Ffmpeg m3u8 to mp4. m3u8 The 360p video playlist; 1080_out1.
Ffmpeg m3u8 to mp4 ts|1. mp4 m3u8转mp4: ffmpeg -i "https://相对地址/shi. FFmpeg is also a good free M3U8 to MP4 converter for tech-savvy users. exe if you are using Windows) and enjoy the video! 总结而言,使用FFmpeg将M3U8文件转换为MP4格式非常简单。通过下载M3U8文件中的视频流并封装成MP4文件的过程,我们可以轻松地处理和播放M3U8格式的视频内容。无论是在个人娱乐还是专业制作方面,FFmpeg都是一款功能强大且易于使用的工具,为我们的视频处理 If you have some M3U8 files and don’t know how to play them on your device, you can convert M3U8 to MP4. mp4 or . git python-m pip install. 2w次,点赞31次,收藏52次。在当今的网络世界中,M3U8格式的视频流应用广泛,尤其是在直播和在线视频平台上。很多时候,我们需要将这些视频下载并转换成更加常见的MP4格式,以便进行离线观看或 FFmpeg M3U8 to MP4. Brew install ffmpeg. I did as written in the document on Microsoft's I have a mp4 file, input0. ) Step 1. m3u8 is there how to use this setting to make a 720 and 480p playlist ?? how would she be? 2、通过『 m3u8 downloader 』将m3u8转换成mp4. Keep reading to learn how to M3U8 2. You could also do -vcodec copy -acodec copy or -codec copy since -c is just a short version of -codec. mp4 透過-i指令,下載串流影片,網址最好用雙引號標示-c copy 告知影音編碼用複製就好,不需要再次轉碼fi A simple python converter that uses ffmpeg to convert mp4 to m3u8 - thelsn/mp4-to-m3u8 In the command-line interpreter, type ffmpeg -i “m3u8-URL”-c copy output. mp4转换成m3u8: ffmpeg -i test. There are two options to download a m3u8 video into a mp4 file: async and multi-threads. FFmpeg is a popular tool that allows users to convert their files to their desired format. The merged . You'll need a reliable M3U8 converter to analyze and download the M3U8 file as an MP4, allowing you to view its content on any device. Convert M3U8 to MP4 with VLC. mp4文件播放的弊端很明显,主要体现在两个方面。 I can convert the file with the extension mp4 in my hand from the code line related to PowerShell to m3u8 format. destination - path to the output mp4 file; delete_after - will delete the m3u8 file after conversion, default for links ( URL: ) supplied as path is true; frame_rate - frame/seconds of the resulting video; whitelist - string of protocols allowed; run_async - run conversion asynchronously ffmpeg -i in. mp4 -codec: copy -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -f hls filename. Multi-thread downloader AnyConv是五星級的M3U8到MP4轉換工具 ⭐️ 數秒即可在線將m3u8文件轉換為mp4。無需安裝軟件 。完全免費 。您的文件受到保護。現在輕鬆將M3U8轉換為MP4! I am using ffmpeg to download the ts in the m3u8 file and merge them into an mp4 file,Use the following command line: ffmpeg -i <source m3u8 file> -c copy target. Your curtrentPacket. m3u8" -vcodec copy -acodec copy -absf aac_adtstoasc test. 要使用JavaScript将m3u8文件转换为mp4,可以通过HLS(HTTP Live Streaming)技术、FFmpeg库、WebAssembly等技术手段实现。下面将详细介绍其中一种方法:使用FFmpeg和WebAssembly在浏览器中进行转换。 一、什么是m3u8文件? m3u8文件是一个基于HTTP的媒 Download and install the free, open source FFMpeg tool if you don't already have it, paste the resulting ffmpeg command into your commandline (you may have to add a . mp4). FFmpegを使用してm3u8形式の動画をダウンロードする最も基本的な方法を見ていきましょう。m3u8ファイルのURLを入力として指定し、MP4形式で保存するための基本的なコマンドは以下の通りです。 Command line script that accepts an M3U8 file as the first argument. txt # 项目依赖 ├── README. Consequent frames' PTS and DTS (in generic case they would be the same) shall be equal to previousPacketPTS + curtrentPacket. はじめに M3U8形式の動画をFFmpegでダウンロードする方法のメモです。 M3U8とは M3U8は、HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) プロトコルで使用されるメディアプレイリストフォーマットです。 M3U8ファイルは、スト python ffmpeg转换m3u8本地文件为mp4,#使用Python和FFmpeg将本地M3U8文件转换为MP4格式随着流媒体技术的不断发展,视频格式的种类也日益增多。M3U8是一种基于HTTPLiveStreaming(HLS)的文件格式,而MP4则是一种广泛使用的多媒体容器格式。在某些情况下,我们需要将M3U8文件转换为MP4格式,以便在更加通用的播放 M3U8 是一种基于文本的播放列表格式,通常用于 HTTP Live Streaming(HLS)协议,该协议是由苹果公司开发的一种流媒体传输方式。M3U8 文件包含了指向媒体片段(如视频或音频)的 URL 链接,这些片段会被播放器逐个请求并拼接起来,以达到流畅播放的效果。 I'm trying to download video from a m3u8 playlist using ffmpeg but I do not know how to choose the resolution to download. m3u8 超詳細なユーザーガイド. You can convert M3U8 to MP4 on Windows, Mac, and Linux via command lines quickly. com/xxx. Contribute to Chen-cll/ffmpeg_download_m3u8_to_mp4 development by creating an account on GitHub. The converter is built as a Docker container, making it easy to I was using -ss incorrectly for the live stream. mp4 -c:v libx264 -hls_time 60 -hls_list_size 0 -c:a aac -strict -2 -f hls test. 2. m3u8 -y -vcodec copy -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc test. $ ffmpeg -i filename. Download M3U8 Video with FFmpeg. mp4 -profile:v baseline -level 3. mp4 at the root, which also doesn't work. ts files and downloads them in asyncronous batches. -ss has to be used along side -live_start_index 0 before input file option -i input. mp4 without any path? (I've tried using -hls_fmp4_init_filename init. I tried lot of js packages but there are a lot of dependencies and failed even after using browserfy. This will also preserve the best quality and save to MP4 format with original codecs without re-encoding. exe if you are using Windows) and enjoy the video! 输入转换命令:ffmpeg -i "URL" -c copy output. I tried this ffmpeg command on my Windows machine: ffmpeg -i "myvid. It uses FFmpeg to perform the conversion and can handle multiple video streams in a single run. mp4 Although it can work, but I found the download speed is very slow, bandwidth utilization is very low, so I would like to know if ffmpeg can be set to multi-threaded download to VS2019 打开m3u8_2_mp4. media [the original video file name] hls [the original video file name]. M3U8 视频格式是一种M3U,只是它的编码格式是UTF-8格式。 M3U用 Latin-1 字符集编码。 M3U8格式特点是带有一个目录信息或文件。 为什么使用m3u8. VLC, as a versatile M3U8 player, also can be used as an M3U8 to MP4 converter. ts|2. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. key' is not a common multimedia The basic command to convert an M3U8 file to MP4 using FFmpeg is: ffmpeg -i input. m3u8 I've installed ffmpeg. Convert M3U8 to MP4 with FFmpeg. 一个m3u8文件专用的在线转换网站,可以轻松下载M3U8格式的视频文件,也能够对特定范围下载、原格式下载以及转码为MP4下载,操作也不难。 打开网站首页,在文本框中输入m3u8文件的链接,选择【转码为MP4下载】。 Quite an old question, but it's still worth answering, since FFMPEG doesn't make it easy. m3u8"与output. m3u8 将 inpu 使用FFmpeg 将m3u8视频格式转换成MP4示例 - 天马3798 - 博客园 Here's how to use FFmpeg to convert M3U8 to MP4: Download and install FFmpeg on your computer. ts|4. ffmpeg -i input0. m3u8 as input (-i input. I want to be able to give an URL as an argument (where the resource located at the URL is an M3U8 file), and download it as an MP4. It empowers you to download record, stream, edit and convert video/audio files in an efficient way. mp4 in duration. HOW THE DOWNLOADER WORKS: ffmpeg The basic command to convert an M3U8 file to MP4 using FFmpeg is: ffmpeg -i input. More of Ffmpeg. js file 首先需要明确的是,m3u8 和 ts 文件是音视频流文件格式,而 mp4 是一种容器格式。因此在转码过程中需要使用编解码器将 m3u8 和 ts 文件中的音视频流进行编码,并将编码后的数据写入到 mp4 容器中。 对于 C++ 实现转码功能,推荐使用开源的 FFmpeg 库。 m3u8 stream to mp4 using ffmpeg. # Decode input using FFmpeg and encode using x265 using pipe ffmpeg -i INPUT -f yuv4mpegpipe -pix_fmt yuv420p - | \ x265 --y4m -o encoded. ffmpeg -i "concat:0. Open Jason-liu-0219 opened this issue Jan 22, 2025 The expected behavior is to successfully convert the M3U8 playlist containing . com / songs18 / m3u8_To_MP4. mp4 would be slightly shorter than filename_v1. +"/test. exe文件 双击运行m3u8_2_mp4. Once running it extracts all of the . Each method suits different needs, balancing ease of 思路:下载m3u8中的每个ts文件,将m3u8里的ts的链接替换成本地ts地址,用ffmpeg下载这个新的m3u8经测试,这样比直接用ffmpeg下载要快一点把ffmpeg. ts|3. md # 项目说明 └── ffmpeg/ # FFmpeg工具目录(运行时创建) ├── ffmpeg. mp4 without the abosolute path, but then it creates the init. m3u8 The 1080p video playlist; 720_out. Apart from the conversion function, it enables you to record, stream, and edit videos and TL/DR: I used the following code to download all the mpeg-ts chunk files from the m3u8 link, and then I convert each one of them into an . ffmpeg -i inputVideo. is redundant. Can I download all segments of a m3u8 file as one mp4 file using web ( no ffmpeg ) 2. mp4"; – Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. ts" -c copy output. 安装ffmpeg的教程请前往《Linux(Centos7)安装Ffmpeg》,这里只说转换命令。 m3u8转mp4: 使用python快速下载m3u8文件,借助ffmpeg合并成mp4. m3u8 file which has information about all of the video chunks that can be put together and converted into a mp4. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . m3u8文件在本地时,可以使用上面命令进行转换,-c copy:表示直接复制音视频数据,而不重新编码,速度较快。修改"input. exe,输入m3u8文件所在的目录,回车执行程序,生成bat文件 将bat文件拷贝到ffmpeg. mp4 and hit Enter to run it. Current popup. FFmpeg M3U8 to MP4 Conversion Only Includes Initial Segment #827. mp4 UPDATE: If your ffmpeg had the m3u support activated at compile time then you can convert the playlist to mp4 and it will resolve everything and give you a perfect video. mp4 files which I could add into a vlc playlist and play, but I was not able to programmatically concatenate all those mp4 files into one mp4 file using What I want to do is to decrypt it and merge this playlist into a single . mp4. ffmpeg -i input. mp4 -codec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -map 0 -f segment -segment_list a. HOW TO GET M3U8 FILES: download directly if the m3u8 file is provided;; use browser's addon to download the hidden m3u8 file. org python-m pip install m3u8_To_MP4 # first clone project, and install. Now I want to convert it to a HLS and only reserver audio with one step. vcxproj文件,并编译项目,生成m3u8_2_mp4. Type the following command and press Enter: Replace "input. See more For converting MKV to MP4 simply use ffmpeg -i file. m3u8 with the name of your M3U8 file, and output. For AAC audio you will also need to add the the bit ststream filter. mp4 would be ~50MB); also filename_v2. mp4 but also knows to write in the m3u8 only the filename init. ; HOW THE DOWNLOADER WORKS: m3u8 files only shows the url of the playlist of a live-streaming video;; ffmpeg opens the url, reads the stream and convert each of it into mp4. mp4” 就是你想要生成的 mp4 文件名和保存路径,按回车键等待转换完成即可。 This project provides a Docker-based solution for converting M3U8 video streams to MP4 files. mp4 is about 1/10 the size of filename_v1. Installation: m3u8_To_MP4 # via pypi. Replace input. m3u8 Note that you're transcoding the video twice in your current workflow. resulting video file. I need each it's intended to helps you convert an M3U8 file to an MP4 file easily using ffmpeg/node. You also need to make sure the video and audio streams have the same IDs across all files. 0 -s 640x360 -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -f hls index. m3u8 -codec copy output. 265 file into an . How to download a m3u8 video file chunk by chunk? 37. For one solution, I know how can concatenation files with ffmpeg. mp4 In case you are wondering, here’s how to download M3U8 video files with FFmpeg. exe └── ffprobe. Follow the simple steps and execute the command with the M3U8 video URL. mp4 file. m3u8 -acodec copy -vcodec copy out. exe目录下,双击运行即可 How can I change my ffmpeg command so that it knows the absolute path of where to save the init. As mentioned in the document for -ss, seek doesn't start exactly at I am writing an extension to download videos from a website. Now I can realease it with two steps as follows. Step 3: Now you can use the ffmpeg to convert the files. exe suffix, eg: ffmpeg becomes ffmpeg. USAGE: HOW TO GET M3U8 FILES: use browser's addon to download the hidden m3u8 file. m3u8. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. 5. With regular command line FFmpeg是一个开源的跨平台音视频处理工具,可以实现多种多媒体文件格式的转换、编码和解码等功能。在实际应用中,我们经常会遇到需求需要下载网络上的m3u8格式的视频,而FFmpeg可以通过多线程的方式实现快速下载m3u8视频。 The two mp4 files I ended up with are vastly different in size, filename_v2. m3u8 파일을 mp4로 변환하려면, m3u8 파일에 포함되어 있는 url 주소를 확인해야 합니다. For the live streaming from FFMpeg part, one should use -f hls -hls_playlist_type event than -f segment -segment_list_flags live for seek to work on live streaming. / m3u8_To_MP4; Download a mp4 video. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. mp4" with the desired name for the MP4 file. js. Navigate to the folder where your M3U8 file is located. ts file is then converted to MP4 using FFMPEG and stored in the 'downloads' folder to_mp4(destination, delete_after, frame_rate, whitelist, run_async) Convert the m3u8 playlist to a mp4 video. Python package to convert m3u8 playlists to mp4 videos using FFMPEG ffmpeg -i allgluedtogetherinorder. mp4 would be ~500MB while filename_v2. m3u8 But I want to automate this process using C#. m3u8" -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -crf 18 out. -c copy is all that's needed. m3u8" with the name of your M3U8 file and "output. What you need to do is to enter the command line shown below and click the enter button for the system to respond to your request. Open a command prompt or terminal window. mp4 but why should one do that? Find the answer to your question by asking. js This Fork Supports passing headers for remote m3u8 file fetching Installation 其中,input. ts The 1080p . Download and install the free, open source FFMpeg tool if you don't already have it, paste the resulting ffmpeg command into your commandline (you may have to add a . mp4 supported since 03-09-2014 ffmpeg -i encoded. You can convert M3U8 to MP4 on Windows, Mac, and Linux 一、使用FFmpeg 将m3u8视频格式转换成MP4示例 1. 그러면 이제 ffmpeg 을 사용할 준비가 되었습니다. Desktop (please complete the following 이동한 사이트에서 release builds 메뉴를 선택하고, ffmpeg-release-essentials. See the code snippet, the output file format, and the protocol whitelist options. py # 图形界面模块 ├── requirements. ts files with CURL with this command: Usually videos that are streamed and don't allow you to see the direct video file link have a main . m3u8文件合成视频。该应用实现了一个M3U8视频下载和合成工具的图形用户界面(GUI)。下载M3U8文件及其对应的TS片段,并显示下载进度。使用FFmpeg将下载的TS文件合并为MP4格式。用户输入M3U8文件URL并选 :movie_camera: Bulk record m3u (or m3u8) playlists to mp4 files using ffmpeg - Starefossen/m3u-to-mp4 Whether converting M3U8 to MP4 via desktop applications like VLC and FFmpeg, online platforms, or mobile apps tailored for iOS and Android, users have multiple viable options. m3u8 -segment_time 10 a-%03d. m3u8" -codec copy output. 265 - # Mux the resulting encoded . ts segments can be converted. I ended up with many small . exe if you are using Windows) and enjoy the video! 打开命令行窗口后,输入转换命令:ffmpeg -i "你的 m3u8 文件或链接" -c copy output. How to reduce background audio noise using arnndn (neural network models) How to convert AV1 to H. m3u8 The 360p video playlist; 1080_out1. zip 파일 다운로드 받습니다. 把m3u8格式转换成mp4速度超快,但是反之就慢得不行。 参考: The script will create a folder named "media" in the very same folder, structured as below. Downloading HLS videos with FFmpeg is way easier than you think. Here are 3 solutions to convert M3U8 to MP4. duration is just what it sounds - information of how long given frame would be displayed before switching to the next one. M3U8 是 Unicode 版本的 M3U,用 UTF-8 编码。 FFmpeg m3u8 to mp4. mp4 -b:v 1M -g 60 -hls_time 2 -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_size 500000 output. mp4 programmatically. Currently the command is downloading the highest version the command I am Skip to main content. mov # Using ffmpeg: only works with newer builds that support muxing HEVC # Muxing to . ffmpeg -i [LINK] -codec copy [OUTPUT FILE] #downloads only audio segments; ffmpeg -i [LINK] -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -c copy -crf 50 [OUTPUT] #downloads audio and video segments 之前看过一个视频,下载的时候发现视频是m3u8格式的,如果要看m3u8格式有点麻烦,要么用浏览器要么还得安装某播放器,干脆想办法转换成mp4格式吧。 正文. m3u8 파일에서 url 확인. m4s segments into a complete MP4 file, similar to how an M3U8 playlist with . 编码格式转换 The ffmpeg concat demuxer requires the same codecs for the input files, although the container can vary. js using Node. ts If I want to do multiple files, I currently do it from separate Terminal windows. 如果你需要频繁进行格式转换 ffmpeg -i a. Open FFmpeg and Command Prompt (Admin)/PowerShell on your computer. Replace the 文章浏览阅读1. mp4 -vcodec copy -strict -2 video_out. (You can use FFmpeg to edit MP4 videos after the converisons. m3u8 with the name of your M3U8 file, Learn how to use FFmpeg to download and convert M3U8 streaming videos to MP4 format in Windows. ts|5. Step 2. I have already implemented the part to download direct mp4 files. m3u8 The 480p video playlist; 360_out. FFmpeg介绍: FFmpeg是一款强大的开源跨平台多媒体处理工具,它包含了编解码器、音视频转换、流媒体处理等功能。在Java中,我们可以使用 ffmpegHow to download m3u8 steam and save to mp4. I stuck at converting the m3u8 file to mp4. MP4 转 M3U8 ffmpeg -i input. 264; ffmpeg output to stdout; How to list I am using ffmpeg to convert an HLS stream to mp4 using this command: ffmpeg -i https://example. mp3 ffmpeg -i input0. 0 -s 960x540 -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -f hls outputVideo. duration. -c copy says "for all streams, do a stream copy" (no re-encoding). m3u8 -acodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy out. mp4 with the name you want for your converted file. See similar questions with these python utility script to transcode video streaming playlist (m3u8) into mp4s using ffmpeg in linux. Download M3U8 Download and install the free, open source FFMpeg tool if you don't already have it, paste the resulting ffmpeg command into your commandline (you may have to add a . With an advanced codec library libavcodec, FFmpeg is capable of converting M3U8 files without quality 提供本地合成功能,根据用户选择的文件夹中的index. Step 2 To convert M3U8 format to MP4, enter the following command: ffmpeg -i input link. exe放在py文件同一目 ffmpeg介绍ffmpeg是一个十分强大的音视频处理工具,提供转码、播放等基础功能,功能十分全面、强大。是一款非常好用处理音视频的软件工具包,在Win10中使用ffmpeg需要下载后再添加环境变量,下载网站:Download FFmpe。_ffmpeg m3u8转mp4 Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog Download and install the free, open source FFMpeg tool if you don't already have it, paste the resulting ffmpeg command into your commandline (you may have to add a . m3u8 Just combine them: ffmpeg -i big. 265 -c copy 介绍 什么是m3u8. FFmpegでm3u8のURLからts動画を無劣化でダウンロードする方法とFFmpegでm3u8のURLから動画をMP4に変換して保存する方法を初心者でもわかるように、詳しく説明する文章です. youtube github-i. And then -vcodec copy says "for the video stream[s], do a stream copy". mp4ctrl + c. m3u8 -c copy output. py # 核心转换模块 ├── gui_converter. git clone https: // github. mp4 input0. mp4(输出文件名)为你的对应路径即可,可以在对应的文件夹框中输入cmd进入命令行,输入上面命令进行转换。. First converting it to a mp3 file, second slicing mp3 file to m3m8. m3u8 The 720p video playlist; 480_out. input source. This command tells FFmpeg to take input. . **使用FFmpeg工具** 如果你熟悉命令行工具,可以使用FFmpeg来转换M3U8文件为MP4。FFmpeg是一个强大的开源工具,可以轻松地将M3U8文件转换为MP4格式 [8]。 这些方法提供了多种选择,适合不同平台和需求。你可以根据自己的情况选择最合适的工具来完成转换。 FFmpeg 是一套可以用来记录、转换数字音频、视频,并能将其转化为流的开源计算机程序。它提供了录制、转换以及流化音视频的完整解决方案。 一、MP4 转 M3U8. ts的视频文件,客户端可以通过访问m3u8这个文件,从而播放整个视频 本篇文章将详细讲解如何使用Java和FFmpeg库来实现`MP4`到`M3U8`的转换。1. m3u8 The overall playlist; 1080_out. exe 在当今的网络世界中,M3U8格式的视频流应用广泛,尤其是在直播和在线视频平台上。很多时候,我们需要将这些视频下载并转换成更加常见的MP4格式,以便进行离线观看或保存。那么,如何使用FFmpeg实现这一目标呢?这篇文章将详细介绍从安装到完成下载和转换的每一步,即使您对电脑的操作不够 Convert M3U8 to MP4 with FFmpeg. mp4 But I get a following error: [hls @ 000002780f0a8dc0] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3') [hls @ 000002780f0a8dc0] Filename extension of 'mykey. ffmpeg -i "https://dvter. mp4,将“URL”替换为实际的M3U8文件URL,“output. exe if you are using Windows) and enjoy the video! 今回はFFmpegを使用したHLS(m3u8+ts)形式の動画のmp4への一発変換方法を紹介しました。 Freemake Video Converterというソフトでも似たようなことができるのですが、私の環境では統合ではなく一回動画のエンコー I recently asked baout how I could download segments of an online m3u8 file, and someone pointed out that this could be accomplished via ffmpeg:. If there's no download button but you want that video anyway, this small tool will come M3U8转MP4工具/ ├── m3u8_to_mp4. 该项目的目标是:用户上传mp4文件,程序将mp4文件转化成m3u8文件和. All you have to do is execute a single When it comes to converting M3U8 to MP4, thankfully, a lot of tools can simplify the process. mp4 (say each chunk is ~5MB and I have 100 of them, filename_v1. mkv file. txt -c:v libx264 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -r 25 -g 75 -c:a libfdk_aac -hls_time 3 playlist. FFmpeg is an open-source multimedia framework compatible with Windows, Linux, macOS, and iOS and Android in mobile devices. That web site has mp4 files and m3u8 files. Since the 2nd command hasn't set video codec option to copy, it gets transcoded again - in CRF mode with value 23. ts How to use C code to achieve this command? this is my code: ffmpeg -i <"URL with m3u8"> -codec copy output. mp4”替换为你希望保存的文件名。 按回车键执行命令,FFmpeg将开始下载并合并视频片段,生成MP4文件。 方法三:使用专业视频格式转换工具. 04 ffmpeg version git-2017-01-22ffmpeg 安裝方式 利用ffmpeg下載串流影片的使用方法1ffmpeg -i "m3u8網址" -c copy media. mp4 //保存到当前文件夹. 嘗試使用ffmpeg指令,下載m3u8來源的串流影片Ubuntu 14. (Thanks @aergistal for pointing that out) ffmpeg -i in. m3u8), and convert it to an MP4 file (output. 最简单的解决方式是用 FFmpeg 这个 软件。 直接指定m3u8文件的url,输出成本地的mp4。 不需要修改m3u8内容。 不需要注意m3u8里面本地斜杠是/还是\的问题。 真是so 本文介绍了如何使用winget安装ffmpeg,并在终端中输入简单的命令将m3u8文件夹转换为mp4文件的方法。ffmpeg是一个强大的多媒体框架,可以处理和操纵音频和视频文件, A simple and fast way to convert m3u8 to mp4 using ffmpeg command. mp4 ,注意,这里的 “你的 m3u8 文件或链接” 得替换成真实有效的 m3u8 资源地址,“output. mp4 -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -strict -2 -f hls -hls_list_size 2 -hls_time 15 output. ffmpeg -re -f concat -i concat. mp4 This ffmpeg command was great, and works in less 1 sec time! So try to download all . mp3 -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -strict -2 -f hls -hls_list_size 0 output. aohxfojpozrtiqrlphvzybviosgrfcdyqvmaxsxrivzvzlikrurzveccbnyjauknwoshvdjau