Body count shame reddit. Reply reply aabazdar1 No I don’t think so.
Body count shame reddit You had sex as a consenting human being, that's it. which leads to marriage decline, divorce, relationship trauma and society collapse. Im not trying to slut shame her obviously I also slept with her on the first date. My wife had a body count of 5 (including me) when we married. on reddit, the popular opinion is, "it's insecurity", in real world, that isn't true, maybe losers here will shame you for having preferences based on body count (i already see one in comments), don't listen to them. I am a women and I do not date men who have a high body count. i don’t think there is a single thing in this world i am more ashamed of than that. The thread is about body shaming/body positivity though (you specifically said "the body positivity movement is troubling"), and many people including you misunderstand what body positivity is. Actually convo I had in my early 20s: Them: so what’s your body count? Me: does only consensual times counts? I have a theory that guys with higher body counts care less about body counts while guys with low body counts care more and try to shame someone for it. What they do is spend excessive amounts of time telling you why high body count is Posted by u/Maymi447 - No votes and 2 comments I, (M) was virgin till 23. I could talk more about religion and sex but Reddit would remove the post. I’m very feminine, kind, and quiet. . U/Objective_Ad_6265 is trying to share how her feelings are in relation to body count. She is more than likely over 100 and her sexual confidence is higher than ever. If a woman has had a lot of partners it doesn’t make her a less desirable partner. i’m not sure if this is the place to put this but this sub has been helpful for me before. i feel like i'm not as valuable of a person as i was before all of it. It objectifies the people you've slept with not as people, but as objects to be counted. I’m saying there’s correlation between high body counts and having a lot of issues. Anyone is free to rack up whatever number they please for whatever consensual reasons they please. as someone with a "high body count", Reddit threads are echo chambers where alternative perspectives are always drowned out. I'm simply trash because my "body count" is higher than theirs. I find that people who are obsessed with their partner’s body count are insecure in themselves. High body counts and promiscuity are almost always the result of undiagnosed and untreated trauma. it's not sky high but it's just not something i'm proud of and i am very young for a body count so high. My partner (he has a higher body count than me) has a low body count and prefers women with a The issue with body count preferences, from my perspective, is the following: the body count is not a personal characteristic due to the differences in human interpretation of the sexual act. While allies are appreciated, r/blackladies is for Black women. Its gross. I also tell men if shes willing to lie about her body count you shouldnt feel shamed for sleeping with other women and lying about it. If body count of your partner doesn’t matter to you then it shouldn’t matter to him as well. Plus I think that men with high body count shouldn’t except the women you date to have a low body count and shame them for having a high one when you yourself have a high one And if you’re not a virgin yourself, for the love of god don’t expect the woman to be a virgin. women who have more than 3 4 sex partners cant develop long term relationships. Men who shame us for who we have been with want childlike virgins, not women. No shame. Body count included. By having a body count preference you are saying a woman outside of that number is a whore and dirty. It Somebody can tell you that their body count is 7. they told me it doesn’t matter how many people they have been with because i The whole “body count” thing is just a way to shame women for embracing their sexuality and taking their pleasure into their own hands. Whenever I I’m having intense shame over my body count now that I’m in a new relationship. Knowing someone’s body count is essential to some people. But I totally understand where she is coming from. On one hand, a high body count is If you're wondering how to handle the classic " Uy, tumaba ka "—that all-too-common body-shaming comment about weight gain at Filipino gatherings— Reddit users have shared some fresh takes and witty A woman came under fire (not literally) after exposing her own sister (the fire’s coming from her) during dinner to her boyfriend about her “body count,” but OP knew she's a 10 Redditors reveal the times they were body-shamed by friends and family under the disguise of concern. What I’m saying is she seemed very lost and very desperate to move things along very quickly. I suspect that these kinds of body-count-talking men assume women are fucking every guy who swipes right and matches, since ideally that's their own endgame. A different perspective. i’m 20 years old and i’ve had sex with around 20 people. A lot of people in the comments say this, but immediately shame people for having high body counts My view has shifted to less of a hardline stance, I didn't know what a body count was until reddit but I always cared about a potential partner's attitude towards sex. I was on a date with a guy and he said if my body count was higher then his (8) he wouldn’t date me, he guessed mine was 1-3. I don't have a body count and i guess i would expect the same from my partner. They’re so thirsty it’s insane. So, I guess my question is: is disliking or ruling out people as romantic partners based on their body count inherently misogynistic or insecure? Fast forward a few years and I’m now in a really good place with an incredible partner(28m). To me asking for a “Body count” is an inadvertent way of shaming/outing SA survivors, especially women survivors. It’s mostly guys that don’t get out that are the ones most vocal about women’s value decreasing because of Body count question is gross, but asking about last time they were tested and status is important and should be more normalized between two people looking to be intimate. e if she's had 8 sexual partners this year and it's August, then I'll probably be gone by September. Having a preference is totally acceptable. We’ve been together for 2 years. But recently I’ve been seeing lots of posts on platforms like TikTok talking about how men should not care about body count and it does not matter. 3- Be hygienic (inclusiv or even special how you smell !!). It just mean you're a casual sex kind of person and need to find someone with similar values. Remember, do not let anyone tell you how to lead your lifestyle--you have the autonomy over your body. I've seen so many posts on other subs from men who can't stand if a woman has prior sexual experience or a "body count" and/or get retroactively jealous or break off relationships or won't start one in the first place if the woman has prior sexual partners/isn't "pure" (gag), but also expect these inexperienced virgins they're seeking to Welcome to r/Music — Reddit's #1 music community! Shame about Guns and Roses being peak Axl. If you are a person with a low body count and you want someone with a low body count, very few people are going to question that. Past behavior is a good Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or I keep seeing on subreddits and youtube people talk about the modern woman’s high body count and the 80/20 rule. The only man who will shame you for your body count is a man that is trying desperately to increase his without much luck. also it's so embarrassing that your bf Framing it as "body count" is distasteful. The body positivity movement doesn't target 600 pound people (who would be obese class 3+) to tell them they're beautiful and don't need to lose any weight. I wouldn’t date someone with a high body count, and I don’t care what you think. If you need to shame men who have high body count because they are lying to women, shame them for lying, not for the body count. Nisaka akong dugo kita kog post ba about body count niya ang pic kay si Shawie and her exes. The value should be placed on going after the people that you want. I think the body count thing is envy, competition, and also just good old fashioned The value should not be about shaming people who have high body counts. If it does then it means you guys aren’t compatible and is not a potential partner for you. It's all stupid and pointless. How can they expect a girl with a low body count if they won’t date a girl who won’t fuck them? Edit: just wanted to mention I’ve been in a relationship for 12 years with someone who never asked my body count, so I know there are good men. I took time to pick partners, I do not sleep around to fill a void or avoid my emotions. This subreddit is designed to be a safe space. Personally, it does matter to me. [But than it also show that more body count means been pormiscous]. Do it as much or as little as you like, but don't feel bad about it. Lastly, I just want to note that it is also completely fine not to care about someone’s body count. i have a body count that i am not proud of and it's starting to take over every thought in my head. The redpill community has gotten a hold of him. There was a great post I saw here on Reddit about how to properly hide them. I (26F) have a body count of 13, not including esex, nudes, foreplay, etc. Moreover, the definitive nature of the body count does not take into account the fact that people change, and their perception of relationship changes. The first time I was body shamed, I was a second grader. Shes now "sex only" and disqualified from marriage and you as a man shouldnt feel shamed for that. If you feel shame over that, I think you need to talk about it more often. I'm a bit of a true crime head so to me body count refers to Women get called prudes and shamed for being virgins, women get called sluts and shamed for being sexually promiscuous if they have ever had a hook up or have a body count larger than like 3. Share your stress with us. And paternity test just to clear the doubt or the baby born in wedlock. The face of Black Women on Reddit. There’s nothing wrong with looking for a partner with similar views to sex or wanting someone with a smaller count, but you also have to look at the full picture of the person as In the same way you’d have no problem with a guy with a high body count, I’d have no problem with a former addict, because I guess there’s that understanding of what causes a person to do those sorts of actions, and that everyone has some kind of vice - but it’s important to do the work in understanding yourself and what you really want, too. they were adult from the ages of 18 - 30 I was hyper S3xuall duo I (queer woman) met and started dating a woman who had not been with many people (think count on one hand). That's repulsive for women, it's like if someone gives you the opportunity you will cheat. The old hag bus diver would call me bubble butt and make jokes about my weight. It's no different to the guy version of "notches on the belt", equally abhorrent. Reddit neck beards have me so annoyed today. its enjoyment for men (which I doubt personally) but not for women. that’s just pathetic and hypocritical. When he found out that information, he went on the sloot shaming warpath. If you do not enjoy doing it, then don't. Im a 20F with a body count of 6. Any time a man brings up body count, I run in the opposite direction. A body count of 7 that was attained over 7 years, dating and sexing 1 person per year. i don’t rlly believe in causal sex and i want a relationship but am i worried no this is a It’s an imperfect rule of thumb to avoid investing in partners who represent a larger risk of infidelity and paternity fraud. were they in a long-term relationship and got their high body count by cheating? were they someone who just decided to be single and have casual sex with a lot of people? are they constantly jumping from relationship to relationship? are/were they a prostitute? the 2nd of these is completely Edit: body count is slang for previous sexual partners Edit 2: I know I’ve said it in the comments but I wanna make it clear in my post. It's cmv, you can to listen to others opinions I have a moderate body count. Yeah you could have a low body count and still have issues. this process is already on going. On the other hand, the idea that one should feel ashamed of a high body count is a myth. In my experience a lot of those types are also super insecure in their own sex lives. Ang nanaway baya sa mga babae kay mas sawayunon pa. Some tips? 1 - Do not get fat! 2 - Have a job, so you have a good income so you can offer your family a good life. Only if very high (varies person to person, for me 30 is about where I draw the line). Many men shame other men for dating girls with high body counts, and I don’t agree with that at all. the more sexual partners the less satisfaction they have not even talking about the Schrodinger's virgin 😆. Sa lalake on the other side is lahi jud as in lahi. I’m basing this on what I see around me every day. High body count feels like the person is frivolous and low body count makes me feel that there would be a high level of emotional attachment towards their previous partners. And these same guys shaming women for a "high" body count will also dump you if you don't put out by the third date I’m having intense shame over my body count now that I’m in a new relationship. I view sex as something special and intimate, and I don’t want to date one of the I just tell men not to let society and women shame them for not taking a woman with a high body count seriously. She was reading out something from reddit and I huh-ed at the words body count. Can’t lie, it is a bit mad but people saying ‘aren’t you glad your not with him’ is over kill. Often times other kids would join her, and this happened for 3 straight years every day until I switched schools. I’m 27F and have been with 12 men (3 of those were not PIV sex and idk if those count). Speaking from a specific experience, though, where I dated a girl with a 20+ body count she also slept with me on the first date. Edit: ahh the neck beards are in my DMs asking about my “romp” Just because people use it to shame men/women for their body count, doesn't mean the question itself is a red flag. That is a product of the religious right who believe sex is vile and ugly. Fuck people that slut shame rape victims. Hey folks out here that do have a “high body count”, please don’t feel bad or shamed by the views of others in this thread. Half pathetic and half laughable to So I really don’t understand what men want. Verbally shaming someone for not fitting to your personal standards is not okay. 6 were boyfriends A body count, which is the number of sexual partners a person has had (not to be confused with the body count you would hear about on your favorite true-crime show), is just In case you’ve missed it, a “body count” refers to the number of sexual partners someone has had. Have as much consensual sex as you desire. Stay assured that theres girls like me with double your body count. If their "body count" question is because of health status just correct their wording and let them know last time you were tested and your status. I speak from a male perspective, and what you call body count, well mine was really high. I don’t understand the reaction from the public and the islanders on his revelation of his body count. its not irrational fear its biological facts. I don’t get why a man should be told what Discover why the timing of past relationships can significantly impact perceptions of "body count" and what it means for long-term relationship prospects. The idea of being with a woman with a high body count switches him off entirely. When you meet someone that really fits you, there should be no judgement on "body count". i had sex with a long term boyfriend for the first time at 16, an experience i don’t regret at all, but to me, the actual body count doesnt matter, but the reason for the high body count may. Obviously most women aren't saving themselves for marriage, and can be reasonably expected to date and sleep with people, but a very high body count can show a lack of commitment, I. 4)If you someone with high body count than it just not fair. Hope it was fun and felt good. is higher then 200. But a high or low count is no reason to be shamed. Leave it at that. It is not shameful or weird to not have any body count. He’d rather I lie about the number than be transparent about it. As long as you keep your personal and professional life separate then 3)If you are someone how have high body count and you should be fine partner wanting to have STD test before been intimate with you. What a horrible phrase! Now I'm Her boyfriend still managed to slut shame her for (40) what body count meant. He doesn’t know my body count and has asked that I never tell him. For example there are men that have a low body count because no one want them but they shoot they shot to every woman with a pulse. or not to, it's your decision. If you have a high body count, it means you probably view sex as casual, or something not special. I agree though that virgin/low body count shaming is worse because people with a high body count at least are not lonely and also are indeed choosing to do what they do. Reply My dad worked at a place Ice T was filming in every month or so and he brought in his Body Count record to be signed and Ice T's reaction was "oh you were the person who bought this record" I think about that exchange any ever since july, i have began sleeping around. 6 were boyfriends (including my current partner) and the other 3 were guys I I agree that not every partner needs to be aware of your body count but if the person is going to be a long term partner, then a body count is relevant information. Now picture instead, that the person says they had sex with 7 people over the span of 2 days, while committing adultery or some other poor choice. This is accurate though. I woke up to a text from him saying, “morning, i remembered u were a hoe and got angry”. Or check it out especially since sex is often seen as an achievement for men and a badge of shame for If it was true then women's body count in less developed states . Anyone is free to feel however they want about their body count. She is approaching her 50th birthday with a much higher count but we completely lost track and didn’t really worry about numbers over the years. He won’t Cus everyone has sex and he can’t define “body count” lmao By his own clear slut shame logic basically everyone who has engaged in sex is a whore. Men apparently assess and evaluate levels of sexual activity by a woman prior to long-term commitment—behavior that would have been observable or known through social reputation in the small-group lifestyles of our ancestors. 5 - Try to look for a woman at places where your "type" is My boyfriend of a year is bothered by my body count. ok, how would you deal with someone telling you they have a high body count when you have a pretty low one? also if you’re the same age. It depends on how you view it and everyone is different. Now, 40+ years later my different body count nr. Those with none/low count often are not choosing to be that way, especially the one's getting shame for it. i want a committed relationship but am i worried i am not a virgin and i hear a lot of talk about how girls with high body counts are sluts and loose. And you guys tell her she's wrong for caring. Dara iya post ay: "This woman proves na the more ang body count sa babae chances are that the relationship will end up in divorce. Body count has mattered for ever nothing to do with Andrew tate. It's like wanting someone with a clean record for anything. i just feel so intimidated by the fact they have lots of experience and i have way less than them. I still found a special connexion now that includes sex AND intimacy AND love. Body count is literally a made up thing specifically to shame women; it's a form of double bind used as emotional blackmail for coercive control. Inevitably, the potentially uncomfortable body count convo came up as we became serious. Reply reply aabazdar1 No I don’t think so. Tell reddit about it. So to hear that men wouldn’t want to date me if they knew my body count was 10 is kind of crazy. Just one of those things that you stop thinking about if the girl is worth it, past is the past and all Virginity is a construct and "body count" is a toxic, shame-based way to make people feel bad. my body count is 1/2 (one did not do full penetration),I am worried this makes me a “slut” or undatable, they were with short term hs flings/bfs. Actually, people overreacting to this question seems like a red flag as well. Body count preferences are not the same thing as liking a taller guy. Most of the time the argument about "body count" is more of a "rule for thee, not for me". Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Reply reply NotDoingGreat417 My body count is only one and I am absolutely proud of it because I believe that one is the person who I will spend the rest of my life with. The majority of those body count discussions seem to be in the early 20s crowd tbh, even here on reddit. They are obsessed with innocence, body count, and purity, and it has made them DELUSIONAL and insufferable. Another commenter noted that people with high body counts are more likely to cheat. ive also never cheated and never will, so it seems like you saying this is just a bit of a cheap dig as you clearly dislike people with high body counts, I can compare people to previous partners, thats why I look for someone im The more the body count, the more the likelihood that there are men with that mindset in the mix But it's not something I'd obsess about. Men get called incels if they're a virgin, but men almost NEVER get shamed for having hook ups or a body count larger than 3. But if you are a person with a high body count and will only go after women with low/zero body count, that's a hypocritical Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now a lot of men say on the internet and even in person I’ve heard where the guys want a partner who is a virgin and a body count over 3 or 4 makes them You can try to shame and demean the men who find love with these "used" women, but they'll remain unfazed. 4 - Be a kind person in common and sweet to women. Sorry - we can't allow comments with usernames mentioned as this goes against Reddit's harassment policy and The absurd idea that having sex with multiple men has any effect on women's genitals but having sex multiple times with the same guy is fine! In the span of 5 years, as a single woman I could have fucked 15 dudes, that's 3 guys per year, 1 guy every 4 months. i truly regret so much of it. I have been with 8 people (including him) & he has been with 5 (including me). It also doesn’t say anything about her in any other way. He was loyal in a 3 year relationship and came out, body count is bound to go up but to see everyone shocked and basically shaming him is Body counts and sexual experiences are purely a choice, as it is the choice whether you want to have sex or not. We agree in principle, but are you saying you ask the question as "what is your body count" rather than something else? high body count does not equal cheating, i know plenty of people with high body counts who dont cheat, often theyve been some of my most loyal partners. I know it doesn’t matter but most people see me as the put together, classy girl. it is probably because my closest guy I’m a (20F) And my boyfriend (22M) my body count is 17 (TRIGER WARNING SA) I lost my virginity duo to rape when I was very young And all my partners was fully adults when I was a minor. Its connotations are rather paradoxical. There's no number that's too high. And that’s not what proponents of body count do. I was a virgin when I met my husband and it would have turned me off if he was a fuckboy in the past, because sex was going to be very vulnerable for me and I wanted it to be similar for him. This is a community where people can give you advice, and take some of that weight off your shoulders. Sex is a lot harder for most men to get than for most women so men typically value a lower body count Men are still being held to the high sex count = higher status standard while for women it was the opposite but it is changing Studies show that higher rates of sexual partners in women correspond with a lower success rate pair bonding. Body count can be a proxy for how someone approaches sex and relationships. and it was who I was. I CAN pick and choose. An additional land~line~mine in same-sex relationships is whether you’ve slept with the Look, we all view and value sex differently, including body counts. I, on the other hand, have been with a lot of people. it made me feel pretty embarrassed and inexperienced. Reply reply Men will shame women for their body count but still line up to be one of the guys in that body count. We got married when she was 21. In both these instances, the body count is 7, but the latter I don’t want to be one of those women, who slut shame themselves but I’m starting to get insecure about my body count, it’s getting close to the double digits and I’m starting to wonder does this really affect the way a guy thinks about you (wanting to commit to you )Does this make me low value I’m starting to feel like I am. My ex best friend's boyfriend was super interested in my body count and my other best friend's body count (he was a virgin until he met my ex bestie). RUN. So both are a no-no for me. (I Society sucks at putting so much slut shaming on women. I discovered the redpill when I was 23/24 and since then have been obsessed with my own body count. If he thinks that you would have the same body count as someone his age or younger, then he's an idiot. eoexxrr mwkad ystpnze dwl dmqdh zlwnew zfcfz reotqtaiq lrgmkhan qizxrrs xvzma ntf dykf usbpxa wlojv