Hermione riddle fanfiction. "Potter, get Hermione.
Hermione riddle fanfiction She was pacing up and down, her almond-shaped eyes on Hermione. This list is for Completed Fanfictions that involve Hermione Granger and Tom Riddle in a relationship. Summary: The tension simmering between Hermione and the new DADA professor comes to a head during a snow storm. "Oh where are we going Mrs. L. Hermione came around the corner, where her friends were standing in front of Snape's office door, all of them looking worried. Truths are revealed, secrets come out of the woodwork, and Hermione must look for an ally in the most unlikeliest of people. She then left them to it. " Hermione Allison Riddle is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. " She grinned. She kissed Draco's lips and again and again and again until Draco woke up. He crucio'd the first person on sight, who happened to be Wormtail. She knew all too well what he thought of him. "One would think you don't want visitors. So their names are Harrison or Harry Fulminibus Riddle and Hermione Thorn Riddle. Hermione wasn't sure it was a good idea to leave while Lucius and Narcissa had what could be considered the closest she had ever witnessed to them having a fight directly upon arriving home. Chapter One . Hermione found herself tearing up as well and launched herself onto his lap, circling his neck with her arms and sobbing onto his chest. Desperate, revelatory, and for mature readers only. Then, as if by divine intervention, they are offered a way to go back and fix everything that is wrong with the world- but what Hermione and her friends didn't count on, was Hermione becoming a Tom Riddle's twin sister. Hermione came across the portrait of the Fat Lady. Hermione gave him a smile and thanked him for his help. My name is Hermione. , Hermione G. Hermione walked into the bathroom and gathered up her stuff, and packed Crookshanks's stuff as well. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Hermione was relieved. AU allowed. My name is Ferelith. "It's alright, Hermione. & Hermione moved to her father's side, "May I have the list?" She requested politely, reaching for it as she spoke. "You're very close now. Throughout, first, second, and third year, she befriended Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny The complicated life of Hermione Granger just got a little more exciting. It was a Swedish Short-Snout. Words. "I, Hermione Jean Malfoy Slytherin, Heir of Slytherin, Summon Tom Morolvo Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort, to me. FanFiction | unleash your This is a one-shot pinecest story written in collaboration with fellow fanfiction writer Sky-Pirate-Tat (tat-buns on tumblr). She said "what is it, Barty?" "Your father wants to see you and he wants to inform you that breakfast is getting cold" Barty said matter-of-factly. Hermione Riddle comes next, her cries eclipsing those of her brother's. With a few careless words and whispered secrets, Tom Riddle begins his dark seduction. Hermione was raised by her uncle Lucius and her aunt Narcissa; they put her under a glamour at 11 and jinxed 2 muggle dentists into believing she was their daughter. Updated. Hermione quickly stopped before looking at her teacher. "Why are you bothering your uncle?" He asked as they walked towards the 'meeting' room. "Accio Wand. Their names are picked by random. ] - Chapters: 9 - Words: 39,510 - Reviews: 132 - Favs: 341 - Follows: 488 It was around 10 am when the Malfoys and Hermione finally took the floo from Nott Manor to Malfoy Manor and Draco pulled her upstairs and towards the library. FanFiction | unleash Hermione Riddle uncut when evil triumphs Chapter 2 *** After 5 minutes of swirling, Hermione's feet landed smack bang in the middle of a house, no not a house, a mansion!! This was no ordinary mansion it was filed with dark art devices, she had read of most of them but others frightened her. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 20,340 - Reviews: 196 - Favs: 261 - Follows: 318 - Updated: 5/1/2016 - Published: 3/11/2016 - id: 11835181 FanFiction | unleash memories all in one tragic night. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 66,494 Severus and Harry were seated in Severus' rooms on the chairs in the living area. "Severus?" Hermione whispered against neck, where her head rested on his shoulder. Eventual H/Hr. Hermione made her way to her dormitory and put her bag on her bed, she then noticed Alra; squawking contently. Her mind would be used for Dark Sorcery because Hermione did know a lot of spells, and it took Harry a long time to realize what good she did for the Light Side. Severus sneered and Hermione swatted him on the arm. It would have looked somewhat funny, if Hermione hadn't known that they were experiencing the memory she had just extracted. We also Need to do the inheritance test on Harry to see if everything adds up. He had, of course, witnessed the death of Cedric Diggory last year; which is why he can see them. " "Avada Kavada!" Mrs. The article was finished and Hermione took a copy home on 28 December, so that her father could have a look and see, if anything should be changed. Maxine Riddle, yes Riddle as in Tom Riddle, Mattheo Riddle and also yes Voldemort. Tom and Bellatrix laughed as Hermione helped Barty to stand up. 1K2K18. While the Wizarding World was still reeling from this new information, Fudge published a statement, accusing the Quibbler of lies and half-truths, claiming that the photo showing her father fighting supposed Death Eaters was fake and the only reason that there were no photos of him without Hermione levitated the orb and placed her middle and pointer fingers together on each side of his temples; their foreheads almost touching. "You know your not suppose to buy half the store, right?" He teased his best friend. A figment of her imagination or Now, of course you may ask how I go to Hogwarts with my name as Riddle. , Abraxas M. Lucius looked exactly like Draco. Percy Weasley had been using his lunch break to come see Tom Riddle to discuss the ministry and their plans, seeing Hermione Granger sitting there having a cup of tea was unexpected and slightly terrifying. Hermione quickly moved forward and burrowed against his side; she had woken up confused of where she was, but then she remembered Severus was in the room next to hers. "Hello, Miss Hermione Riddle Black Lupin S is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Riddle meets me halfway and with her hands on my forearms, gives me two air kisses in greeting. "Is that the man you who holds your loyalty, Auror Shacklebolt?" Then Minerva McGonagall. The old Hermione who always knew what was wrong without asking, or the Hermione who would help him out of dry cracks. Although, even then it should have raised heads that she was sorted into Slytherin House, a house, which is notorious for its Pureblood members. "That won't be necessary, Professor. How will her fifth year play out with her father taking control and her mother being freed from Azkaban. Hermione decided that Bellatrix, Fenrir and Rabastan should go in first. Published. Hermione heard everyone gasp at this, but no one made any moves. ] Hermione has been sent back to the year 1949 to retrieve a dark artefact from Borgin and Burkes. Mr. Maybe she would have some time during the weekend to dedicate to the riddle the answer to which was supposed to give her a hint for the Second Task. Hermione quickly whipped out her wand, did a silencing charm on the room and on Ron. "Listen Potter and Weasley," Hermione started in a deadly quite voice, "I don't know how to get it through you thick heads but I am Hermione but I'm no longer a Granger or a mudblood. Observe this tangle of thorns. a very weird day indeed! As she was drifting off to sleep her door banged open revealing Malfoy She couldn't see Abraxas or Narcissa, but Narcissa spoke up now. From behind Hermione, Tom Riddle scoffed, "Ridiculous. Hermione knew that Snape had told the teachers that he would protect them and that Voldemort ordered the Carrows to come and teach Dark Arts. "Riddle Hermione" Harry watched in apprehension as his sister sat down, he knew they could be separated easily, although father wouldn't be too disappointed they had both spoke of her going to Ravenclaw, his father had made it clear it wouldn't matter what house they got into he couldn't care, but both twins wanted to go to his Alma Mater. Fenrir should break the door down, and that they would all torture the parents; while Hermione and Barty went upstairs to get the children. He had long realised that what he felt went beyond friendship and Hermione was brilliant and beautiful, and if he didn't make a move soon, someone else would. Hermione Screamed, Voldemort was standing at the doorway. And although he would be of little use to him now, he would come. And for Dumbledore to be scared, it wasn't a good thing at all. Shortly before the end of the war, Abraxas had almost died of Dragon Pox and due to lasting health issues and permanent scarring on the right side of his face and various parts of his body, he had passed down the title of Lord Malfoy "Ah, Miss Riddle. The six adults gathered around the Pensieve, bent down and then fell into a kind of trance. " Voldemort ordered his daughter. He needed Harry and Hermione to do an inheritance test as soon as possible. , Minerva M. Hermione refuses to feel helpless any longer, and goes back in time to remove the scar that an unloved Tom Riddle left on the wizarding world. Lestrange OC. Pairings: Tom Riddle /Minerva McGonagall , Harry Potter /Hermione Granger . "Hermione?" Severus asked as he noticed her fingers and the wine. The body of a lion, the head of a woman. Riddle tensed up at the formal language her stupid little daughter was using. Rating: M Pairings: Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger Squicks: No OC, OOC, pregnancy. "The new look suits you, Lucius. "Honey I need to pop into this store for a moment, ok?" "Ok Mrs. She didn't want to see the whole thing again and without protest, she sat down. She was a model student, having the only perfect O. Title: Tease Prompt: Tom and Hermione find themselves stranded together during a snow-storm. Hermione walked over to Draco and Pansy, and showed them the proper way to cut the plant as well. Hermione had found out a lot during the summer. The mere fact that Albus Dumbledore still refers to Tom Riddle's alleged attack on James, Lily and Harry Potter takes away all his credibility. "Hermione, we know this must be a confusing concept for you to grasp and we hope that you can accept us as your biological parents. " Even as she said this, Madame Maxime didn't look like she wanted to visit at all. "Potter, get Hermione. "Of course you would think that. Now, I am daughter to the greatest man throughout history and a soon to be "Thank you Hermione. Daphne Since Hermione had paid exactly zero attention to the egg so far, she went to her dorm to retrieve it before they left. " "Yes, Tom used to visit me often," the Basilisk, a female, confirmed. " Tom told her and she nodded watching the droplets follow her fingers. Hermione thanked them as they went to sit out, or in Nysara's case wait to walk down the aisle with Fred; Barty's best man. Having the Dark Lord as your father isn't necessarily easy but it also means you can have some quiet if you glare at someone or scare them. Hermione Granger's cat, a sleek white cat with icy blue eyes whose name was Bianca. To her credit, she did not flinch away from Noodles, who was still around Hermione's shoulders. He and Hermione, unlike Luna and Draco, hadn't been crying and just watched the room with curiosity. Hermione blinked, tried to move a bit more and groaned at the ache in her muscles. Tom Riddle sounded completely sincere, although Hermione knew that Lupin probably couldn't contribute anything that he, Lucius, Snape and Karkaroff couldn't provide. Please listen to me Hermione! You don't have to act this way anymore. "Hey, Hermione, I always knew there was something off about you. Frankly, I didn't know what to expect. K. Tomione is the ship between Hermione Granger and Tom Riddle. I hardly ever go in for fanfic anymore but the idea of Tom Riddle and Hermione was frankly so bizarre, I had to see what it was about. You have quiet a temper. Hermione Granger woke up to her 16th birthday with a yawn. She didn't want to see the Weasel and Potter; but as a Riddle she had to pretend to be friends with them. "BARTY" Hermione yelled; all happy as she sprinted across the room and tackled him to the ground. Tom was sitting in the armchair next to the fire reading, and Hermione was sleeping on the couch with their youngest son snuggled against her breasts. They are interrupted by an Auror raid led by Harry, and results in him and his entire Family being sent back in time instead. " She turned to Hermione and her eyes were softer than she had ever seen them. Without taking his eyes off of Hermione, he waved his hand mindlessly, and Bellatrix was silenced and put in a full-body bind. Pulling away, Voldemort and Severus sat back down and asked Daniel and Hermione to take a seat facing them. " He ordered his least favorite student. Well, most people know me as Hermione Granger, muggleborn, friends with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. Riddle" Said Hermione. (In which Hermione accidentally ends up in 1950, pitted against an ascending Dark Lord in his prime, caught in the entanglement of pureblood politics, dark magic, and Tom Riddle's interest) Language: English September 3rd, 1942. Follow. Hermione smiled. Tom chuckled and transfigured a chair into a cot, moving the boy onto it with his wand. Graphic What will happen when Hermione gets taken from her birth parents and moved to another loyal Pure-Blood family? Will she defend Muggles or will she attack them? Will she be in Slytherin, Hermione Jean Granger grew up as a normal muggle-born witch. Hidden . Shit. When her eyes fluttered open, he was standing over her, suspicious and perplexed. She didn't want to wake him up, but she was a little hungry. , Draco M. " The 3 women then did Hermione's hair up in an extravagant bun and put the veil into her hair. and Mrs. "MOM NO! You! I'll kill you! You killed them! I'm going to kill you!" Hermione screamed. Harry himself ordered that Tom Riddle's body be left in peace – and secretly buried Hermione and him together on Hogwarts Grounds, near Dumbledore's tomb. His thoughts also echoed with Hermione's but she was the intent. - Chapters: 92 - Words: 255,893 - Reviews: 2,559 - Favs: 2,639 - Follows: 2,307 - Updated: 2/12/2018 Hermione has always been running and never looking back because she dares not out of shame and that she couldn't save those she loved the most , shame because she is nothing but when she ends up in 1949 without any clue how she got there,she gives herself a new mission;kill Tom Riddle and avenge her loved ones. Curiosity leads to an experience even she hadn't imagined. Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle; Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Tom Riddle; Hermione Granger; Tom Riddle | Voldemort; Draco Malfoy; Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins; I was curious to see how it would be received as a fanfic, so I converted some of my OCs to Harry Potter characters. The last time Lord Voldemort got angry, no one in a 10 mile radius was safe. Mrs. Doesn't have to be canon. " Tom Riddle, still not getting up, still not letting go of her, turned his head. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Hermione G. "Harry, I didn't purchase half the store, I purchased a quarter of it. "Come now, we must get to Riddle Manor, before your father gets angry with me" they all involuntarily shuddered. So, they all apparated into the safety of Riddle Manor. They were all captivated by this utterly complex interaction between Hermione and Hermione does not yet have a pairing but I am strongly leaning towards Draco/Hermione or even Blaise/Hermione, any suggestions are very welcome : ) I am also open to Beta's whom would like to help. Or at least, nothing could get worse until Hermione meets Tom Riddle, the sulky handsome boy who likes to draw and thinks she's his newest toy Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Tragedy/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 48,815 "Lord Riddle, welcome back! And Miss Riddle, it's good to see you again. Hermione is really the daughter of Bellatrix Lestange and Lord Voldemort. "Your chair, Miss Riddle, right next to Professor Snape. Lillith and Randy stared in horror as Connie begged for mercy. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 20,340 - Reviews: 196 - Favs: 261 - Follows: 318 - Updated: 5/1/2016 - Published: 3/11/2016 - Hermione G. Alternate title: "For once the adults do their bloody jobs. Hermione/Tom Riddle. HPHGHPHG. She covered it up with a smile, but inside she was fuming. Title. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - [Hermione G. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,504 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 93 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 4/17/2013 - Published: 1/19/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 6669621 FanFiction | unleash Hermione Riddle, formerly Granger. Hermione Menolly Riddle Snape. Disclaimer: Everything you recognise from They both perk up when we enter and stand as we draw closer. " "Of course. Hermione backed onto the bed and landed on silk black and green pj's. " Harry complained as they left the book shop. She wished he would be more open with her, but she knew it was going to be a slow transition. "My dad is doing what in the Great Hall?" Hermione asked entering the Hermione Granger. "So Do any of you know which curses are most heavily punished by Wizarding law?" Several hands went up, Hermione's and Draco's included. The war didn't end when Harry and Voldemort fell. That's my name, I thought. W. Hermione goes back in time to adopt Tom Riddle and show him the love he never knew and hoping to change the future for the better. Don't worry, I'm feeding her. "Good afternoon, Lord Riddle. " Hermione teased right back. Join her as she and her father take over Hogwarts. Hermione noticed that Professor McGonagall had lost all of her liveliness and looked severely depressed. Hermione knew they were not lying because when she saw the birth certificate, she saw the name. " Then the Evil Hermione spoke again. hermione isnt hermione granger she is hermione minerva riddle daughter of tom riddle and minerva mcgonnagall what madness will ensue Rated: Fiction T - English - Parody/Family - Hermione G. My father sent me. Hermione looked at the clock on the wall and saw that is was nine-thirty in the morning. Hermione's first words on her 16th birthday was "eep!" before Lucius grabbed her, swung her over his body and apparated out her home. Instead of becoming Voldemort, Tom Riddle established a school of “secondary importance” for Muggleborns, half-bloods, and Squibs. "Mr Malfoy "Hermione, you may not look the same anymore, but to me you are still the same Hermione Granger that I fell in love with last year. Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. "Nevermind. " Hermione stated grinning widely at the thought of poking fun at the 'Dark Lord'. The twins are college aged and Mabel stumbles onto a secret while idly poking FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav Hermione Lestrange Riddle. Salazar's descendants used to come all the time, at least one in each generation, but Tom was the last. " Recently named Daniel grinned like an idiot as he shook her hand, tears clouding his vision once more. When noon rolled around, Hermione was pulling lunch out of the oven when she heard a knock at the door. Stupid little bitch, thinks she can make her own rules. „Hey there. He took his tongue out and Hermione's tongue was more than happy to massage it. Rowling. Literally. Hermione knew that the oaf Hagrid was a half-giant and that Madame Maxime had giants in her heritage; somewhere. The two headed off to the den where Hermione's personal elf was tending to the youngest Riddle. Canon shifted up 20 years. I think you know him. The creature didn't look menacing at all, but Hermione knew that she was highly dangerous. " "I caught her about a week ago. " Before she reached them, Nagini went down to the ground. Part 4 of the "House of Snakes" series. Chapter one: As her eyes adjusted to the dark familiar surroundings of her room, Hermione wondered what it was that brought her to consciousness. hermione malfoy riddle is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. He was at Malfoy Manor at the time the attack took place, with us. One day, when I woke up, my parents told me I'm adopted. , Tom R. From the main hallway Hermione gushed and Severus felt a slight heat rise to his cheeks. Hermione looked back down at Severus and he was breathing deeply, but evenly, signifying he was asleep. "Yes sir. Well. @9 - aww. Hermione and Draco exchanged a look before turning back to Moody. I talked to my father earlier that day who said that Packing the room took 2 1/2 hours and by the time they were done it was almost lunch time. The rumors were not entirely unfounded; Tom had become possessive of her, obsessive. Hermione, Harry and Ron had charms followed by Herbology. Now. #180 in Fanfiction || #1 in Hermione || In the language of literature, there exists a seemingly-concrete, antonymous relationship between good and evil, light and "Lord Riddle, I formally ask for your permission to court your daughter. When he changed into suitable robes a Weasley would wear, Hermione, Draco and Narcissa did their very best suppress a laugh at the look on his face. The only marker of their graves is an obsidian gravestone, marking: Tom Riddle Jr. He handed it over and watched as she grabbed a quill and inkwell, she then began crossing names out, handing the list back having reduced the original 40 names to 20. They laughed as they stepped away. If it was a teen wizard fanfic, I was going to run the other direction. Voldemort laughed. He knew, whoever Riddle had turned her into, was going to be evil. Cedric's death. After all those years, Tom Riddle had called. It was unnerving. 8K 35. " Despite his words, Abraxas sounded amused, almost fond, Hermione "Hermione, I will examine what I can and see if I can find the other blood line. comes first, crying and struggling to get away from the healer. Chapter 6. 5K 30 6. The crest of the house of Riddle. Harry Potter, too, joined them for an afternoon. Maggie yanked on Betty's shoulder as the blonde girl leaned ever closer to the shimmering potion. The night of Halloween is also the night of Samhain Lore, when the veil between the world is the thinnest and ancient magic reigns. "It depends on the visitors, my dear Olympe. I have also added links to Archive of Our Own for several of the stories I added to this list using the "Why you added this book" section. “It’s lovely Hermione starts her fourth year at Hogwarts and many things are going to change. " Her father was still laughing. Harry Potter Adopts Tom Riddle; hermione granger adopts tom riddle; Harry Potter Raises Tom Riddle; Hermione Granger Raises Tom Riddle; Bookmarker's Notes. He keeps reaching out toward his mother and wouldn't calm down. Hermione had met Lucius a few times before, and those previous meetings weren't always pleasant. Lord Riddle watches his past unfold while trying to make sure history repeats itself without destroying time or his future. Severus was looking at Hermione's papers and shook his head, Albus had been manipulating more than they had thought. " Tom Riddle was also up at start of the New Year but he was warm in the library of his family's house. Hermione Menolly Riddle Snape is a fanfiction author that has written 1 stories for Harry Potter. The champions had just vanished below; Hermione with the help of Gillyweed, while Viktor Krum had transfigured himself into something that vaguely looked like a shark, and Fleur Delacour and Cedric Diggory had both used the Bubble-Head Charm. Snape would never protect the students but the Carrows were here to teach. Hermione heard someone running after her. " He said and Hermione's wand flew into his hand "Temper, my dear girl. My name is Hermione Riddle, my parents are Bellatrix and Tom Riddle. Hermione was suspicious when she found an old journal amongst her things and Tom was intrigued the night someone else's handwriting appeared in his diary. " Dumbledore said, and everyone just feared her more. Granger had come out and told her that they had adopted her. Harry Potter, the Boy-Who Hermione whirled around on him and pressed her wand to his throat. Hermione quickly got dressed, walked down to the Common Room and was engulfed in hugs from her 2 most hated and least favorite Gryffindors: Potter and the Weasel. She did not like being picked up, the one thing she could not sort out was her irrational fear of heights and being in Professor Snape's arms she was higher off the ground than usual, especially with how tall he was. Both of them thrashed and flailed about, and only when they are near each other would they quiet down. Hermione / Slytherin House Shipping Names: That Glorious Strength by Lomonaaeren. Hermione looked at the half transfigured owl, it looked. Tom Riddle, however, looked at his friend with a perfectly pleasant smile. Bashing of Dumbledore and of the three evil Weasleys. But he had Tom's messy jet black hair. Dumbledore doesn t even know, though I didn t know for about two years. He had her pale skin, angular features, and blazing flame green eyes. she hoped today was going to be good, but she never expected to come face to face with Lucius Malfoy at the bottom of her staircase. Pretty much everything was in either red or green. Hermione Snape . She always was tutoring other students. " Suddenly, the Old Hermione spoke to Harry. Though not many in the room understood the meaning of her last name, they noticed the wariness in Dumbledore's tone. " Hermione answered promptly. The screeching voice of one Hermione Jane Granger-Riddle-Snape came from the giant opening where she disappeared to. "Miss Riddle, you next. He let his hair fall into his face to hide his embarrassment and Hermione sighed. Slytherin?! Chapter 10: Hermione Riddle at Malfoy Manor. AU Tomione. " Her voice was surprisingly "Papi, me llevan-grito""Hermione, te encontrare, lo prometo hija-susurró Tom Riddle""No la vas a encontrar, porque sin su alma gemela esta""Draco-susurró en un sueño""Mi ángel, te voy a encontrar-susurró Draco al sentir el dolor de ella""No esta-grito Voldemort mientras destruía todo""Así nunca la recuperaras""No me recuerda-susurro" Comenzó la guerra Heredera. AU. It's nice to meet you, Hermione. "How are you, my dear" she said in a soft voice. She felt his arms around her and without thinking cuddled up closer. As they arrived at Hogwarts, Hermione noticed that Harry was shocked to see Threstrals for the first time. Forced to live in Wool's Orphanage, Hermione finds friendship with a 9-year-old Tom Riddle but is soon ripped from him by a prophecy. Hermione seldom imagined at night of conquering and venturing the world with her soulmate, living a story that would make everyone remember their names. Hermione was fifteen years old when she woke up in Tom Riddle's room, decades in the past. " FanFiction | unleash "My name is Hermione Callista Lestrange Riddle and I am the daughter of Bellatrix Black Lestrange Riddle and Tom Marvolo Riddle" Hermione said as Fred picked her up into his arms and hugged her tightly. She peered into the cauldron and sighed in relief. You see we all have a glamour on that is very dark magic. 30th October 1991—the night before the troll attacks Hermione in the lavatory, Hermione hears a prophecy about herself, Harry (the "true friend"), Ron (the "false friend") and Dumbledore ("the bearded liar"). He smirked at the memory of Marcus waxing poetry of his new attraction, Ms. But Hermione immediately saw that he was not about to address Cornelius Fudge. "No one came after him. Hermione and the rest of her family spent the whole night gong over strategies for tomorrow's raid. Hermione held her mirror up around a corner in the corridor, and the last thing she saw were two yellow eyes before something cold settled over her and it all went dark. Rated M. Hermione was comfortable but she was slightly hungry; she had skipped dinner. The most important thing was that she was a pureblood, and never was a muggle-born witch. " Voldemort started. How are you feeling?" His voice was gentle, barely above a whisper. "I am. " Lavender stated doing as she was told. Hermione Black Malfoy Riddle is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. You can answer my riddle and if you give me the correct answer, I let you pass. Hermione blushed; Barty and her parents started laughing again. My Stories 1; Abraxas sat next to Tom, who was polijuiced as Warren Goyle this time, and stared at the surface of the lake. " The dragon Hermione pulled out was, of course the Hungarian Horntail. Friends become enemies, enemies become friends, and Dumbledore is not a leader of justice and The Brightest Star in the Sky by Tippilo. "He isn't answering the necklace so I need you to summon him for-" She stopped thinking. Nothing. Each dragon had a number around its neck and Hermione would Hermione Riddle. "I hate to ask all the stupid questions – but aren't we for Ireland?" Hermione sceptically picked up a shamrock-shaped hat with a waving Leprechaun at the centre. /Soulmate AU with Tom Riddle born in 1977/ Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Suspense - [Tom R. "Y-yes?" She asked worriedly. Hours later as the party was dwindling down to a few people left, Hermione turned towards her family and spoke. score in history. After the war, death eater family create a ritual to send themselves and their entire family back in time to make sure Voldemort wins. It had been exciting, at first. Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor; so she could spy on Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, and was constantly relaying information to her uncle about their movements. Her dad was shouting and attempting attack the owl, while her mum sat nonplussed on the sofa. Hermione Jean Granger. I'll be right back with your order. What Hermione DIDN'T count on, however, is a shared common room, a curse, and a crazy little thing called love. Let me guess you were sent here to gain my family and . Will she be able to keep her secret from her friends, READ AND REVIEW PLEASE Just as her mum was passing her the beans a large mutilated owl broke though the kitchen window zoomed about the room destroying various antiques, and finally landing in Hermione's plate. Both children complied and sat down, Daniel taking Hermione's hand in his. He was the Head Boy, the perfect student, and Hermione's rumored lover. Chapters. Maxine is Mattheos twin sister older by five minutes as she constantly reminds him. This allowed her to share her blood magic through their minds and to let him evaluate her genetics. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Adventure - Hermione G. The Serpent & The Lion. "I think this is a good list of things we need to discuss with Hermione and Harry. . Hermione Alexia Riddle. Hermione decided to let him sleep for a little while longer and closed her eyes, continuing to play with his hair. 1. Still, she was looking forward to training with him, he was a very good teacher. , Albus D. Daniel re-doubled his laugher; he actually managed to somehow lie on the floor with one leg propped onto her bed. To get so caught up in smells. Or at least, nothing could get worse until Hermione meets Tom Riddle, the sulky handsome boy who likes to draw and thinks she's his newest toy Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Tragedy/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: CoS AU - Hermione Granger couldn't waste a book, even a blank diary she didn't remember buying. " Lucius shook his head negative. Hermione returned to Nevile's cauldron when she noticed he and Harry were on the plant as well. The Marriage Law - A Dramione Fanfiction (undergoing some editing) 180K 2. Warnings: AU, explicit smut, Hermione Lyra Malfoy-Riddle is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Hermione's eye soon caught another figure in the room. "And why do you have Potter's cloak?" (Rewrite of Tom Riddle Jr and Hermione Granger Love Story (Time Turner)) The Tournament of Elements is designed to test 12 individual's power. "Hermione, you can't keep her in a vial for days. "Hermione, I think you got too many books. " "Good afternoon, Headmistress. "Let him sleep off his shock and continue on your dessert. Hermione said she'd be right there as she threw on her dress and combed through her black curly hair. Tom Riddle. "Two seal stamps, as ordered. At Riddle Manor, Hermione woke up to the sound of her boyfriend knocking on her door. What if there was no Hermione Granger only Hermione Riddle. - Words: 8,567 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 13 - Published: 2/22/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 7862531 This time, they didn't have to wait for long to see a reaction to the Quibbler special edition. "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is asking for Hermione, in the Great Hall, Hurry torturing Umbridge. A young couple dressed in robes walked down a dark and quiet street while all the towns people slept peacefully in Minerva McGonagall came as she had promised and confirmed that both photos indeed showed Tom Riddle. Tom came home with his three daughters to find his wife and two sons in the den. That was why Hermione had to leave now. Favorite: Joined 08-13-17, id: 9600006: Favorite Stories 159; Favorite Authors 72; Sort: Category. Draco helped Hermione off the train and the first person they saw was Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father. Bellatrix exploded from behind Tom, moving to come into Hermione's view. PM. Instead, his eyes met Kingsley Shacklebolt's. Hermione Riddle Prologue Hermione Granger was the last person anyone in the wizarding world would suspect to be evil. " She said with a small grin. By: CSIChantal126. Six years have passed and he still looks for her. He needs a drink. In this night, Hermione has a mysterious encounter on the Astronomy Tower with Tom Riddle. At lunch, Hermione and the other Gryffindors talked about the other classes for the day. She had discovered that it was connected to the library and could be used a reading room. Era: Hogwarts (7th Year) Category: Romance/Drama/Mystery . To Hermione's surprise, the boys went straight for a Bulgarian stand and bought figures of a player called Viktor Krum. If you enjoy reading it, please do check out the original Tom Riddle Jr. She didn't have to turn to see who it was; of course Dippet would send Tom Riddle after her. Rating : Mature . Viktor got the Chinese Fireball and Cedric the blueish one she hadn't been able to identify at first. This is a tomione. In such a world, perhaps it isn't surprising when Hermione Granger is sent back in time to rescue Tom Riddle's soul before he has the chance to destroy it. That was part BS. But it isn't just the object which entices her back in time. Tomione. Hermione Riddle, the D Hermione Riddle. While they were talking Snape pulled an empty vial out of his robes and took a sample of the 'spiked' punch. " He lit a candle, heated some wax to demonstrate the stamp. " Harry looked like a mail version of Thorn. In the absolute silence that followed Hermione's shriek, Tom Riddle muttered "Why didn't I lock the floo?" and started laughing. I was reading Hermione Riddle not Granger by ElinevdBogaard and I decided to rewrite it with more Severus growled at his student. Granger screamed in pain and fell down dead. Like everyone else. She had looked it up later in the library. she jumped into them and crawled into bed quite shocked for her 16th birthday. Favorite: Joined 07-31-04, id: 644068: Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. " It was the first time he had addressed him like that, but this was important to him and he wanted to do it right. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hermione G. "Hermione, stop making fun of you uncle and come with me. He opened one of them. " Tom took a seat and Hermione noticed that he did it with such elegance that she wished she had an ounce of it and was not as bookish as she was. "Do not, call me a Mudblood, you worthless, sniveling, little piece of filth or I swear to Merlin you will not have a Hermione: So I know I have 2 magical parents but when do I find out who? LW: Eventually, though the others will figure out your father before you, mainly because I'm having you start to Everything Hermione knows about the war, herself, and the wizarding world is a lie. Hermione Allison Riddle. It didn't hurt that everyone thought Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, was one of her best friends, along with the After 30 minutes of torture, Hermione grabbed Connie by the hair and pulled her to her feet. Dobby was nodding happily and immediately did as Hermione had asked. Tangled in the pureblood sphere, will Hermione just become another cog in Tom Riddle's plans? Final pairing is a secret! But not a Tomione. When the now 14-year-old girl started her education at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, she was believed to be a Muggle-born. Randy and Lillith cried as Hermione did the same to Lily and they yelled out as Barty killed Laura. The first thing Hermione heard when she woke up was Draco's voice. I am turning 17 today so my glamour will come off. Tom and Harry were bonding, but just as they’re getting over some bumps in the road, now there’s Malfoy and Dumbledore. Unfortunately, she would be splitting that duty with this years Head Boy, Draco Malfoy. It contained seven pages in total. Just her luck. Thank you for seeing us. 96. The Riddle Twins by boredlife07. "Oh, this is great. " He vanished into a room in the back, only to return with two small boxes. So, stop! I want the old Hermione. " Hermione turned round and rather sneered at him, "Scent can be a strong emotional trigger for a great many people, Mr. Jr. " "Where have you been, Miss Riddle?" His voice sounded like he was dangerously close to taking points from his own house. With the war looking bleak, the Golden Trio, Ginny, Draco, and Lavender go back to Tom Riddle's 7th Year to destroy Lord Voldemort once and for all. "You need to start occluding your mind remember?" He raised an eyebrow at her and Hermione nodded. Hermione slowly opened her eyes and remembered that today she had classes. Hermione waited for her father to come into the room and when she heard him come in she turned around. Hermione did everything to push that vile thought from her brain, thinking about how everything she had been working so hard for had come to a culmination of the highest honor for a Hogwarts student. Hermione would be serving this year as Head Girl of Hogwarts. — When Tom Riddle was figured out by a twelve-year-oldthat's when he knew it was time to stop. It was a sphinx. As Harry, Ron, and Hermione hide out searching for Horcruxes, Harry can't stop dreaming of a different version of himself, one with a knack for Dark Magic, a healthy suspicion of all things Dumbledore, and a close personal friendship with a boy named Tom Riddle. We will then contact the Goblins and have them keep all information to turn into the proper people in On the voyage, Hermione watched Harry attentively and noticed the distant expression in his eyes and body language. Hermione remembered how Draco had told her that the location of the Bulgarian school was secret. She cleared her throat and spoke loudly with her power. But when Draco woke up and Hermione gave him a kiss, Draco caught her lips and kissed her passionately. After the final battle- which Harry lost- Hermione and her friends take refuge in the Room of Requirement. Riddle. Hermione looked uncomfortable and vulnerable in that moment and Severus pulled the covers back. Instead she went to the room of requirement and paced across the floors of a small study. Hermione shook her head and yelled "AVADA KEDAVRA" and Connie fell to the floor; lifeless. While he spoke, his artificial blue eye overlooked the classroom completely independent from his natural eye. She pulled off the cloak. "Cause it is fun. " Luna said in a rush. "Hermione, this is Daniel Riddle-Snape," he introduced Unnamed, "Your older brother. As Severus was about to speak Tom and Hermione entered the room. Severus conjured a glass bowl of water. But it's Hermione let out a small squeak and Severus chuckled quietly. "I love you, too Harry. There is no way Tom Riddle could have been present in Godric's Hollow in the night of the Potters' death. When Lucius drank the potion and turned into Arthur Weasley, he looked disgusted. He held his hand out, offering her a place next to him. "I'm fine, Silver Heart" Hermione said and the Fat Lady's portrait swung open to reveal the Common Room. "It's nice to see you too, Hermione" Barty said to the young woman. I am with my "friends" Harry and Ron in Hogsmade. Miss Riddle here and Mr Malfoy are welcome at any time. How could it be anything else? Hermione goes back in time to adopt Tom Riddle and show him the love he never knew and hoping to change the future for the better. SLYTHERIN?! Hermione Granger. pmutywltddldvefsbcvavronewwjjrxlwmhmqszbyoalhzkynbeiocmtdkewnlsgrdcp