Cp1l modbus rtu function block. Some FBs are specific for use with Inverter V7 and 3G3MV.

Cp1l modbus rtu function block Using this function block with the CP1L-E provides an easy means to control a single coil via Modbus. Manuals; Brands; Modbus-Rtu Easy Master Function. Modbus-RTU Inverter (2) By using the serial PLC Links, a maximum of 10 words of data per CPU Unit can be shared independently of the program Hi I have adapted a sample cp1l function block Modbus program to talk to the new Danfoss fc280 midi drive. The Modbus/TCP Master mode is used to control/monitor IO blocks and other remote devices. These 8 bytes should be filled . Function Block Modbus RTU/TCP; Type: Unit/PLC: Type: File: Version: Modbus RTU: Serial port of CS/CJ/ CJ2H /CJ2M/ CP1L / CP1H: Master: MRTU_CPU_Master. i think that updating from 1. I cannot find anywhere the correct structure for the program. Also for: Sysmac cp series, Cp1l-l14d series, Cp1l-l20d series, Cp1l-m30d series, Cp1l-m40d series. Automatically respond to access to the Work Area or Data Memory Area of the CP2E CPU Unit from a Modbus TCP client on the host PC or PLC. Some FBs are specific for use with Inverter V7 and 3G3MV. Users should previously test its adequacy to the final application. MTCP CP1H_MASTER. 2) Version 2. myKnowledge. Bit (Coil) Read/Write All supported Bit (Coil) read/write operations access the CIO memory area from CIO 1000 to CIO 1199. It describes the PLCs' Ethernet and socket communication capabilities. It provides details on the input and output variables for four function blocks (MRTU_CPU_Fn03, MRTU_CPU_Fn05, MRTU_CPU_Fn06, MRTU_CPU_Fn10) that implement common Modbus functions like The CJ1 / CJ2 / CS1 solution requires the use of a Protocol Macro on an SCU31 / SCU41 module, and the CP1L / CP1H function uses the Serial Gateway function of the CP1H / CP1L on a CP1W-CIF11 or CIF12. MTCP_NJNX. MrPLC Member; 26 It is pulled from the Omron support site as Jpv seems to make a lot of the omron modbus function blocks. google. » Fast programming with Function Blocks » Easy positioning functionality. Main Controller : GFDI-RM01N . zip: 1. MTCP_Server_NJNX_E. This function block is designed to. This article provides details for the use and application of the Fn05 Force Single Coil (Modbus/TCP) function block. Modbus-RTU Inverter (2) By using the serial PLC Links, a maximum of 10 words of data per CPU Unit can be shared independently of the program among a maximum of nine CPU Units (CP1L-CP1L-CP1H/CJ1M) using RS Hello everyone, in the previous post plc247. No. Get this library This document describes the procedure to configure and connect a CP1L-M30 PLC to an MX2 inverter dri. The MODBUS protocol includes a basic memory model for devices - each device is seen as consisting of a sequence of coils (boolean flags) and registers (2 byte words). [] Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII. 2 The function blocks in "ModbusSlave" attachment provide some of the Read/Write functionalities conformed to the specifications The Modbus RTU CPU Master function block is offered 'as is' and may serve as a basis for development. Configure the serial port as shown below, if the CP1W-CIF11 is connected to port 1(left), configure Serial Port 1. Modbus TCP adalah pro 2 days ago. zip (SerialGateway with Fins cmde 2804) 1. The Modbus/TCP Fn03_ReadRegister Function Block is designed for use with the other Function Blocks. 2) A. [Unlock] HMI Monitouch TS1070 / TS1100 / TS2060 Series (Works 100%) การใช้งาน function block omron cp1L by AMNART CHONPHITAK Attached is the library for NJ and NX series Omorn plc if want to do Modbus TCP connections. This document describes the procedure to configure and connect a CP1L-M30 PLC to an MX2 inverter drive for simple motion control using Modbus RTU. 3: Slave: Driver integrated (SCU version > V1. This provides a total of 3200 coils for access from the Modbus master device. Also for: Sysmac cp series, Cp1l-l10d series, Cp1l-l14d series, Cp1l-l20d series, Cp1l-m30d series, Cp1l-m40d series, Cp1l-m60d series. Modbus Easy Master de W462-E1-07+CP1L - Free download as PDF File (. 2 The function blocks in "ModbusSlave" attachment provide some of the Read. In The Omron CP1H and CP1L PLCs offer a built in function called ‘Easy Modbus’, that performs a Modbus RTU Master function, allowing the PLC to communicate with devices that use the Function Block Modbus RTU Slave (V2. zip: CP1H: I have a developed a program that talks to several drives via modbus using the easy master function blocks but I want to be able to talk to a slave plc using modbus over the same link if possible. pdf EL CP1L es maestro Modbus RTU y para comunicar con los variadores de Omron es muy sencillo ya que tiene FB para ello. omron-ap. This example is intended for a new CP1/MX2 user and illustrates easy programming and configuration for simple inverter motion control of a new system. View online or download Omron CP1L Brochure. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk Function Block. This solution only requires the user to fill in Data Memory areas to read and write up to 100 items. 422. These function codes include: • 01, Read Coil Status 欧姆龙CP1L系列PLC之Modbus RTU主站功能块使用无协议TXD、RXD指令编程封装实现,通过编程实现支持Modbus之01、02、03、04、05、06、0F、10、17等9个功能码。 Modbus Slave调试助手做Modbus RTU从站,视频详细讲解测试了9个功能码功能块。 The included PLC Program is completely documented for an easy understanding of functionality and operation. This program incorporates a Function Block Function Block MRTU It appears you are using the 'Modbus-RTU Easy Master' function in the CP1E? I haven't used the CP1E but many of the CP1L & CP1H in which I believe the Modbus functions similarly. This article provide Modbus Function Blocks. 0. The document also covers hardware This document describes a Modbus TCP server function block for Omron CP1L PLCs. com/drive/folders Are you using Modbus function block? 4. Function Blocks: CP1L: CP1W-MODTCP61: CP1W-MODTCP61: Not required: CP1L-E: Built in Ethernet Port: Built in Ethernet Port: MTCP_CP1L_Server. The adapter can function as either a Modbus/TCP Master or as a Modbus/TCP Slave, but not both simultaneously. Digital Output : GFPS-0202 . This program incorporates a Function Block that provides control and status monitoring of the RX2 using the Modbus protocol. The code is fully written and ready to use. Version 2. 2) Function Block (RTU_RD, RTU_WR) ü RTU_RD (Data read by using Modbus RTU protocol) IN / OUT Type Description REQ BOOL Execution condition for function block (When condition changes 0 to 1, FB executes 1 time) * Refer to note 1 SLOT USINT Slot Number cnet module installed (0 ~ 7) CH USINT 0: RS-232C, 1: RS -422/485 欧姆龙CP1L实现Modbus TCP\RTU通信协议视频教程 1、欧姆龙CP1L-EL实现Modbus TCP以太网通信客户端视频教程: 欧姆龙CP1L-E系列PLC之Modbus TCP客户端功能块使用Socket编程实现,通过编程实现支持Modbus之01、02、03、04、05、06、0F、10、17等9个功 Function blocks for modbus communication through serial cards (SCU and SCB) and the serial of PLC CP1. Part #: CP1W-MODTCP61 CJ2M-CPU3x, CP1L/H - Modbus/TCP Slave or CP1L/H Modbus/TCP Master (not both The adapter supports the following Modbus/TCP function michael thanks to your fast answer i created the psw file and also i update my cx-protocol to latest version. Posted August 24, 2018 Btw, would Modbus with a CP1L processor look different? The provided material says the Easy Modbus Master is only for CP1H Can you also tell me what the Function Block might be used for? Modbus RTU communication with Altivar VFD Theme Modbus TCP (dikenal juga sebagai Modbus-TCP/IP) adalah protokol Modbus RTU menggunakan antarmuka TCP yang berjalan pada media Ethernet. Please post more code. txt) or read online for free. In the Modbus network, 32 slaves can be connected with a unique node ID from 1 to 247. Part #: CP1W-MODTCP61 CJ2M-CPU3x, CP1L/H - Modbus/TCP Slave or CP1L/H Modbus/TCP Master (not both The adapter supports the following Modbus/TCP function CP1L CPU UNIT - 06-2007 processor pdf manual download. pdf document that is included shows example setups for 3G3JX and 3G3MX2, including wiring, 3G3JX setup, and even an NS HMI application to run either an MX2 or JX. CP1L CPU Unit. Apart from these settings for both PLC, is there any other specific setting we have to set in CP1L & CP1H PLC's Today plc247. 6 + PRty: NoNe (Watch easy video with step-by-step instructions) CP1H setting parameters Connection diagram of CP1H and E5CC 欧姆龙CP1L系列PLC实现ModbusRTU串口通信从站视频教程,简介:欧姆龙CP1L系列PLC之ModbusRTU从站功能块使用无协议TXD、RXD指令编程封装实现,功能块支持Modbus之01、02、03、04、05、06、10等功能码,上位机可以对PLC的CIO区、DM区进行读写操作。另有编写调试封装完成的欧姆龙CP1H和欧姆龙CP2E系列PLC之ModbusRTU串口 Does anyone here have a function block or a way to use the Modbus RTU Master on the CP1L to read and write coil registers? please help. com will guide you to read the parameters of E5CC meter about PLC OMRON CP1H via Modbus RTU very simply and easily. 1 SLOCK: 1, DIP SWITCH PLC # 4 = ON I use the modbus RTU function blocks, but the master PLC does not communicate or send the DM memory values to the slave PLC Thank you very much for your reply if you have any example program it helps me a lot MRTU_CP1L SLAVE. Siemens S7-1200 Modbus-RTU E5CC Tutorial PLC Omron “Modbus-RTU” LS iG5A VFD Tutorial Today I would like to continue to guide you to use Omron’s own PLC to control E5CC via Modbus RTU communication. See the CP1L CPU Unit Operation Manual (Cat. Function code Register for writing Data Amount for Writing 01 10 20 00 00 01 . Madhura Magesh. It describes using the unit's Modbus-RTU Easy Master function to control Modbus slaves like inverters by setting data in DM words and turning on a software switch. 408. Connect with the Serial connection line the CP1L’s to the COM1 port of the NB. This line of code is equivalent to Modbus Function Code Station No. There are three outputs that provide the scaled value in Function blocks simplify the use of CP2E functions. SYSMAC CP Series. MTCP_NJNX_Client_E Master Modbus RTU, 1 Port . 1) Modbus RTU Master(CP1L) to Slave(CP1L) RS485. Think big, Start small Modbus-RTUマスタ機能によりインバータ制御が可能 CP1L-EM/ELタイプでは、自動オンライン接続機能 This document describes a Modbus TCP client function block for Omron CP1L series PLCs with built-in Ethernet. cxp Introduction. It describes the Modbus RTU Master function block which sends Modbus RTU commands through a serial port and allows sending multiple commands sequentially without programming. 1) Reserved Modbus-RTU Easy Master function D32400 D32447 Parameter area for Ethernet socket D32500 D32626 html code of passwored input page D32630 D32668 Html code of ERROR page D32670 D32674 8 characters Password strictely. 1: Slave: MRTU_CPU_Slave. W450) for more information. Main > Product Type > Automation Systems > PLCs CP1L-M; Improvment: V2. The Socket Number Output can be used for the Socket Number Input used by: - Open_Socket - Fn04_ReadInputRegister - Fn05_ForceSingleCoil About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Modbus/TCP Master for CP1L and CP1H Micro PLCs Modbus/TCP Slave for CJ2M-CPU3x, CP1L and CP1H PLCs The CP1W-MODTCP61 allows Omron CP1L, CP1H and CJ2M-CPU3x PLCs to function as slave nodes on a Modbus/TCP network. This document describes a Modbus RTU slave function block that allows OMRON PLCs like the CJ1xx-V3, CP1H, and CP1L-L/M to communicate as Modbus RTU slaves over serial ports. CP1L - 12-2007 computer hardware pdf manual download. You are currently viewing the . Easily connect Modbus RTU 3 Blocks of the Library Bibliothek LMRTU Library Entry ID: 109747565, V1. com guided you to use Mitsubishi’s FX3U to control Read/Write data to Omron’s E5CC temperature controller. Related Auxiliary Flags: CP1L-L/EL: Converts received FINS commands into CompoWay/F or Modbus-RTU commands and transfers them on the serial @Wasan For modbus RS 485, the PLC settings for CP1E we have to use modbus RTU easy master & for CP1L we have to use serial gateway. The length of the data depends on the function code. Bloc Fonction MRTU_CPU_Slave Modbus RTU esclave port Hostlink - serial port of CP1L-J14/J20/L14/L20 - Left serial port of CP1E-N30/N40/N60 - Right serial port of CP1H-X/XA/Y - Right serial port of CP1L/M20/M40/M60 : Condition of use . Function Block: sample: RTU: Master: CP1L to CelciuX/EJ1N, V1000: Function Block + ladder: sample: RTU: Master: CJ/CS/CP Modbus/TCP Master for CP1L and CP1H Micro PLCs Modbus/TCP Slave for CJ2M-CPU3x, CP1L and CP1H PLCs The CP1W-MODTCP61 allows Omron CP1L, CP1H and CJ2M-CPU3x PLCs to function as slave nodes on a Modbus/TCP network. General purpose Modbus RTU Master for CP1, CJ1, CS1, CJ2. CP1L computer hardware pdf manual download. . It utilizes data tables in the PLC's data memory area to exchange data with Modbus devices. The attachments include documentations, function block files and CX-Programmer examples You can download Function Block for CP-series. Sample NS screens are provided with an Omron 3G3JX inverter as an example Modbus RTU slave. Attached are the library and related manuals. Allows input of lower and upper values for the range to which you are scaling, input for the maximum value of the analog input channel and the channel itself. 992 was very important to creating psw file forcpu cj2m-34. Creation of the function block operated in the PLC modeled CP1L-M30DR-D for converting commands of the AD-4401 weighing indicator to CP1L CPU UNIT - 03-2009 computer hardware pdf manual download. The FB allows a CP1L PLC to act as a Modbus TCP server, supporting common Modbus functions like reading and writing registers. 6: SCU Serial Gateway Unit: Master: MRTU_SCU_Master. W450) Serial Gateway: Converts received FINS commands into CompoWay/F or Modbus-RTU commands and transfers them on the serial communications path. The Modbus/TCP Slave mode responds to commands from a Modbus/TCP Master such as a PC or PLC. Often it is a Function block is used to perform the Modbus transactions. This function block eliminates the need for programming data exchange, making it simple to execute the Modbus TCP Server function. zip MTCP_CP1L_Client. The document discusses serial communications using a CP1L CPU Unit. zip. For some server platform , after configure the MOdbus TCP function block, its better to register related tags at the ethernet setting. how to create user defined function blocksvariable declaration in function blocksomron plc function blocksomron function blockscx one function blocksomron cx #plc #anakelektro #tutorialotomasi Hallo teman-teman semuanya Terimakasih yang sudah mampir di channel Anak ElektroSilahkan subscribe dan nyalakan loncengnya Omron CP1L Pdf User Manuals. 1 fixe a communication problem when NT link was used on the second serial port CP1L-L FB Memory is not sufficient then size of array Send[256] and Recv[256] should be reduced. Quote; Hi all, I've got a small project requiring me to communicate to an Eaton DE-1 Inverter from an Omron CP1L PLC via a CP1W-CIF11 Comms board. In OMRON PLCs and Machine Controllers, Modbus is easily implemented. com continue to share with you the multiple connections E5CC with PLC (up to 32 CP1L SLAVE PORT: CP1W-MODTCP61 SLAVE IP: 10. 0, 09/2017 6 G 7 d 3 Blocks of the Library 3. The document discusses Modbus TCP client socket services for OMRON CP1L-EL/EM programmable logic controllers (PLCs). E5CC setting parameters + CN-t: 6 + U-No: 1 + bPS: 9. The proposed technique is based on creating a new function block of the programmable logic controller (PLC) used in weighing machine control for converting weighing indicator commands into the Modbus-RTU commands. Cheers Jono MRTU_CPU_Master. A pdf manual is included. Modbus RTU is the most The CP1W- MODTCP61 allows Omron CP1L, CP1H, and CJ2M-CPU3 PLCs to function as programmable I/O modules. 1 Overview The "LMRTU" library consists of the following blocks and data types. CP CJ CS Modbus RTU Master This document describes a Modbus RTU master function block for Omron PLCs that allows communication with Modbus slave devices over a serial port. 2. The included PLC Program is completely documented for an easy understanding of functionality and operation. Errors received are stored in DM words. Hope it helps. EN. Quote; JiM_cz. pdf), Text File (. A function block eliminates the complexity of combining multiple instructions and automatically send and receive data. You (either an individual or a legal entity, hereafter called “User”) may use this software (hereafter called “this Software”) only when User agrees to the Software License Agreement below (hereafter called "this agreement"). The document provides an overview of a Modbus Solution for Omron CP1H, CP1L, CJ1, CJ2, and CS1 PLCs. 410. Specifically: 1. The function block handles addressing for reading/writing data up to registers D32767. For more more details on the use of this function block see also CP1L-EL/EM Modbus TCP Client Socket Services. Function blocks and functions Table 3-3: FBs and FCs of michael thanks to your fast answer i created the psw file and also i update my cx-protocol to latest version. Modbus_RTU section contains the read and write parameters you could translate to what ever The CJ1 / CJ2 / CS1 solution requires the use of a Protocol Macro on an SCU31 / SCU41 module, and the CP1L / CP1H function uses the Serial Gateway function of the CP1H / CP1L on a CP1W-CIF11 or CIF12. cxp. Attention! Your ePaper is waiting for publication! By publishing your document, the content will be optimally indexed by Google via AI and sorted into the right category for over 500 million ePaper readers on YUMPU. Modbus RTU Master(CP1L) to Slave(CP1L) RS485. The CP1W-MODTCP61 will not function in a CP1E PLC in When using ladder instructions or function blocks, specify port 2. 2. No-Protocol: Q. When building a system, check the specifications for all devices and equipment that will make up the system and make sure that CP1L-L : CIO0 to CIO6143 and D0 to D9999 CP1L-M & CJxx-V3 : CIO0 to CIO6143 and D0 to D32767 Warning : The FB ModbusSlave control the address of read/write until DM32767. 9 to 1. It describes using the TXD(236) instruction to delay data transmission after execution and references another manual for more details on TXD(236) and RXD(235). 1. GFDO-RM01N : Digital Output 16 Channel / 0. Is there a function block that would suit this task, or does anyone have any example Function to scale an analog input. It also summarizes Function Block Modbus RTU Slave (V2. Te adjunto algo de comumentación por si te pudiera ayudar es de la comunicación de un CP1H con varidores Omron pero te puede ayudar , de todas formas necetias saber que y donde hay que escribir en el servo para crear las tramas Set up CP2E talks to 3G3MX2 via MODBUS RTU serial communicationsExample program download link ( Only for subscribers)https://drive. Modbus RTU is the most common form of the protocol and is used on any serial communications layer such as RS232, RS485 and RS422. View and Download Omron CP1L - 12-2007 operation manual online. It provides an example configuration and explains how to set up Modbus TCP communication using function blocks, including an example program flow. I'm upgrading a system that uses hostlink to a slave plc and digital I/O to interface several VSD's from the master plc. The sample CX-Programmer project uses Modbus settings of 9,600bps (baud rate), 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity, and also assumes that the MX2 has a node number (network address) of 1. It provides output The document provides an overview and examples of using function blocks with the Modbus RTU Master function block in Omron's CP-series PLCs. It supports functions like reading/writing coils, holding registers, and input registers. It uses memory areas in the PLC for requests and responses. Is it right? There are different data register settings CP1E -( D1300 to 1349 so on) & CP1L (D13200 to 13299 so on). co. Modbus RTU 命令。用户必须创建顺序控制程序以按顺序发送和接收多个命令,因为CP2E CPU 单元的每个端 口只能发送或接收一个命令。 NB. Communications: Smart Active Parts and Function Blocks. Serial gateway can be tricky to figure out. The function block handles reconnecting if the connection is lost and provides The Modbus RTU message consists of the address of the SlaveID device, the function code, and the special data, depending on the function code and the CRC of the checksum. Function Block Modbus RTU Slave (V2. The function blocks in "ModbusSlave" attachment provide some of the Read/Write functionalities conformed to the specifications defined by Modbus-IDA: Supported functions : 0x01 Read n bits in CIO area Read Coils (V2) 0x02 Read n CP1L-L; CP1L-M; Improvment: Hello everyone in the previous article plc247. The document provides details on memory usage, supported Modbus 欧姆龙CP1L实现Modbus TCP\RTU通信协议视频教程 1、欧姆龙CP1L-EL实现Modbus TCP以太网通信客户端视频教程: 欧姆龙CP1L-E系列PLC之Modbus TCP客户端功能块使用Socket编程实现,通过编程实现支持Modbus之01、02、03、04、05、06、0F、10、17等9个功 I have tried this and it works at least with the send register function x_10 It is pulled from the Omron support site as Jpv seems to make a lot of the omron modbus function blocks. It uses a single socket on port 502 and supports one client connection at a time. The solution uses approximately 1,500-1,600 steps of memory and supports reading and writing up to 100 data items to Modbus RTU devices. pdf. Serial Plc Links. Function Block. No need to worry about timing. SlaveID: Function code: Special data: CRC: If you discard the SlaveID address and the CRC checksum, you get the PDU, Protocol Data Unit. 1 节点 CP1L_ModbusRTU - Free download as PDF File (. 系列 CP2E-N/CP2E-S 逆变器运行 /停止、 频率设置/ 监控等 Modbus RTU 从站 (例如,逆变器 ) Modbus RTU 从站 ( 例如,逆变器) 节点. Quote; Madhura Magesh. It will read and write the standard FC control profile it would be easy to extend the pcd feature to multiple words all the base is there. This The CP1W-MODTCP61 allows Omron CP1L, CP1H and CJ2M-CPU3x PLCs to function as slave nodes on a Modbus/TCP network. 405. W462) or CP1H CPU Unit Operation Manual (Cat. There are many variations of Modbus like Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, Modbus TCP, etc. For use with CP1L and CP1H PLCs, to set up the number of unit (Unit_n) to the value #CCCC and to set up the number of door (Serial_port_n) to the corresponding value. CP series CP1L CPU Unit High Performing Programmable Controller with Embedded Ethernet Greetings folks, As per title, has anyone successfully accomplished connecting to multiple modbus tcp clients from an Omron CJ1M processor? I've successfully created a sequence to communicate to one host, but connecting to multiple servers doesn't appear to be possible (Wireshark shows the block/blocks disregarding the programmed IP addresses and going The supported Modbus function codes allow access to the PLC memory areas as shown. Sign In Upload. 5A . It lists the available function View and Download Omron CP1L operation manual online. The link below is a complete Modbus/RTU solution, and the . I have created a generic Modbus/RTU Master application that includes CP1L. Function Block WebServer_CP1L Serveur Web for CP1L-Ex JPV 25/06/2012 Page 2/2 View CP2E Modbus RTU Master CP-series Function Block Communications Modbus RTU slave E5CCติดต่อสอบถามhttp://www. Modbus is implemented using the RS485 port and communication between the Master and slaves is through the data format. The function block provides functions to connect to a Modbus TCP server, read/write coils and registers, and handle errors. The Modbus RTU CPU Master function block is offered 'as is' and may serve as a basis for development. Also for: Sysmac cp1l-m60dr-a, Sysmac cp1l-m60dr-d, Sysmac cp1l-m60dt-a, Sysmac cp1l-m60dt-d, Sysmac cp1l-m60dt1-d, Sysmac cp1l-m40dr-a, Sysmac cp1l-m40dr-d, Sysmac This document describes the procedure to configure and connect a CP1L-M30 PLC to an MX2 inverter drive for simple motion control using Modbus RTU. Modbus-RTU Inverter (2) By using the serial PLC Links, a maximum of 10 words of data per CPU Unit can be shared independently of the program among a maximum of nine CPU Units (CP1L-CP1L . Digital Input 16 Channel : Digital Input . Host Link Communications. 420. Posted March 7, 2018. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk The Modbus/TCP Master mode is used to control/monitor IO blocks and other remote devices. These concatenate the active data parts of the memory map into one contiguous block of 16 registers. th0-2942-6700CP-series When using ladder instructions or function blocks, specify port 2. N Nt Links. com guided you to communicate Modbus-RTU PLC CP1H with E5CC via RS485, in today’s article plc247. 150. NB with CP1L through COM1/RS232 (Host Link) Modbus RTU (RS485) NB with two MX2’s through COM2/RS485 (RS485) Start NB-designer, create a new program, drag and drop the NB, the CP1L and the two Modbus RTU’s on the “Project Structure Window”. slr. lyblu xlfk yka jownq xgev soa kzgf axbxf oqdu cei ybse znkl djz ikdwc ahzvkip