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Ginny cheating on harry gets pregnant fanfiction dap. "She's not pregnant, Harry.

Ginny cheating on harry gets pregnant fanfiction dap. What's going on?" "I said nothing.
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Ginny cheating on harry gets pregnant fanfiction dap Ginny and Molly bashing. Harry peered over his shoulder and stared at the baby. After Ginny was restrained, a court clerk came running into the room claiming that my children had suddenly disappeared and three other children had taken their place. You are pregnant. The way Harry and Ginny knew each other, everyone used to think they'd end up dating. Hence, his departure from their lovely home was an immediate initiative and Draco never knew Harry's big surprise. She was too scared to look up at Harry. "Yeah right, Dad. But as the war comes to an end dreams begin to fill his once sleepless nights, and suddenly getting Draco Malfoy to fall in love with him feels like a race against time. Harry took the but he ignored her, and moved his hand to the back of her head and forced the kiss upon her, Harry saw a lone tear escape her eye, as she tried to cry for held, Seamus just became more violent, and as she screamed for him to stop he hit her across the face, Harry tried to help her, forgetting he was in a memory, blood began to drip from her But as Lucius stands by his side, as Harry faces cheating, lies and tragedy, will Harry come to see Lucius is there as so much more. , Harry P. Cheating on his fiancee was bad enough, but cheating on his fiancee with her part-veela sister-in-law was ten times worse, and on top of that Nov 12, 2019 · By the time Christmas Eve came, Harry and Luna felt nothing short of exhausted. spat. "I think I'm pregnant. " "Harry language. I wished the baby looked like Ron, looked like Rose, had their red hair and blue eyes. Two Months Later "Hermione, I need you!" Ginny said into the receiver. "She keeps refusing it," Harry sighed as he began playing the security tapes, fast forwarding and saving the scenes of Ginny cheating on him with Draco onto a DVD, making a compilation. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 51,971 - Reviews: 127 - Favs: 227 - Follows: 176 - Updated: 1/14/2017 - Published: 7/29/2015 - Status: Complete Mar 18, 2025 · Harry leans on the support of his beautiful brilliant wife, Hermione, and his best friends Ron, Neville, and Ginny as he adjusts to his new reality and tries to make the best of it. Good looks, best friends, high grades and a boyfriend who loved her more than anything. Excerpts from Ginny's childhood as her father's love begins to take a new form Starts when she's eight and ends just before Ginny goes to Hogwarts. Harry explained, then turned and carried on down the alley towards the bank, leaving two speechless and fuming Weasleys behind. Harry loves Remus, Remus loves Harry but is wary due to the age difference. Seamus has started to get suspicious and now he's… well, anyway, sorry. Ginny had taken the divorce badly; she was found to be pregnant after Harry left, but, once the child had been born, it was proven that Draco Malfoy was the father. Harry stepped out of the elevator of a posh hotel in Barcelona, and the doors dinged closed behind him. " Ginny was stopped from responding when the floo activated and Harry came through. Aug 6, 2018 · Ginny bites the inside of her cheek from her perch on the bed as Harry continues to mutter and pace. Poor Harry, because it's all a load of bollocks. Apr 28, 2016 · Hadn't been for a long while. "It's Harry. " "Are you daft? Do you think I'm actually going to do it because you asked me to?" "Yes. Your scar might not hurt anymore, but everything else does. Harry might have even been happy to see Dean, if he and Ginny hadn't looked so guilty. "No" screamed Harry "it does not have to be like that, I love you and want to be with you for the rest of my life". This is how Harry convinces Remus that he loves him, and their lives afterwards. Harry nodded and they went into the hall outside the common room and then they went outside the castle for a walk. " Ginny's face fell. This was love. Bill compared a pregnant Fleur to a horny, wild beast. Ever since Ginny had gotten to know Harry personally, she had fallen in love with the boy wonder. Harry cleared his throat. K. What's going on?" "I said nothing. of. Neither one was particularly interested in the news, except for how it affected the ones who supported them. Harry apparated away, leaving Hermione staring daggers at Ginny. Or, more like gaze up at his face. Still, it was Harry who was usually angry at their lies. Ginny took all the crap they wrote about her with a laugh. That weekend Harry walked with Eric down to Hogsmeade and found himself talking about cars. It wasn't often they ate together. Had Ginny been cheating on him?Well, there's one way to find out… Beep. Jan 25, 2009 · In addition to Harry/Ginny, other couples include: Bill/Fleur, Remus/Tonks, and Hermione/Charlie. Initial Harry/Ginny. Harry was confused. It wasn't for Harry's protection from Death Eaters either. " "Oh wait, before you go, take this. "Get out of my house, my sight. Lots of drama and some loving. They travelled together around the world and when outside of Britain, they didn't bother to hide their mutual affection. "I love you Mr. Harry is different from what anyone expecting and he holds a few secrets. He'd rather be along for the journey then left behind. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 33,211 - Reviews: 159 - Favs: 89 - Follows: 76 - Updated: 4/23/2006 - Published: 9/15/2003 - Hermione G. Don't like, don't read. "This is just ridiculous. Suddenly Hermione felt Harry get excited again. "He's all yours, brother" Ginny said simply. Cupping his cheek, Ginny stared into his bright green eyes and suddenly; she felt a different hunger emerging. As head of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter and regent of the Ancient and Noble House of Black, I was compelled to marry her when she got pregnant. If they loved each other, then that was the end of his dreams for her. They also lost the freckles they had. "Oh Mr. "What?" The Goblin snarled "I need to see my account manager, please. Apr 2, 2019 · Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. " Hermione shook her head before she turned to Harry. ' After spending a moment alone with Harry during her eldest brother's wedding, Ginny finds herself pregnant and must forgo her education for hiding. This was right. " "Okay, but for the record the side I choose is yours," Harry said, wrapping his arm around Hermione. Potter household - Cornwall. "Don't you dare run away from me Daphne Greengrass! You're not leaving here until you agree to back off Harry. Jan 26, 2021 · The argument that Dumbledore wanted Harry to have a great childhood doesn't hold up. "She's not pregnant, Harry. Harry stared into the dying embers of the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room, wondering what Ginny could possibly be doing outside the dorms at midnight. After sixteen years, Harry and this old "big surprise" come back to England because Remus Lupin's death and some other purpose as well. She gets really pissy about the Book for no real reason. "Ron was wrong. "How could I ever hate you?" Harry said softly. Rowling owns all characters unless there is someone you don't recognize, then that is probably a person made-up by me. Ron shot her a look. "Oh yes Harry, I will marry you. I knew Harry was going to be an a raging inferno of randy hormones around you eventually. First Rose, now Lily? The boy's definitely a Potter. Everyone came filing in, Teddy sitting by his godfather. A/N: During 6th year, why Harry and Ginny really broke up. "Awwwww, fine but keep those other two off of Harry! The Second Wizarding War is nearly upon them and things are tough enough between school and saving the world, but things only get more difficult when the couple finds out that Ginny is pregnant. Screened off beds all over the room held petrified students, including Hermione. Ginny Weasley gets pregnant and Hermione helps her deal with the consequences. At least Harry ha told me he was in a Thus, Ginny would get a large sum as a settlement, and be set for life. " "Thanks Harry, I appreciate that," Hermione replied, giving her friend a peck on the cheek. Come on, you can tell me anything Ginny. "Nothings wrong. Hermione was "Because you weren't right in front of his face, that was the push he needed. Still caught up in the war, Harry resolves to see if he even survives much less gets to plan the rest of his life. On with the story. Just so they could know each other was okay, it was a really good one. Potter, I see you're ready for another round. He had noticed, last month, that his clothes no longer fit properly and had cast a spell on them to expand as his belly did. After a couple of minutes, Mrs. Now Hermione married him and after having his two children, Erin and Tyson, Draco became kinda tired of his true love and went to the bar. Please read the warnings. Chapter Five: His Cheating Heart. If you take sides you're going to lose one of us, and I don't want that to happen. Hence, ending my engagement to Ginny and our sudden wedding. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Ginny W. Ginny looked at Harry, her husband for a few years and the father of her children of James and Lily and sighed. The two scenes I remember are: Harry confronts Ginny at the Burrow and demands her key to his vault back. "Ginny and I haven't been together," he told them. We will need to get some kind of DNA test done on her to identify the father," Alex said. " "Ex-death eater you bitch. So what was he arguing with Harry about? He shouldn't even be arguing with Hermione. I didn't know that Fleur used Veela Magic to ensure that when Hermione and I make love, she would immediately get pregnant. the. I put it as request/prompt because I remember seeing Harry get reported for the Felix Felicis thing before in a fic, but the worst I've seen already written in fics is Hermione get toddler level "IT NOT FAIR!" harry and ginny are now dating! ginny is at her happiest because for the past 5 years she has had a crush on harry. - Words: 2,200 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 135 - Follows: 38 - Published: 12/27/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6594814 Jul 3, 2019 · Ginny apparated to Hermione's house at 6:30 with a large bag in tow. Who else would be devious enough to steal another one of my girlfriends, and get her pregnant?" Harry said sarcastically. I saw comprehension dawning upon him, comprehension that I did not want him to understand. "You're pregnant!" he cried, as "You know, I broke up with Harry," Ginny said. "Nothings wrong Harry, I'm just in shock. Harry's little Veela . Nothing happened except some cuddling to ward off cold from the chilling November nights. "Ms. He chuckled into his drink as he thought of how easy it was for her to get attention. " "I don't know who I should be angrier with you or Harry. However, life throws him a curveball and sends him spinning into the arms of someone destiny had in mind for him. "Oh, right," Harry said nervously. As she was crying she ran into the hero of the wizarding world, The-Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter. Harry took it and opened it, "The Greatest Aurors Ever, Thanks. Harry and Hermione watched his apprehensively. Harry concurred. Summary: After her so called 'happily ever after', Ginny Weasley found out that her boyfriend, Dean Thomas was cheating on her. He didn't want it to get out about the affair, so he set her up with a house and weekly support. HPHPHPHPHPHPHPHPHPHPHPHPHPHP. " Ginny was still perplexed. Mostly Ginny's point of view. Mention of Dumbledore, Molly, Ron, Ginny and Hermione bashing. "Harry was the last person I dated before I became pregnant. Both Hermione and Harry started laughing so hard, they thought their sides would split. " Harry watched Ginny talk, flirt, and dance around with any man who caught her interest. "It was very busy. Hermione just gave Ginny a hurt and worried look and walked away. Ginny Weasley was several beds down behind a screen. Ron/Hermione. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Ginny W. "No, I'm sorry Harry but we can't be together, you are supposed to be with Ginny and me with Ron". Ginny has dreams where dead relatives and friends visit her and give advice on Harry but also information on how Albus will be an important person in the wizarding world. They were friends ever since Ginny's chamber incident. Harry is a Carrier. This wasn't a fluke, or something small she was getting way to worried about. "Ginny, I know what happened and don't call Daphne that! You can't fool me. " Daphne muttered. "Ginny what's wrong?" Hermione said worried. "It's Ginny said sadly. She had been so insecure at first; glancing around shyly and dancing with Harry at first to gain some confidence. Bad ass Harry. Fleur and Hermione had a discussion, comparing their experiences with pregnancy, while Harry and Bill talked about what it was like to take care of a pregnant wife. "You shut up!" Mar 31, 2022 · The fact she was already confessing to him her woes, meant that she was closer to cheating on Harry than he thought. Don't get yourself caught up in the middle of it, Harry. " Harry chuckled "we've always liked our pale redheads. Ginny can't be two months pregnant," Ginny heard Harry tell the nurse. I am looking for fics that have Harry getting someone pregnant. Harry had a new problem. It's Dean… I can't keep… meeting you. " "Name. Ginny picked up the last present and slowly handed it to Harry "I wasn't originally planning on giving this to you yet, but things happened, so you get it now," Ginny said. You see, Harry has never noticed GinnyUntil now that is. "What if Harry found out Ginny, you could ruin everything. Parings: Harry/Draco, Hints of Harry/Ginny, and Ron/Hermione. "I'm sorry Harry" she said with tears in her eyes". Harry lifted her head up again and looked into her eyes, confused. Enjoy! #ginnyweasley #harryandginny #harrypotter "Oh joy a pregnant Weasley woman and a pregnant migt-as-well be a Weasley woman both knocked up the same time," George muttered. warn slash/some Weasley bash Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Harry P. Harry the twin brother of the boy-who-lived comes to Hogwarts and gets sorted into Slytherin. Ginny 5 months pregnant…. , Lucius M. Harry and I are just having a…. Ginny and Ron lost that red hair which Weasleys were famous for. When that took effect and Harry would make a move, she would take a fertility potion and they would get to it. Ginny nodded since that sounded like something Harry would do. "You're pregnant," her father whispered, his head in his hands. Chapter 1 Game of Wombs. After her parents and most of her siblings disowned her. " Harry said. " Ron glared at them before standing and walking away from them. Nov 26, 2016 · Ron and Ginny were also suspicious of both Harry and Hermione. Why don't you go screw my brother now?" Ginny knew it was unfair, she knew that Hermione had been worried about her not liking the idea of her and Ron going out. She could buy anything she wanted once she turned 17 and had access to it. "That's disgusting. Enjoy this story, From Nice Harry Examines Ginny's Trap. It's finished and the sequel is a work in progress. " Harry opened the box, and it held a gold ring with a griffindorph lion on it made out of diamonds. " She bit her lip; she looked so young and innocent when she did that. Set when Ginny gets pregnant with Albus (after a romantic weekend at a magical place), this tells the story of her pregnancy while Harry is frequently away on an Auror mission. " Hermione said with a wave of her hand. "I have to save the world, and I don't have time to deal with a baby… Wait, you must have made a mistake, Madam Pomfrey. It was his house, but she had refused to leave and go home to the Feb 14, 2010 · Harry lifted Hermione off her feet and spun her around as she giggled, he kissed her once more before dragging his new girlfriend away from the Gryffindor entrance, "Hermione we have to talk but not here," Harry's whole face lit up with joy as an idea came to him, Hermione thought that if this was a cartoon, a light bulb bright enough to Ginny stood up with Harry and Hermione and dragged them over to the rest of the Weasley's who were all glaring dagger's at Ron, who just happened to look like he was about to faint like a girl. She knew Ginny had something to do with this fiasco, she just wasn't sure quite what it was. "Huh, lies!" She exclaimed. It was more her mother treating her like a child that bothered her. "While Harry was off fighting, I was dating Dean. " Harry's father informed him. I actually watched as Ginny turned so pale that she looked like a candy cane. By: tweety-src-clt9. But Ginny had told her, not her part, but said she had seen Draco cheating on Harry. "Of course I wasn't, though the hat did seem to think I would have done well there. What happened next was shocking. Ginny sidestepped to the right, blocking their way out of the store. Her parents were there, holding her hand and fussing over her. Ginny. Finding out that some of the Wesley's and Hermione he thought as family had betrayed him, Harry wishes for something that seems impossible. The oldest, Rose, was 14, John was 12, the twins, Megan and Victoria were 10, Daniel was 8, and Mike was 6. Apr 28, 2007 · When Draco's wife is caught cheating and pregnant to another man, Draco must fight for custody of his son, Scorpius. xxxxx "I'm sorry, my dear. A dangerous alliance forms when Voldemort's reach passes right through the wards of the great castle. Weasley may I ask why your family disowned you?" "I tried to pin this baby on Harry Potter," Ginny said rubbing her stomach. "Now get out" Arthur willed the Burrow to throw them out. "I've always been a vengeful person, Ginny, you know this. Then he meets Daphne at a ministry party or whatever and it turns into Haphne. To Ginny, it wasn't a normal day if there wasn't a rumor about Ginny cheating on Harry or Harry and Ginny having a blazing row, which caused Harry to storm out of the house in a huff. Harry had immediately packed up his and James' things and moved in with Andromeda. Harry knew his inheritance wasn't all pleasant, but the last thing he expected was to leave Gringotts with two wives - nor for Ginny to leave them breathing. Lavender seemed surprised to see her. Ginny Weasley had it all. " Ginny said, crossing her arms. You opened the door to his sexuality. "Harry, the healer said it would be better to walk, to encourage the babies to move further into the birth canal," Ginny said, taking Harry's hand to stand up. "Hermione," Harry said as he caught sight of her. When the Weasleys left, Harry guided Hermione to bed. Ron cheats on Hermione, she turns to Harry and finds what she has been looking for all along. I will be adding when Ginny tells Harry she's pregnant, and the last part will be when she delivers her baby. Pairing: Harry and Ginny. " "As long as it's not Harry I will be fine. Until he came. Harry was now 4 months pregnant, by his calculations. "Whatever. "No, Mr. " "You're not the one who has to live with her," Harry and Ron mumbled simultaneously. And Dumbledore didn't care about Harry's survival either. She went to her baby daddy for help. " Posted July 12, 2018. It's actually set during HBP, Ginny gets pregnant when they are dating and its interesting. If you do not like, please do not read. Harry let out a choked laugh. " Author's Note: trying to get back into writing and constructive criticism would thus be appreciated. "Thanks. I'm not someone you want to be on bad terms with. Chapter 3: Pregnant. They lived a happy life until one day everything changed. "That I was cheating on Ginny with Tonks?" He was surprised when she shook her head. Song: Take A Bow. There was a fic where Harry and Ginny did a wedding vow the night before Bill and Fleur's wedding. "Non, I think that was a heat of the moment sort of thingshe believed that the money you spent on the painting was hers as well as yours," Fleur said quietly, Harry had poured a glass of wine and handed it to her, she accepted as he poured his own drink. 5th April 2002. Her worried face glanced at Harry before she shifted her gaze to Hermione. Jul 20, 2017 · I was having quite enjoyable sex" Ginny was quick to untangle herself and get to her famous pose. Ginny shot a look at Susan that said, 'get your filthy hands of my man'. With a wedding in three weeks, a Christmas dinner to plan and at least half a dozen last-minute gifts that Harry rushed about to get due to his knack for procrastinating, having a day entirely to themselves was a relief… among other things. Ginny was one of the very few people who was able to apparate directly into the house. This is a side-fic for my Harry Potter and the Series of Degrading Events, but can def be read as a one-shot. . By the time Hermione and Thorfinn arrived, the place was full to the rafters. What Ginny Didn't Tell Harry Fanfiction. Ginny gave a weak smile. J. The Second Wizarding War is nearly upon them and things are tough enough between school and saving the world, but things only get more difficult when the couple finds out that Ginny is pregnant. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 38 - Words: 67,209 - Reviews: 747 - Favs: 702 - Follows: 427 - Updated: 11/21/2011 Aug 31, 2019 · Ginny was hosting Lavender's bridal shower at Grimmauld Place. Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride. Their hair became more of a dull brown, which cause Ginny to scream. Aug 27, 2017 · This Story is Yaoi. If you do not like, do not read. No, Albus did not get his love of reading from his parent's, it came from his grandmother. Mention that Harry can become mpreg. In the meantime, she could have fun and enjoy herself. I found my eyes locking on his and part of me wished things were different. "Thank you, Madam Pomfry. " "It's your fault, you hot, sexy thang. "It's just, please don't hate me Harry. "It's obviously James' baby, by the way. Unintended Consequences is an alternative to Deathly Hallows. As long as it is not a male, I do not care who is impregnanted, how it happens, whether the school is Hogwarts or not, what their ages are, what they do about it, relationships post birth, etc. Hermione and Ginny shot them death glares (though Ginny's was slightly scarier) and the three of them Ask Book 6 Hermione. In one of their arguments about her caring for James, Ginny had screamed that Harry wasn't even the father of the unborn baby and he couldn't tell her what to do. Rich powerful Harry. Fortunately, you should be on holiday before you start to show. Beep. " "I love you Mrs. " Bill grunted. "He is the one you were cheating on Harry with?" Ginny smiled. contains swearing, mpreg, slash, Dumbles bashing, implied mature situations, Crazy!Ginny, implied mature situations with Wolf!Remus, and lots of Fluff. - Chapters: 24 - Words: 47,149 - Reviews: 335 - Favs: 612 - Follows: 452 - Updated: 6/8/2014 - Published: 1/12 Ginny and Harry had gotten divorced when she was two months pregnant. Soon, they looked just like their mother, only Ron was a male version. Ginny gasped, "Divorce? You can't mean that, Harry. Potter, I am not mistaken. Meanwhile, Hermione, Ron, Susan, Colin, Ginny, and Neville try to track down the criminals and monsters that injured Harry. Ginny Weasley, your best friend's sister. " Ginny was crying as Harry slipped the ring on her finger, and gave her a hug and a kiss. "You - you're - it - but - Ginny?" Harry stuttered incredulously. I can't look at you right now. Ginny would be giving him a love potion. Ginny laying against his back, Luna lying at his feet, and him spooning up against Hermione's shapely bum, his cock still pushing up against her snatch. "So much in love, you were planning on marrying Harry until he found out? Sounds like a fairy tale. " "Hold on!" Follow/Fav harry cheating on ginny! By: freesia. " Hermione replied. And through all this, Molly had somehow figured out that Harry and Ginny were having issues. After having worked long nights at the aurors office for the past few months, he had decided to surprise Ginny, and come home early that day. The pairing is Harry, Draco, Fred and George. "I can't be pregnant," Ginny denied, now wondering if this was a dream. Just tell me. Rated: Fiction K - English - Chapters: 9 - Words: 7,649 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 9 - Published: 4/20/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 5910867 Bill, Fleur, and Victoire stayed for dinner. Harry had worried she was involved, as she had known what had happened. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Angst - Draco M. Chapter 4: Second Round. Harry and Ginny found a spot to sit at the table, hearing their loud family in the sitting room. Ginny falls pregnant, and desperate to avoid breaking up with Harry pretends the baby is stillborn and secretly gives it up for adoption. Ms. The suburban mom society despised her. She reckons he has more to do with this than anything. "But there was nothing from Harry for years, I don't get it. Ginny's been cheating on you with Seamus, if you don't want to believe it then that's your prerogative. Aug 6, 2018 · As much as Ginny had secretly relished watching her mother frantically plan a wedding before Audrey started to show, she would have enjoyed being pregnant during those preparations much, much more. Harry was quite tall and unfortunately, Ginny had inherited her mother's height. she knows that thi relation won't last long, due to the fact that the dark lord is rising. He did not even imagine anyone like Harry neglecting a girl like Ginny. He and Ginny had been engaged for a month and he couldn't keep his hands off another woman, who happened to be his fiancee's sister-in-law, which meant that she was Harry's future sister-in-law as well. Ginny would play the hysterical witch and she would tell everyone that Harry was the father. "Why?" "Dean is the one I want to marry, Mum," Ginny said. Luv, xxLilyxx Ginny pulled down his head and kissed him passionately. If he did, he might have given Harry more than zero training to face Voldemort. Now, Draco must pick up on the pieces of his life and find Harry and Ginny Potter, happily married, are expecting. I knew Blaise was married, and I slept with him anyway. Ron looked Ginny smiled and walked toward her older brothers. " "Suit yourself," Hermione tutted. Or Fred/Angelina for that matter. One month later she would go to the Hospital Wing and they would notice that she was pregnant. Blaise Zabini, a Slytherin sixth year, friend of Draco Malfoy and just as hated by the Gryffindors as all the rest of t Ginny cheating on Harry only led to him finding who exactly he loved, and how he was going to protect him from Lord Voldemort and his orders to kill Dumbledore. Ginny had been so upset Harry broke up with her, she made a mistake. empire after their kiss in the common room, harry and ginny are extensively dating. He placed Harry with abusive relatives and neglected him. Ginny was the same, she would never read unless it was school work, or quidditch. "What do you think happened?" Hermione bit her lip and looked down at Harry, but didn't answer. Weasley walked to the sitting room to tell everyone dinner was ready. Now they find themselves trapped in their 15/14 year old bodies with their memories intact? Can the Potters tempt fate and destiny? Summary: Harry catches Draco cheating on him. Ron doesn't interrupt Harry and Ginny before the wedding and Ginny falls pregnant. "Ginny wouldn't do that to me. Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing. She could also use it as an attractive dowry to land herself a good Pureblood husband, who of course would have a lot of his own money. Wait because it gets better. Conversely, turning either Ginny or Ron (because this happens a lot in Hermione-centric fics where she breaks up with Ron as well) into a cheater is easy, because you don't have to write nuance anymore: Ginny is now coded as the villain, Harry is now the wronged party that the new love interest can put back together, and you already can predict During the battle her logical mind fought with her heart and eventually her mind won. " Seamus stood there silently, and he looked like he would have been anywhere "Well I don't like the fact that your pregnant without me even knowing that you have sex on a regular basis. "It means I'm PREGNANT, you great git!" Ginny screamed. " Taking the hint that she wanted to be alone with Ginny, Harry apparented into the bedroom where Ron still sat on the bed, his head in his hands. She was not in the least daunted by her mother having caught her. Ginny picked up the second present and passed it to him. " "Sorry Molly, but you really messed up this time Ginny. " Harry said as he apprated them to their bedroom at the Potter Manor. The two disappeared through the Floo, quickly followed by Dean, leaving Hermione, Ron and Ginny with the crying Harry. Harry sighed as he looked out over the party. Jul 23, 2017 · Ginny laughed "what can I say, being pregnant always made me horny. Harry Potter laid awake on the large king-sized bed in the master bedroom of his penthouse suite despite the wee hours of the morning. At Hogwarts and in a world at war, Ginny must battle to keep herself and Harry's baby safe: Massive AU. When Ron and Harry get into their fight while on the Horcrux hunt, this time Hermione runs after Ron trying to stop him, but instead she ends up leaving with him. "Yes," she whispered, suddenly seeming achingly vulnerable. Eventual Harry/Gabrielle. Please tell me your opinions as, like I said, I don't normally write Harry/Ginny, Ginny/Draco or Ron/Hermione. Harry awoke the next morning, he and the girls all having fallen asleep naked. Harry sat, wondering when he was going to get to go back to dorms. Potter. " "Okay but you really won't be happy. At first, the reports had upset and angered her but now she was used to them. A small neighborhood in London Harry and Ginny sat down eating a luscious turkey. Apr 19, 2019 · Poor Ginny. " Harry said flatly. Ginny just smiled, batted her eyes, and talked shit about them to their face as well as behind their back. The kiss went on for about 10 minutes before they heard a voice being cleared behind them. "Harry, we are now going to go get some breakfast, then take one day at the time," She looked him in the eye, basically telling him that him that arguing would be pointless. Harry learned more about Hermione's pre-Hogwarts life from those nightly chats than the seven years they had spent together at the school combined. " "Behind Harry's back," Hermione spat at Ginny. Eventually, Ginny's Dad left, Ginny's mum sleeping to the chair next to her bed. Harry liked to read, but it wasn't something he liked to do all the time. Slight Percy bashing. With that single wish, Harry is thrown back into his one year old Body with a mind seeking for revenge. They wouldn't accept their explanations that there was nothing between them but friendship. Harry was panicking; he felt as if history was repeating itself, he couldn't believe that it was all happening again. Warnings: Ginny Bashing. The wizarding world is in peace, but you aren't. Harry was depressed he and Ginny had been married for two years now and she was pregnant, normally one would think this a good thing especially as Harry had always wanted a family, But Harry had caught his wife in bed with none other than Draco Malfoy. "I did not do anything! He left me, kicked me out for her must have been cheating on me for ages and got me pregnant, ruined my career!" "I don't think you were complaining during the act. But that's minor so I believe that won't garner as much sympathy. "Potter's cheating on you?" Draco looked positively delighted. "Okay well she said she was pregnant. Harry too, after some persuasion from Hermione, spilled the rather dark history of his life at the Dursley. The whole house was silent except for when a fork would scrape the dish. Since we didn't get to see the wedding, I have made up the vows that I think are really fitting for both Harry and Ginny. "Oh get a room you two, just "What does that mean?" Ginny asked, afraid she already knew the answer. "We were all alone in the tent for several weeks, and it was damn cold then and we still slept separately," Harry noted. Harry had tried to hide his feeling for his friend's sake. Ginny's and Hermione's DNA were linked with the spell, which is why she could pass through the wards. Hermione comforts him and they fall in love. The aurors felt bad for Ginny, pregnant and all alone. The pain subsides, he was calmer now. They went forward, but Ginny grabbed Harry's arm before he could get involved again. Quickly, get him out of here before Harry comes home. The Christmas holidays began tomorrow and he was hoping to speak to Sirius about this. Not even Harry could breach the charms that Hermione had expertly set up. She was far better than any other girl he had ever seduced by a wide margin. "This should be pleasant. "That bad in the sack, eh, Weasley?" Ginny glared, "I'm a virgin, Mal-Mal-Mal," she frowned before deciding on a pronoun, "you. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,645 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 11 - Published: 1/7/2016 - Status: Complete - id: 11720190 A requested fanfiction from merdarkandtwisty going through each month of Ginny's pregnancy up to her birth. Ginny kneels down next to the duo. Harry and Ginny: After Defeating Voldemort Fanfiction. But Hermione had never wanted him. " Ginny inwardly flinched. " Beep. " Hermione said smugly. "SHUT UP!" Harry knew he got that from Lily Potter, Albus' grandmother. - Chapters: 38 - Words: 67,209 - Reviews: 747 - Favs: 702 - Follows: 427 - Updated: 11 James and Lily have been put into a coma, Adrian Potter is the boy-who-lived, Dumbledore raises him and drops his twin at his aunts. "Let them talk," Ginny told an irritated Harry. Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P. "I suggest you go check on him. "Let's get you to bed," Harry said, standing up and making it to Ginny's side in two long strides. The divorce papers will be delivered tomorrow," he said with finality. "Come with me, Harry" Ginny ordered. Summary: Wizards can get pregnant; Harry thinks he should have been informed. In Every Universe: All in One Piece by Brightly Bound 'This was lightness. Harry walked into the bank a few minutes later and saw a teller free, so he walked up to him and cleared his throat to gain his attention. The two of them had gotten on immediately-- from the very first time they’d met. A\N: This was written for the 2019 Death By Quill competition, First Round prompt (themed "Mirror Magic" with the pairing HP/DG) of the Facebook group, The Slytherin Cabal. Prompt: "Harry finds Ginny cheating on him. " Ginny begged. "I'm here because my auntie wants me to be safe and who better than to protect me then Harry here" Susan said as she wrapped her arm around one of Harry's. "Get out. Or, rather, who Ginny could be doing. Get out! Don't come back. Ginny Weasley was sitting in her new home. A strange start to the love of Ginny and Harry. It was 2 months later, to get Ginny out of his house, he had had to sell it. Watch out Hogwarts, a new Harry Potter is taking over. I am sorry. Hermione, determined to ensure her son, Aurelian, grows up knowing his brother without Draco finding out, somehow winds up tangled into the middle of Draco's impending divorce. Draco and Ginny, who have loved each other forever, cheat on their loved ones with each other. Unconsidered betrayal forces Harry and Ginny to make perhaps the most difficult choice of their lives and still Voldemort remains. " "Dora has gone on inactive duty at the Ministry," Amelia Bones, Minister of Magic Harry frowned at him, but Ginny sighed, "Get over it Ron, Dean and Seamus are gay too. Weasley said through gritted teeth. PROMPT(LINK ON LIVEJOURNAL ACCOUNT): Pairings; past Harry/Draco and OC/Draco (doesn't matter who as long as it is not Harry) Harry cheated on Draco in a very public way (whether he feels remorse or not is up to you). Ever since Hermione left him, the manor house he built for Ginny only reminded him of all that he'd lost. during those time, it was as if they were the only two people in the world. That's the point. "You spent two months together on the road, all alone," Ginny said. No wonder he didn't want to come here. As things stood right now, Ginny was definitely not the only one surprised. When Harry was proven not to be Lily's dad, Ginny had claimed she knew Draco was cheating on Harry, because it was with her. Do you see what you do to me?" Hermione laughed before she straddled Harry, as he entered her slowly, he grabbed her said Ginny. "Headmaster Dumbledore," Ms. "You're really" he gestured from the potion to her still-flat tummy, his face blank of emotion. It'd taken him a long time to get used to her brash ways, but with Ginny it was a fun ride to go on. A smiling Hermione gave her gift to Ginny to put with the others and then went up to Lavender to congratulate her on her forthcoming wedding. " "I don't believe it," Harry said quietly. Harry chuckled and Ginny pulled away just enough so that she could gaze at his face. " Tears welled up in Ginny's eyes as she noticed the children looking on with wide eyes. Harry apparated back to his flat and answered the voicemail. "Seamus and I are in love, we have been together for almost a year. Unfortunately for Harry, panicky was how he often felt these days. "Harry, I'm telling the truth. Ginny Weasley, famous Quidditch player. However, somehow, overnight the soon-to-be parents are transported 9 years back in time. This made Ginny bitter. All Harry ever wanted was a family and when Ginny announces she's pregnant, his dream is about to come true. 6 years after the war, Harry feels like his life his finally on track. "Ginny, hey. Harry was always at the ministry, and Ginny wrote for a wizard magazine. Ron, Luna, Harry, Ginny, Blaise, and Pansy always thought Draco was faithful. "Harry, the Harry and Ginny had been married for 15 years and had 6 kids. She makes a show of how difficult it is to get the key out of her apron pocket because of how far along she is in her pregnancy, looking for sympathy from her family. It had been three years since the final battle, and it was once again Harry Potter's birthday. But Susan ignored the look as she inched closer to Harry. "How was your day?" Harry asked finally breaking the silence. Yeah, there are plenty of fics with Ginny cheating on him or breaking up with him over her wanting his fame and him wanting to be "just Harry" or her focusing too much on her quidditch career. This story includes cheating and heart break. The way Hermione's hands touched Harry the exact same way Ginny did, but she got a reaction where Ginny did not. "You know I can't focus when you are nibbling on my clit like that! Lavender don't you dare stop sucking on my nipples! Luna get back over here, stop sucking on Harry's balls! You'll get your turn as soon as I get another batch of baby batter in me!" growled Hermione. She told you that in order to get out of your relationship. She really was pregnant. regardless she is happy. i'm pretending the 7th book hasn't been written The Second Wizarding War is nearly upon them and things are tough enough between school and saving the world, but things only get more difficult when the couple finds out that Ginny is pregnant. s. Harry and Ginny stepped forward. " She whispered. Last Friday they'd even played a drinking game to get through Witch Weekly's four-page pullout, 21 Steps to Avoid Becoming Ginny Weasley and Learn to Really Satisfy Your My Cheating Heart. But Harry, as usual, had been oblivious to anything of the sort. she and harry were now spending countless hours in the courtyard just talking. I wasn't about to lose my boyfriend to a death eater. You got pregnant on purpose, you stole nine years of my daughter's life from me, and you ruined the best relationship I Basically, what the title says. Yaoi and implied M-preg. - Chapters: 38 - Words: 67,209 - Reviews: 747 - Favs: 702 - Follows: 427 - Updated: 11 Jan 5, 2012 · Ginny Weasley, the prettiest witch of your time. but just whn ginny is at her happiest, she goes to hogesmede and finds harry kissing cho! what does she do? p. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 3,632 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 8/17/2017 - Published: 7/21/2017 - id: 12582505 Apr 23, 2013 · "It was the only way to get Harry to me, Malfoy didn't deserve him. Confused and angry… but mainly confused. According to the letter from his accountant, Ginny was having an affair with the manager of her professional Quidditch team, Oliver Wood. Will their friendship bloom into romance? Will Dean get Ginny After a summer filled with amazing wonders and terrible horrors, Harry and Ginny return to Hogwarts. Ginny Weasley cheated on you, and now your heart is as shattered as your dead Godfather's mirror. "I can't deal with a baby right now," Harry started ranting, obviously not having heard what Madam Pomfrey had said. But no, by your fault, I mean your genes. " Harry muttered. , Ginny W. vsnmle thbvlk tzo qzzib qvuvfow bhat avqew zax bspozrl usas vks vpojd japmoj ezikr ojbzej