Titegroup powder uses. The only gun ever demolished on our range was a .
Titegroup powder uses View Profile View Forum Posts Boolit Buddy Join Date Oct 2017 (For comparison purposes, I looked at the Hodgdon reloading data center and used data for Remington Hulls, Cheddite Primers and Winchester wads to evaluate powder performance. Perfect pattern is however a new powder of its own. Normally use WST in 45 and 38 , Titegroup for 9MM. in the past 4 or 5 years though i have switched to trail boss in nearly all of my pistol loads because it is nearly impossible to double charge a case with it. Gun Talk. ) For 1 oz 1235 fps loads, both TW and PP powders had the same published pressure of 10,800 psi. Powder is generally +/- 0. Hodgdon shows loads for Titegroup/HighGun on their site. titegroup is a great pistol powder i've used for many years in my . I think there is a really nice 7/8oz load in here somewhere with Titegroup and the CSD78 or CLBC wads. I sure would like to have one of those powder measures for precision rifle. 38 Special data for this load) Power Pistol is "fine" grains and meters as well as any powder I've used. 7gr. I did go looking for some H4198 last week and couldn't I use Titegroup in a Lee Autodisk powder measure (no baffle) and generally have no problem throwing charges within + or - . I have not had any problems because of it though. By Rifleman4545 February 27 in 9mm/38 Caliber. TITEWAD shotshell powder lists 61 loads for 7/8 ounce, various hull, primer, wad combinations. 308win subsonic titegroup load If titegroup is a published load, id trust it. Well like a lot of people I'm out of powder. No trimming, no primer pocket cleaning, nothing like that. It should meter pretty well. My first choice for plinking is Trail Boss. Lyman 429421 will work fine also . I use 7/8 for International Skeet practice-win AA, win 209, win wad and 7/8 #9's. 45 Acp, for CAS to warm loads) and Reddot (. 06 with good results. Titegroup is a really touchy powder and pressures build very quickly. 8, for stack height. Hodgdon TITEGROUP Powder is a precision-engineered, double-base, spherical propellant. n. I am a collector, not a hoarder. 45 ACP. 5gr TG for my 185gr . Pressure was really weird. 41 magnum, . I have 700X also but was planning on using it with . i have been loading 24 and 28 gram loads in remmy hulls. Member Join Date: Aug 2005. The original TiteGroup shotshell data was published at least 20 years ago. I don't load any full power loads, mostly nice target loads around 800 - 1000fps. Maybe if one could load a 150-200 grain bullet. 45 Colt. Not surprisingly, Power Pistol is exceptional in full power loads. 1 grain whether I fill the hopper to the top or half way. Haven't seen noticeable change use CCI, Federal, or Winchester primers. 44 Mag and TiteGroup—not exactly a powder I would use unless I wanted . With the unique design, ignition is flawless, regardless of primer, including those containing no lead. I used a taper crimp and I know varying case lengths can affect the crimp, but I’m just looking to make a basic plinking/target load that I can Do not use it at all in 9mm. I had read a number of reviews on it with one recommending that one empty the powder measure after use due to clumping. It's going to be a learning curve for me too. Reactions: Larry Isaacs, accident, joe45c and 1 other person. Go. I shot 10 Shells The lowest charge I’ve used with titegroup was 3. 40 and 45, which means it is the only powder I use for pistols with I have used TiteGroup for several years, and like the powder alot. marek313. Tracy # 16000 2018 SA XDM 10MM 5. . Good Luck Go to a 12S0, 1oz wad. I really doubt you'll find Titewad, or Perfect Pattern any better than Titegroup powder, for filling the extra space in your STS hulls. Use 7/8 oz wads for 1oz. 45 colt : 5 1/2" Barrel BH . Titegroup is on the order of Bullseye, which is a fast powder that does really well with light target loads and has lots of data out there, for this use. 45 load as well. TiteGROUP seems to be a a powder that’s worth a lot of consideration. this could reduce the types of powder sitting under the old bench. Richard I'm pretty new to reloading and am using Titegroup for the first time for 38 Special. --Titegroup is a high nitro powder and it absolutely burns hot and in my experience, it burns hot enough that after many many trials with different bullets and charge weights, I have declared for the rest of my life that I'll never use Titegroup in . Cowboy Action, Bullseye and Combat Shooters should love this one! Titegroup has it all - low charge weight, burns clean, mild muzzle report and superb, uniform ballistics. Find all Hodgdon load I'm hoping this data may help some others that are looking for some data with Titegroup powder. I am fairly new to reloading and have only reloaded 9mm pistol ammo. 45 Colt to 9mm. Powder Valley offers this popular powder at the lowest possible prices. I use 240gr plain base cast bullet at black powder speed. 8 grs BE pushing a 200 gr cast semi wadcutter. 5 gr over a 168-gr RN/FP, 16-gr SWC, 175-gr RN/FP and a 177-gr RN/FP. I used to use it in 45 with good results, as well, but switched when I got my hands on a quantity of VV N320. But, I use it for ". I'm currently using Bullseye, but since I load Titegroup for my . 142. 223 55g and the . I use Titegroup for 38/357, W231 for . Hodgdon Titegroup Powder is a high-quality powder that is designed for use in handgun cartridges. I personally haven't used titewad but just wanted to make sure the OP didn't read this thinking it was titewad load data. Due of its unique construction, this powder ignites well with all primers, even lead-free ones. It burns pretty clean too. I don't need the speed at all but want a more consistent burn. I have had enough issues with it in . I also needed to modify a really small MEC busing with a file to get the charge weight I wanted. I have a large quantity of CFE Pistol and Titegroup powder. Great " everyday load " that would take of most business that needs taking care of . 5-13. 3gr. I really liked Titegroup in shotshells as well as most light and medium power pistol cartidges. 5" model 66 but still very presentable. Read more about us. Hodgdon has stated that the two are the exact same powder. the adjustable charge bar was very inconsistent, varying by 0. It was a I've got quite a bit of Hodgdon TiteGroup powder which I bought for my pistol loads. It works great, but didn't think about using it for rifle loads. 44 Spl level loads (or even lighter). And, since Titegroup is the same powder as the "newly" named High Gun powder (just a new label applied to same powder), you can use the loading data for either Titegroup or High Gun that you find on the Hodgdon reloading database on-line at: This fast-burning handgun powder is ideal for many different handgun cartridges, particularly at modest velocities for target shooting and practice. 45-70. 572 is a newer multipurpose powder used primarily for shotshell reloading, but works extremely well for handgun ammo too. 9) figuring it was the safest place to start. 38 Spec, . I've used Titegroup for years in 45acp, 38spl, and 9mm with excellent accuracy results. I have moved on to Power Pistol and use it in everything from . For the average person loading a powder charge for the 45 acp should have enough volume in the case that they are comfortable. david7x64 Private. Always consult the source for accuracy and safety. 8 gr TiteGROUP behind a 230 RN cast im using up. 36873687. 45 loads the case will hold 15gr. 142 is the oal I use for my 9mm I also use berry 124 r. I still use Tite Group in light 38 Spcl loads, although I am moving to Sport Pistol. Looked at Hodgdon and found: 240 GR. You’re gonna have a bad time if you reload 308 with it. Tite Group is a great pistol powder and I have had much success using it inappropriately. These loads were tested using my Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph Premium Kit. If you want to load a really light In short, TiteGroup is posistin sensitive under certain conditions despite the maker, et. Titegroup is a great powder. The internet has many forum posts that claim such substitions are safe, but I could not find any published Titegroup is my most used powder and I like it in so many calibers, but I do follow the recommended loads and don't go under or over the printed amounts. You just stick it in a little at a time and let the fluff take up the space. Because of the powder shortage Hodgdon realized that TiteGroup was being under utilized by the shotshell guys so recently Hodgdon renamed TiteGroup, High Gun. Using Titegroup, Bullseye, W231 and Unique. 07 grs. of W231 which is the only powder that I have used, or 2lbs. This is a target of my 1911 45 “Longslide” shooting my training load of 3. Garrison Joe, SASS #60708 Titegroup is my backup powder for both W-231 (. 0 gr TiteGroup in mine. A bit larger than that with my 2. For all other uses, I’m a huge HUGE fan of CFE-Pistol. The TG goes a long way which is an added bonus! Hodgdon Titegroup Smokeless Powder - 8lb Keg - Because of the unique design, Hodgdon Titegroup powder provides flawless ignition with all types of primers including the lead-free versions. I use dacron from old dog toys my dog destroyed. You're on your own to experiement with lighter loads. TiteGroup has been around since the late 1990's. 6430 vista dr. shooting a 124 gr RN . Way more sensitive to OAL than bullseye, very low powder density, very easy to double I use Titegroup for my 9mm, 10mm plinking, and 45 ACP. 130 in 9mm. Shellsload great. I've used Clays exclusively for all my 12 gauge loads for 25 years. 38 loads. 40 S&W. wad. Thought I'd share my chronograph results with Titegroup powder if anyone is interested for . By Bakerjd March 1, 2021 in 9mm/38 Caliber. 7 grs BE with 148 GR DE wadcutter, my Colt 45 load is 3. In certain loadings in 45 Colt this is one of the most accurate 45 Colt powders I have ever used. 0g Titegroup, 255g SWC Titegroup is the 3 left cases, the dirty, sooty ones. There is good load data for virtually all pistol calibers, it meters easily and is Titegroup is what people generally buy when they are trying to make budget loads, and the general best Titegroup loads are between 3-4 grains of powder only, so you can load a lot of This is what the factory uses in the OEM Nitro 27, which uses a powder very similar to TG. I have used it for about 12 years and get very consistent velocities. Has anyone used titegroup for shotgun loads. this is one titegroup 4. , Rem primer (the only reason I have them is for this load) and a TGT instead of a Fig. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. In 12 gauge I ended up using a 1 ounce wad for a 1-1/8th ounce load to fill the hull enough for a good crimp. com), the load should range from 3. I am loading STS Hulls, claybuster Pink 1oz Wads, Titegroup Powder and NobleSport 209 Primers. Products purchased on our site are NOT FOR RESALE. I use 18 gr. It delivers consistent performance and reduced recoil, making it a popular choice among handgun enthusiasts and reloaders. Minuteman. TiteGroup is my favorite all-around pistol powder especially in 9mm and 45 acp and even 38 Special. Also works brilliant in 32S&W Long for 90gr Wadcutters. Powder: Titegroup 4. My first use of it was for a ladder testing session that overall wen My experience with titegroup powder in the 44 magnum was great . It works well for plated and cast bullets. 2 grains of Titegroup, but I would not go beyond that. 7 grains of Titegroup powder Claybuster Wad (WAA12SL replacement) 1 ounce of lead shot This is 1,235 FPS and 8,800 PSI I will soon be out of the Winchester 209 primers and have some Federal 209A primers I just started using Titegroup and did some testing with my Chronograph. 45 Colt 6. the powder is large, looks like a donut, fills the case up nicely and meters well. Once I have the brass all prepped, primed, and expanded, I dispense a charge, charge the case, then immediately seat the bullet. I would use 296 if I wanted lots of recoil, lots of noise and to set the woods on fire. I'm using a ChargeMaster Combo at the moment but if I could get repeatable results using stick powder and the Harrel measure, I could talk myself into one pretty easy. I use it for Nitro27 duplicates. Any first hand knowledge of a load for the 38-55. hodgdon. Coated 9mm bullets from Precision Bullets. 7 grains of Titegroup powder allowing for variance of manual scale. Reactions: Kosh75287. Titegroup is a good powder to use for plinking and some medium loads. Then Hodgdon starting pushing out some Titegroup with Cheditte primer data. W231 would be more forgiving at max. I'm going to be trying out the RCBS 270 SAA bullet and Titegroup per an article I read in Forums. 2gr, and Just use a 7/8 oz wad instead of your one oz. Better to be safe! While I didn't say TiteGroup ( High Gun) couldn't be used for 1 Oz. 45 acp and Unique for 45LC. Tracy . Harsh recoil snap. 380 auto. Go plated with TG? As the name implies, this spherical propellant was designed for accuracy. 44 magnum, . As always, only data as shown in the Hodgdon Reloading Data Center (RDC) can Given Unique and Titegroup are close in relative speed I would have expected charges closer to Unique. Keep in mind as you plan on running out of Alliant powder and Win209 primers, taller wads will come in handy. Anyway the 8 gr load was a real winner . 135 for 40 caliber and titegroup and a 125 grain Berrys plated bullet @ an overall length of 1. Titegroup powder. I have never heard of Titegroup being a clean powder. But it is not a good candidate for a universal-one-powder-does-all. I collect vast amounts of things you want, but don't have or can't get. Hodgdon Titegroup Smokeless Powder - 4lb Keg - Because of the unique design, Hodgdon Titegroup powder provides flawless ignition with all types of primers including the lead-free versions. 32 H&R mag, . Outdoors Forums. That 1. I don't know that either WSF or Titegroup is a preferred powder for 40 S&W or 45 ACP but at least it is a way to use up the powder if I don't like it in 9mm. I also find TG produces quite a bit of smoke with lead bullets. I always keep some around. and up the powder charge to 24gns then retest. I loaded 25 with a #14 Bushing, 25 with #15 and 25 with a #16. I can meet people along I5 on my route. One of the biggest concerns with Titegroup is the small deviation between minimum and maximum charges. 45ACP. The only worry for me is a case can easily be triple charged without over flowing. #24 01-15-2015, 08:33 PM rockquarry. In my 308 I use 1-1. The only thing I use TG for now is 32-20, because I found it to give the best accuracy in my old 6" S&W. It doesn't occupy much volume in the cartridge case. Not enough volume of powder to hold the wad up in place. About XXL. I decided I wanted to use a one ounce WAA12sl replacement wad with 1. Titegroup is in our powder line up. My chrono check load is 4. I have some extra 1lb Titegroup jugs. I refuse to lay out prepped brass and charge it all at once for fear of double-charging. 32 S&W long, . Using 1 ounce claybuster wads with 1-1/8th ounce of shot and was perfect in STS hulls. Didn't matter if I applied vibration or not to the hopper. 5 grains (1,004 fps) as their max load for that powder, don't think I would start at 8 grains, maybe 5 and work up from that. 1 gr as it dropped using a Hornady powder drop on my Dillon Titegroup is the one powder I do not fool around with. I run titegroup and a 180 grain Berrys plated bullet @ an overall length of 1. I use 700-X for 45 ACP. i decided to try the auto-disk disks and they are brilliant: with the 0. If you want magnum power, get a magnum powder. Very small amounts make low velocity and great accuracy. 1gr, 3. 45ACP even pushed up to . 7gn Start (11,100 CUP) and 10. Evidently they react differently under pressure. 0 range. I had to make my own bushing by fileing out a # 12 bushing to get the load I wanted. Rem primers are milder and cause this powder to produce lower pressure in the 1 1/8 oz. It is like the Trail boss or Titegroup question, it is up to the person loading and what they are comfortable with. "Life is tough, and it's Titegroup is a compact powder so you need to use a taller wad to get flat crimps. Meaning your barrel length has a good bit to do with (sane) powder choices. With Titegroup he uses 4. Powder is very dense. 25, 1988 Colt Delta Elite, 2001 Colt LTW Comm 45ACP, 2003 Colt Gunsite Nite Sites TITEGROUP is a pistol powder, according to the Hodgdon website. I usually fire between 5 and 7k rounds per year and clean my gun shortly before going to the first Titegroup (and most other fast pistol powders) will reach max pressures long before you reach a "normal" rifle velocity. H4895 works very well for . You'd need to use a powder slow enough, and enough of it to allow sufficient pressure at the gas port, and a bullet heavy enough to act as a cork, to again, allow the Discover the Hodgdon Titegroup powder, a versatile choice ideal for various pistol calibers and applications Titegroup offers consistent burn rates, contributing to reliable and accurate ammunition performance Crafted for precision reloading, this powder ensures uniform ignition and dependable shot-to-shot consistency Titegroup is suitable for a wide range of pistol calibers, Reloading data for Berry 124 gr FMJ RN with titegroup powder Reloading data for Berry 124 gr FMJ RN with titegroup powder. One is a slow powder (PP). I always try to refill the hopper before it gets to 1/4 or less just in case. The above will give you an idea of powder efficiency and "HOW" much is being burnt "OUTSIDE" the barrel. 0gn MAX (37,700 CUP) 270 GR. 0 gn of titegroup, with the 0. Standard Loads with Powder Hodgdon TiteGroup. 356" diameter bullet. I use 5. 13. Sep 26, 2020 #3 Sep 26, 2020 the ratio of 8gr to . Get about a 135pf. I never realized how dirty it was until I tried W231. And you DO NOT PACK IT IN THE CASE. Fills the case, is clean, accurate and goes a long way. Titegroup is a pistol powder. It wasn't really a major concern. 460 Rowland power levels. I asked him what he called a good price was, he quoted 4 dollars and change per pound as he flat been hit by a forktruckand damaged 2cases of single Titegroup/highgun is a dense powder, dished crimps are common without using a different wad than you would use with bulkier powders. I would instead use the current recipes data from the various powder and wad manufacturers. 5gn titegroup. 32 and . This spherical propellant was specifically designed for enhanced accuracy. Comparing this load to some out of the Lyman cast bullet handbook the loads in the Lyman book use nearly 2x as much powder for similar powders. 40 S&W and . At 25 meters from my M27 S&W it will print 2" groups all day long (sitting and leaning back against the bumper of my truck). With my supply of rail Boss powder almost gone, and no more available, I was recently forced to look for alternatives, and the only one that simultaneously is recommended for CAS use AND was available turned out to be TiteGroup. After a while, Hodgdon High Gun powder appears, and the Hodgdon shotshell recipes for High Gun and Titegroup powders were identical. 357 with maximum loads of similarly fast burning Bullseye, surely a double charge. Maybe I should use a different powder for the 9mm SNS and use the TG with the Prec Delta 9mm 124s and 147s I have. So my method with Titegroup (the only powder I use in all my pistols) on a single stage is what helps me avoid double-charging. Titegroup is made here in the USA, which greatly helps availability as it’s not being shipped from a foreign country. 5" Blackhawk. I do have some Hodgdon Titegroup, and I have found loads on their website for 12 gauge with 1 ounce of shot. on a batch of light . powder reverse was 6 fps! I'm new to reloading and am looking for advice on how to select a powder. The container was new/unopened with a tight seal. 454 Casull. gun was held in my hand resting my forearm at I've been using HS-6 for 9mm, runs and meters well. Came up real quick and no where near PF for minor. I use titegroup with great results for pistol cartridge. Titegroup Powder for Ruger 45 Colt. They are recent and have been stored correctly. Titegroup’s unique design provides flawless ignition with all types of primers, including lead-free versions. Posted December 24, 2024. Aside from this, Titegroup is an excellent powder. 12-10-2019, 01:07 PM #16. 40 loads I was wondering if there's any problems using it for my . 9 to 4. 45 Colt Ruger only loads, and medium powered . 9MM LUGER 125GR SIE FMJ BULLET; In many cases, a powder designed for use in shotgun reloading can be used with success in handloading some pistol ammunition. But my intuition says wow! Awful fast for a rifle. I am loading for a Model 52-2, 2. Every bottle of Hodgdon Smokeless Powder is guaranteed by a century of manufacturing expertise and the industry’s most stringent quality control processes. Gun is a tanfo stock 2. Have used 4 eight# jugs in the last 5 years in,everything from32acp to 44 special. Makes for a pleasant shooting and accurate plinking round. This is one powder I load strictly by the book, and I have Rem primers (the coolest of primers) in my inventory solely for use with this powder. Shawnee, Ks 66218" I use Titegroup for . 45 ACP, and . Always start with min. 37 cc disk, exactly 4. 357 magnum, . Didn't matter if I used a Dillon small, extra small powder bar or a plastic Arredondo one. IMHO 1 Quote; Possum Skinner, SASS#60697. Thanks! I found that crimps were dished, due to the stack height using the very dense Titegroup powder. Share Looking for something I can use since I cant find titegroup in stock. Titegroup has been my go to powder for about 3 or 4 years now. loads. Everything from basic plinker up to hot 9Major, and it’s amazing in . It is not position sensitive and burns very cleanly. Find all Hodgdon load Since there was already a solid base of rifle shooters buying Titegroup, and no interest in that powder for shotgun reloading, Hodgdon decided to sell it under a more appropriate name. SWC’s (I used Hodgdon . My MEC Grabber always wore a powder baffle. said before there a bunch of better powder suited the 45 Clot thats been proven so why mess with it because you want to use a powder you have on hand, It's easier to pick up a can of proper powder and cheaper in the long run especially it only takes one bad reload to mess it all up. al. We are engineers and reloading enthusiasts and we operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. I made three small batches of 3. New Thought I'd resurrect this thread to share my chrono results with Titegroup powder if anyone is interested : 5 1/2" Barrel BH . Unlike pistol powders of the past, powder position in large cases (45 Colt, 357 Magnum and others) has virtually no effect on velocity and performance. My brother is starting in SASS. 0 start max 4. Save Share Unlike pistol powders of the past, powder position in large cases (45 Colt, 357 Magnum and others) has virtually no effect on velocity and performance. 45 CS and . . D. 5grs of dacron. Now that Clays is unavailable I found an 8 pound keg of Titegroup at a decent price considering where the market is now, so I took a leap of faith after Titegroup is not used in anything he loads for. 356- 125- 2R bullets from a lee mold which are flat base round nose over 3. Titegroup is what people generally buy when they are trying to make budget loads, and the I use Titegroup in 45 acp,357 mag, 38 special, 44 mag, 45 win mag and 500 smith. 38 Special ever again because I have grown up wrapping my left hand around the cylinder to It included 16lbs of Titegroup and 1000s of Harpun HW120 and various hulls. I recently found 8lb jugs of TiteGroup powder for sale locally for what is now an incredibly reasonable $220 ea. I really like shooting the reloads with titegroup powder but just couldn't get over the recessed crimp. This is a flattened spherical powder. A good example is looking at results of new technology Titegroup powder versus old technology powder HP-38. I live in Olympia, WA. I use it for . First time I shot a 97 in a tournament was with titegroup reloads, hence my affection for it. As long as the powder measure you’re going to use is consistent, that should be anything to worry about. OVERVIEW: HODGDON TITEGROUP GUN POWDER. 0g Titegroup, 255g SWC, CCI-300, _818 avg Having used Titegroup/HighGun for several thousand skeet loads, the results have been excellent. I use it for my . I use titegroup in my 9mm, . The My favorite 1 ounce powder. Unlike previous handgun powders, powder location has almost little influence on velocity and performance in big cases (45 Colt, decided to switch to titegroup for the second 1k. Made in the USA. 45 Colt, all CAS Hodgdon TITEGROUP Spherical Shotshell & Handgun Powder is one of the many different powders manufactured by a company with over 60 years in the business of reloading. Titegroup is not the powder you want to be using to make Major, which is what 5. 45 (5gr and Precision 200gr RNFP or 5. With RemChester & TG, folks have to do the same thing: go a wad smaller. Unlike pistol powders of the past, powder Titegroup powder Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > I also use Titegroup and have been noticing the same thing on my stainless revolver. Rem uses the TGT in the factory load as well. 34 cc disk it dropped 4. 45 acp. I’ve also used it successfully in . Why shouldn't I use Titegroup powder for a 45acp load? Seems no one is really using it. 308 168g using TiteGroup. I just got 500 125grain. 0 grains of titewad with winchester small Used Titegroup for 9mm for years mostly shooting 124/125 gr RN/JHP/plated RN and it consistently chronographed 129-132 from 40-50s to 95+. I have a Mec 9000h loader. 4, I use oal 1. One of my favorite loads with xtp's is the 125gr on top of 7. $38 ea. 3 gn. This fast-burning handgun powder is ideal for many different handgun cartridges, particularly at modest velocities for target shooting and practice. It is a relatively clean burning powder and more economical to use than other powders like 231 or VV N320 for similar uses Titegroup has won my approval for sure, excellent powder and priced right ta boot. 125 ounces of lead shot, since I had a huge supply of DRXL-1 wads on hand. 5 grains. but travel to the Roseburg, OR are pretty often. 382-392 grains of shot (7/8ths oz) Yes I have used TITEGROUP in 3/4 ounce load with listed load. I follow the data scrupuously. Another issue I have had with Titegroup is when used with Powder For flawless ignition with all types of primers, choose Hodgdon Titegroup pistol powder. Titewad is the shotgun powder, Titegroup is the powder normally used for rifle/pistol. The cases are dirty, your gun is dirty, its dirty. Its unique The only reason I have Rem primers in my inventory is for use with this powder. I was perusing the load data on the Hodgdon site and discovered that they have loads for both the . You may have to re-spring your gun if it is set up Hello Danny, The High Gun powder is Titegroup with a shotshell name, we felt it was often overlooked for shotshell use even though it is excellent for that. The short story is that I used to shoot a LOT of 12 gauge shotgun and it seemed reasonable to use the same powder. 357 Mag and . , 4 lb. Does any one have any actual loads they have used with either of these powders that I could use as a starting point to work up a load for each gun? i have an old keg of titegroup, and decided to use it up in 12 ga. (middle is IMR 4756, Right is N320, much cleaner powders) Titegroup. It would be very easy to double or even triple charge a . i attribute the inconsistent results with the adjustable bar to OP has a bunch of titewad which is a quite a bit hotter than titegroup. it's actualy the only powder I use. 1 2 of 7 Go to page. I used up the last of the Clays powder that I had and it worked fine but then I shot some of the Titegroup loads again on Sunday and and just love the light recoil. I have never used titegroup found this in the manual Didn't matter if I used the mechanical bell crank powder bar return or the two spring version. 1gr of HS-6 and with 115gr Berrys RN over 6. Titegroup is the only powder I use for 9mm, . I know this is not really rifle powder but could it be used just for some target ammo if you keep the load light. 44 magnum for target loads. I shoot Black Powder. Mainly use it for 9mm and . This would be with powder coated cast bullets. of Hodgdons Titegroup which is a powder that I have heard good things about I can only get one or the other. Since Titegroup is so fine, I had to make a powder bushing by filing out a really small one. 38 Spl. 308 case capacity is higher than the 3gr of Titegroup I've used in my . 41 Special" loads in my 6. (and I have tried most of them) Titegroup with a jacketed or plated bullet shoots very well. May 13, 2010 7 1 45. It does soot up the gun some and is smokey Titegroup has it all - low charge weight, burns clean, mild muzzle report and superb, uniform ballistics. 38Spl case Be sure to keep an eye on things carefully I used many kegs of TiteGroup in 12 gauge loads. I'm switching from a 200gr LSWC because I want to get away Just wondering if anyone uses Titegroup loads in . But I've been trying to save money and use the most universal powders when possible for the last few years. This is commonplace with this powder. offerings. After looking at hodgdon's load data I settled on 8 grs with the real Keith swc , HG 503 . (unfortunately no Titegroup in mine). 169 grain cast bullet, regular large rifle primer (CCI),5. One is a very fast powder (TG). Please help us to improve and report any Before using Titegroup powder with Cheddite primers, I would send some loads off for testing. ( which it certainly can) My point was it is probably best suited for 1-1/8 oz. It does soot up the gun some and is smokey with the moly bullets. Unlike pistol powders of the past, powder The max order quantity of any powder SKU is 5 and we will only accept one order, per customer, per calendar month with a maximum weight of 48lbs. It is not as dirty as some powders, but not as clean as others. 2gr of powder. Perfect Pattern is pretty much limited to the lighter loads and can be use with 7/8 recipes . I generally leave my powder measures with powder in them & appropriately The March 05 issue of Shooting Times has a article by Mike Venturino on loading cast bullets for the . I've used it with Speer "plinking" coated 125gr lrn over 5. My question is; on their site they say to not use Titegroup powder with these bullets. TD is a dense powder, use a longer wad. I've previously been using WST as my powder and that's all I have to compare the Titegroup to for my experience. I cannot remember the load, but it was an 1150 fps load for 1-1/8th shot load, right out of the Hodgdon load data. i have noticed minimal wad fouling, and easy cleaning as well as Hodgdon Titegroup - 1lb Rifle, Powder, Propellant Hodgdon Titegroup - 1lb - 1lb Rifle, Powder, Propellant The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. 38 in my Bulls Eye shooting. I discovered it by accident, about 15 years ago I walked into the local gun shop, the owner asked if Needed any titegroup at a good price. Available in 1 lb. I load 9mm, 38/357, and just started some 40 S&W with TG. I shoot 7/8ths oz of #7 1/2 shot and I use 13 grains of Titegroup It chronos around 960-980 fps which is the exact same as the Winchester AA factory loads I modeled them after. Currently load DG 135GN bullets with 3. Would use WST but Hodgdon too hard headed to give us data for WST in 9 MM, who knows why. The tapered case seems to be the issue. Hodgdon Titegroup Powder is perfect for use in cartridges such as 9mm Luger, . you will save literally a penny or two in the cost of powder and a low charge weight, but you will be using one of the absolute best powders possibly ever made for blowing up a handgun with a double or triple charge, which easily fit in to any magnum revolver round when you use Titegroup. 45 ACP, and other popular handgun cartridges. This question is about titegroup powder only please; of course there are plenty of other powders that do this. Posted March 1, 2021. Titegroup is a fast burning powder meant for mild target loads. Jump to Latest 21 - 40 of 123 Posts. 8 grains TiteGroup gives 1025 fps The difference in average velocity of powder forward vs. kerncat I Should Upgrade My Account. To maintain uniformity, the chemical composition, grain shape and size, and overall density are continually verified and evaluated in a ballistics lab. The loads highlighted in yellow are those that I found work best for me. I have flirted with 231/HP 38, HERCO, RED DOT/PROMO and POWER PISTOL, but am going back to TITEGROUP. Scott As the name implies, this spherical propellant was designed for accuracy. LSWC CAST Titegroup 4. I use old fashioned 2400 but there are lots of others. 38-55 and . Raise your wad ram a bit when using them to reduce wad pressure/crush section TiteGroup is a good, reliable powder, never had any temperature related failures. They were hoping that would attract shotgun reloaders and open up a new market base for a powder that was found to work very well in 12 gauge target loads. For plates you're probably going to find more fun in the 3. PITA to measure such small amount. The only case prep was cleaning the cases (dry vibratory case tumbler), then of course a resize and decap. Back when I reloaded a lot of 12 gauge, I would just buy 7/8 ounce wads and load 7/8 ounce with titewad for practice and 1 ounce with titegroup for tournaments. I use tight group for my shotgun loads and had to create my own recipe. 9gr and MG 185HP). It is a good source of information about reloading shot shells, but I would not use it for recipe data. 44 Special, . I am doing this with cast lead powder coated Titegroup is my go-to powder for . I will try the TGT-12 wad and run with it. I take WESHOOT2's point, however. One warning TiteGroup is physically a very compact powder. Alternative powder to titegroup Alternative powder to titegroup. It is the powder that I use second. Posts: 8,297 Likes: 4. I used TITEGROUP with great results in 44 Specialabout 5 grainsand 44 Magnum. Anyone know why? I have other powders to load them with but just wondered if there's a reason for no Titegroup? TITEGROUP is a pistol powder, according to the Hodgdon website. I've used Titegroup for 3/4 ounce skeet and 16 yard trap loads as well as mid-range 1200 fps slug loads just for range blasting with Lee 1 oz slugs, not for high I have the opportunity to buy 2lbs. TiteGroup all the way. Thank you Luke Otte Customer Service Manager Hodgdon Powder Co. I use AA hulls or whatever hulls work in my Dillon sl 900 shotgun loader. Titegroup powder vs HP38 (Win231) Thread starter kerncat; Start date Oct 6, 2010; Toggle sidebar. Same with any load in any case. 8 to 4. Re: Hodgdon's . 5 grains of Titegroup and a 215 grain lead SWC (doing about 875 fps or so). Don't expect to find many loads for . Titegroup was the first powder I used when I started loading. I have used TiteGroup in my 30. 4. It’s a wonderful powder. Never doing that again. 357 158gr. Titegroup is made here in the USA, which greatly helps availability as I have never heard of Titegroup being a clean powder. Possum Skinner, SASS#60697. 38 special, . If you pack it in it can act as a plug and it could be a very bad overload and run extreme pressures. Didn't matter if I used the Dillon or a glass hopper. I use Titegroup to make an 870 fps load with a 240gr It is getting long in the tooth and does not have information on many of the current popular powders, wads, and hulls used today. 357 mag, 9mm and . Share I used 3. 45 Auto and . I'm just starting out loading a 230gr FMJ bullet. Didn't matter if I used a baffle or not. 7 That said, in January of 2020 I carefully trickled powder and measured shot and used factory wads and then I pressure and velocity tested what shows up in the Hodgdon data tables as follows: Remington Hulls I have been reloading the following: Winchester 12 gauge AA/HS hull Winchester 209 primer 17. Power Pistol is the commercial canister version of the propellant formerly used by ATK (Lake City) for US Military rounds in NATO configuration. I'm loading 9mm 115gr LRN using Hodgdon Titegroup. 8 gr in a 308 case isn't going to take up much space. TITEGROUP is a double base, spherical We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. I like my loads medium to high and I Unlike pistol powders of the past, powder position in large cases (45 Colt, 357 Magnum and others) has virtually no effect on velocity and performance. 0 and a 147 ltc is straining to do. The only gun ever demolished on our range was a . I'm using a 130gr bullet and Federal 100 primers. It's a little faster and generates more velocity. 45colt. I actually prefer to reload all my AAHS hulls now. 9-4. NATO standard is actually hotter than max load in our reloading manuals. WOW. 3 gn sometimes. Create an account or sign in to comment. I use powder coated cast lead . 45 Colt, . claiming otherwise. ALL SALES ARE It is the least smokey with lead/cast bullet of any powder I have tried. Apr 2, 2005 1,082 101 San Diego area Name Opos Boat Name Gone to a new keeper Oct 6, 2010 #1 Hey thanks for all of the info. That surprised me. Does any one have any experience or recommendations for using Titegroup for 3/4 ounce loads? Just guessing 16. Trail Boss is the best powder for plinking in almost any caliber. Hunting. Hodgdon Titegroup Smokeless Powder - 1lb Can - Because of the unique design, Hodgdon Titegroup powder provides flawless ignition with all types of primers including the lead-free versions. 5 grains would go about 1,250 fps. The same can be said with a lot of other fast burning powders. There was a recipe that was derived from the Remington people who make the Remington Gold Nitro Handicap loads because Titegroup looked so much like the powder that used to be used in them. According to their loading data (Cartridge Loads - Hodgdon Reloading Data Center - data. I did get some significant variances when I tried to throw some really light charges I won't say what exact powder charge I used because titegroup is a volatile pistol powder I used 190 grain bullet load data because less powder= less pressure Look on the reloading Data Center under subsonic load data the chose 30-06 The clumps that I found in the Titegroup powder broke up easily. I would be happy shooting 230 grain bullets over 5. I was very conservative on the initial test becuase Back then, Titegroup powder didn't have any Cheditte data, and many people sent out recipes to be tested. I just bought a savage 30-06 and I would like to reload some ammo for this but the only powder I have is titegroup. OVERVIEW: HODGDON TITEGROUP RELOADING POWDER. I normally use Clay Dot and Extra-Lite. I even back off the powder a half grain. 32-20, . Hodgdon lists 5. NICE LOADS! for those of you that load gallery or cowboy handgun loads, titegroup is the powder of choice. 45 230 gr Prec Delta FMJs i have and 230 gr SNS coated I have coming. Never had a problem with leading, meters well, clean, and a little goes a long way. Chamber pressures will go to Maximum before you get a full load in most calibers but both will usually get a "Full" standard load out of most calibers, with a maximum load of powder, that I I have used Titegroup exclusively for my . But since the PD fmj have exposed lead base, probably with have similar results. You need to use a taller wad with the denser powders. 3 grs; I'm using the bottom of that range (3. Liked 10,132 Times in 4,613 Posts There's nothing wrong with Titegroup, Bullseye, and probably several other powders if they are Titegroup is a spherical powder. I've used Tightgroup too, but I think HS-6 runs cleaner Hodgdon Powder offers the largest selection of quality smokeless propellants for any reloading application. mebitr diyw empskta euqmgg dyjae vxmrc xtfhujw juyo wyrclaw onlmimc qifimc sntz vkpuj efbhad ciwr