meant to last why have them look so damn shoddy? Though the design for many weapons in Fallout 4 and by extension 76 are absolutely terrible. This is good for any weapons you don't touch or could not settle on a replacement for. esp. Using the weapon benches you find on the go can be used to reduce the weight of your load by breaking down the armor you down want early. Reply reply More replies Personally, I'd suggest the CR-74L. The weapons are made up of separate meshes for all the customizable parts which are attached together to create the full weapon. First time mod: So I want to apply new texture/mesh I have to make a standalone machete using the Creation Kit. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online You need something which can handle the continuous use of sustained automatic fire at rifle velocity (no other automatic weapon in Fallout 4 except the unique "December's Child" fires rifle-calibre bullets in automatic mode). - Maverick missile launcher’s targeted computer on a sawed off shotgun, each shell is 8 missiles, a much more usable version of what you might have been trying to do with the mirv 10mm. Members Online [Fo4] Wanted to use FCO, Had to spend a month fixing clipping, bone data, keywords, material swaps blehhh. ***Due to reddit API changes which have broken our registration system fundamental to our security model, we are unable to accept new user registrations until reddit takes satisfactory action. is there any mod that adds like the ability to have like less good weapons spawn when im a lower level or in a Also increases hip-fire accuracy with heavy weapons. Horizon handles all loot drops and features weapon, armor and power armor degradation. Anyways, unfortunately ive done all of the things you've listed but its still not showing up. If your perks are high enough you can remove a mod from one weapon and transfer it to the same type of weapon. I am running it in 4k with a custom RTGI Reshade preset and PRC legacy edition with NAC X and ELFX with pine forest redone. esl The Fallout Network's Subreddit for the Bethesda game series Fallout . Grease Gun SMG at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods… The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . *** Maybe it was my load order, idk, but sometimes I would lose gun audio completely, or the reload animations would be really rough. I also wasnt a huge fan of the iron sights on many of the weapons; the "zoom" on a lot of them while ADS was almost non-existent. You can't just reach in and root around and get what you want (without mods. Buy, sell, and trade CS:GO items. Once you upgrade a weapon enough though I think the durability could be eliminated. 5M subscribers in the Fallout community. Anybody maybe have a clue whats wrong ? The game will not let me craft modifications for weapons even though I have all the required materials and perks to do so. 56 even though its also "smaller" than a handgun round. My Mods are all up to date and i did not overwrite AWKCR. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online Dense and padded armor misc slot, explosive shielding material on power armor. 3: buy guns with advanced scopes and scrap them with lvl3 scrapper. IMI . So I was planning on using a pipe weapon replacer, but if I can limit the replacers and remove certain guns I don't want thar would be easier. WWII Weapon Replacers - Grease Gun at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (Use to replace Pipe guns) M72 Gauss Rifle at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community. Surprisngly, Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 have the exact same amount of weapons, 50 (not including DLC) The uniques in Fallout 3 were also just renames of the same gun, but with special effects, similar to legendaries in 4. Welcome to Fallout 4 Builds. Some upgrades require specific perks to craft. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online All the bullet damages are off, handguns do more damage per bullet than a rifle, like someone looked and said 9mm is bigger than 5. i know the nifscope side of things is legit because when i temporarily had the wrong keyword the foregrip showed up under the magazine category, mesh and all. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online Wow, i love your rifle mod. 12 c HUDFramework. Most of the mods I've seen that add energy weapons go for a really futuristic and high-tech aesthetic, which makes sense, but I was wondering if there are any good weapon mods with a more DIY wasteland aesthetic, like the Laser Musket or Laser RCW, which both have the aesthetic of "normal" guns but amplified by tech. However, these modders make weapons that look like they could've been in the base game and it has been a huge game changer for immersion! Couple that with things like Munitions, Munitions Ballistics and TrueDamage and Fallout 4's gunplay has never been better! Shout out to CSEP, DegenerateDak, Alexerator, thing333 and The6thMessenger! 94 votes, 25 comments. The in game weapons to me are good enough for now, the freedom with modding them given by extended weapon mods is pretty satisfying Welcome to Fallout 4 Builds. Members Online The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . Always take out the fusion core when you exit your power armor. 254 FE 1 PPF. Head to the nexus and use the filters to show weapon mods only, so many to choose from! If you are going to add weapons that effect levelled lists downloading super mutant weaponry mod is a good idea as some weapons spawn with super mutants but they can't use them so just punch everything. eg, Search for "fallout 4 fiber optics" Nice list, I'm not at my PC right now but if I can add anymore links I will do so. The author is REALLY into making it as lore friendly as possible, even going as far as enforcing the use of . You can salvage weapon sights by modifying the weapon with the no sights attachment, which costs no resources to make. I also tried putting the meshes into NifSkope but that was even more confusing to me. The Fallout Network's Subreddit for the Bethesda game series Fallout . Than in the Creation Kit, duplicating one of the weapon's existing weapon mod records and change the model filepath to point to your retextured NIF. Works on stacks of items, so you'll go from 1 item to 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 to 32 to 64 and onto billions upon billions of nuclear material, adhesive, steel, whatever you want, in no time. nexusmods. Not necessarily because I want more weapon mods, rather I'm curious how people here choose their weapon mods. ) that are also not classified as pistols. I think it would have been ok to keep in 4 as the amount of encounters and amount of weapon drops especially pipe guns is just so much higher rhan in 3/nv. It’s a makeshift rifle from nuka world which is already the most powerful rifle since it’s from the last dlc and the highest lvl area in the game, but It has the furious legendary effect so every consecutive hit does more damage. Posted by u/LegendSoma - 1 vote and no comments Wiki: Just google the materials you need and look at the wiki page for that material. Even without knowing what your doing, pivoting into energy weapons is just the move for sure in fallout 1. IE: AN94, M4A1, G11 ECT. 1: use plasma or plasma infused guns to kill stuff. Pretty much all weapons in Fallout 4 look like they were dreamt up by a chimpanzee on crack. 62 is going to do more damage than a 5. 15 f SS2_XPAC_Chapter2. While not insanely mod heavy the r700 has lots of options. Am I just not exploring enough or should I be saving up my caps to get shipments of materials. I really dig the r700 and reaper pistol. Normal weapons have no special bonuses on them whatsoever. esm. Basically, just looking for those 4-5 weapons that you never leave home without. However I get around this by importing the vanilla weapon meshes as OBJs into Blender. There are several mods make junk scrapping easy but I only found 2 that work for weapons & armor: Also it's worth noting that at some point Dak will release his attachment pack mod, which will overhaul all the vanilla weapons. Turns out the way weapons and armor are scrapped in FO4 is way different than Junk. esl. Xbox players, please head to r/Fallout4ModsXB1 for xbox specific content and updates, & r/Fallout4ModsPS4 for PlayStation players. guz aartsrp isviuy rnot edkk epqlj qtzrh tpto pobbnh kyxd dwoibnv xga cadyn xgvf xxg