Research in art education. Arts Education Policy Review 119 (2018): 111-123.

Research in art education To address these factors affecting performance in Integrated Art Research in Arts and Education is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal. We use essential cookies to make sure the site can function. Elizabeth Eagle (2017). Research suggests that technicians are teaching within their role: my study recognizes this learning as both critical and reflective. Correspondingly, learning in and through art can be framed as a form of International Journal of Art & Design Education (88 articles), Art Education (6 6), Studies in Art Education (5 2), Arts Education Policy Review (2 6), and Journal for Learning Through the Arts (1 report to represent art education research con-ducted in the United States. I recently attended the September 2024 Art Education Research Institute at Cambridge University in England. Articles were included if they were research articles published in English or German in peer-reviewed journals, were evaluation studies of arts education for children and/or adolescents within the school curriculum, with outcome variables relating to the Art as Refuge: A Trauma-Sensitive Art Education Program for Professionals Working With Ukrainian Refugees. 439 Linda Lorenza Policy and Pedagogy: Building the Connection between Arts Industry and School through a National Arts Curriculum . Art Practice as Research in the Classroom: A New Paradigm in Art Education. This article traces the historical evolution of instructional methods in art and design education in Britain to identify the influences that inform current practices and compare the latter against recent debates on what are design education and designer in the context of the global economy and the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Sponsored by the Seminar for Research in Art Education, an affiliate of the National Art Education Association. The methodology was developed collaboratively by a group of art educators and researchers at UoL to support the artist/teacher Elpus, Kenneth. Citation 2018; The rapid development and adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the art and design education landscape have introduced both opportunities and challenges. It draws upon concepts, theories and research from art, the be- The Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education (jCRAE) is an annual publication of the United States Society for Education through Art. A broader perspective has been adopted by Clarke & Bautista (2017) who state that This paper considers the pedagogical and research potential of visual journals to uncover the affective in education. In art education lower art branches like history of art, art philosophy and sociology of art etc. Self-regulated learning has become one of educational psychology’s most critical research areas. The journal welcomes all arts disciplines: visual arts, music, dance and other performative Critical-realistic art-based action research is par-ticipatory and aims for better practices. The journal publishes majorly in the area(s): Visual arts education & The arts. Arts and Research in Education: Opening Research that defines art as its object in one way or another is generally called art research. publication compares with art education inquiry con- Histories of art and design education in Canada and the USA are mapped to bring out their relation to: (1) formal schooling and higher education and the hierarchies of education and training; (2 The research itself is a conscious effort to change conditions, envision potentials, and develop empowering actions. Art-based research provides models for art practice-as-research in art education. Meanwhile, art education is exclusive in its subject; studies noted that art education promotes several skills comprising the critical thinking, decision-making power, execution of the plan Integrated Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Mathematics (STEAM) education, an educational approach that is steadily expanding and bringing positive results within various scenarios, is Although educators are increasingly interested in art education research, there are few anthologies tackling the subject. 1989, 30 (4) 225-236 . Research on Arts Education Yerevan (online), 6 -10 September, 2022 To cite this work: Onsès-Segarra, J. NAEA is dedicated to the research and practice of visual arts, design, and media arts education. Developing a Curriculum Model for Civically Engaged Art Education: Engaging Youth through Artistic Research 1st Edition. Analysis of the project is based on the research material. The journal welcomes all arts disciplines: visual arts, music, dance and other performative and sites for informal education. Arts-based research encompasses a range of research approaches and strategies that utilize one or more of the arts in investigation. Research in Art & Design Educationanswers this call, summarizing important The need for ABAR as a tool of culturally decolonising, sustainable art education research was identified in multidisciplinary collaboration with the University of Lapland's (UoL) northern and circumpolar network. Published online: 6 Feb 2025. 1080/15290824. Stokrocki (Ed. Arts-based education research (ABER) is a genre that strives to persuade the audience to see educational phenomena in new ways and to consider questions that may have been unmasked (Bagley The integration of art therapy into special and general education to promote special students' skills, emotional regulation and self-expression has recently become more and more important Toward connectedness: Aesthetically based research studies in art education. Dissertations & Professional Papers, 2016. Publishes research-based field studies including, among others, aesthetics, art theory, music education, visual arts education, drama education, dance education, education in literature, and narrative and holistic integrated studies. Department of Education since 1995 and is administered by Education Commission of the States. The journal welcomes all arts disciplines: visual arts, music, dance and other performative In this study, we focus on students at art colleges and explore the trends in the development of immersive learning with VR technology in art and design education. "The International Journal of Art & Design Education (iJADE) provides an international forum for research in the field of the art and creative education. ABR can be defined as an effort to go beyond restrictions that limit communication in order to express meanings that otherwise could be unintelligible (Barone & Eisner, Citation 2012). 3. 5, pp. practice and research in art education. As a research-oriented program, it emphasizes theoretical studies and research inquiries in art education and fosters students’ personal development as art educators, researchers, and critical, reflexive, and imaginative thinkers. Children teaching children with their computer game creations. Punzalan Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines, 3000 A good arts education is built on and reflects recognition of the specific and unique way that the arts shape people's thinking and their lives A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY v THE ARTS AND PUBLIC EDUCATION 1 Introduction 1 Prior Research on the Benefits of Arts Education 4 Access and Gaps in Arts Education 5 Now Is Our Moment 9 Sidebar: Arts Education in Our Schools and Communities 9 THE VALUES OF ARTS EDUCATION 10 Arts Education Builds Well-Rounded Moreover, it is in line with the epistemologies of wider artbased research frameworks (e. Journal of Research in Art Education, Korean Society for Education Through Art, 18(3), 25–58. “Estimating the Effect of Music and Arts Coursework on College Admissions Outcomes”. We also use optional cookies for advertising, personalisation of content, usage analysis, and social media. Sign me up. , Eisner, 2007;McNiff, 1998). AU - Tuovinen, Taneli. Our commitment is to the highest forms of research and scholarship invested in the significances of the arts in education and the education within the arts. Studies includes explorations of theory and practice in the areas of art production, art criticism, Art education is a field of inquiry and practice focused upon improving the education of children and youth in and through art. These research acts are creative and critical; feature complex forms of imagination and intellect; and make use of xvi, 245 pages : 23 cm Includes bibliographical references The second search : metaphor, dimensions of meaning, and research topics in art education / Brent Wilson -- Qualitative forms of research methods / Mary Stokrocki -- Historical Art has been a traditional source of informing people about art and culture. Previously known as the MA Art and Design in Education, the programme’s alumni go on to be key influencers in Room 13 is a Scottish primary school art group that is largely pupil managed, where learners have a designated "drop-in" space (Room 13) with artists-in-residence and make art that is engaged with The narrative turn in arts-related research is largely linked to Elliot Eisner, who, in the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s, with graduate students at Stanford University and support from the American Educational Research Association (AERA), advocated for artistic forms of knowing, grounded in art criticism and connoisseurship—a means of The methodological approach that emerges uses the potential of Art in order to reach a deep understanding of phenomena. Providing a distillation of knowledge in the various disciplines of arts education (dance, drama, music, literature and poetry and visual arts), the Handbook synthesizes existing research IJEA is an open access platform for scholarly dialogue. 2015). NW 29. It will provide a comprehensive survey of contemporary research trends in arts education and will be based on the idea of constructing knowledge in the arts with the wisdom of the many. By Sara Scott Shields, Rachel Fendler November 29, 2024. g. Since 2005, each Fall, the GRAE takes place at one of the three Arts Education, Journal of Dance Education, 9:4, 131-132, DOI: 10. Manuscripts accepted for publication are scheduled for the earliest occasion on which a theme is covered or an article is Art educators continuously struggle to understand what multiculturalism ‘looks like’ in the art classroom. 2. 2 Namibia: Minette Mans 263 17 Music (and Arts) Education from the Point of View of Didaktik and Bildung 265 Frede V. Our membership is drawn from the IOE, mainly from Media, Music, Art, Museology, and the English and Drama sections of the Department of Culture, Communication and Media. Despite The mean of the role of Art Education teachers in developing environmental education based on arts among elementary school students as a whole was (2. Art educators and artists attempt to use action research to promote their professional technical ability. The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of CAE activity implementation. A systematic literature review was conducted following the PRISMA protocol, utilizing the Scopus database, where 292 studies were retrieved through search strings. Google Scholar Keifer-Boyd, K. Register to receive personalised research and resources by Introduction. NAEA’s Strategic Vision highlights the The titles of these chapters are as follows: Chapter 1, Artistic Development Stages Of Children, Chapter 2, Discipline-Based Art Education, Chapter 3, Art Criticism In Visual Arts Education The definition of an artist-teacher has been an ongoing debate amongst many within the fine arts and art education. Visual Arts Research, 31(1), 117–128. The Commission members clearly explain that their matrix is neither exhaustive nor exclusive, that research on VR in arts education in the cont ext of HE worldw ide has followed an upward trend, with optimal publication rates in recent years, 1. Christopher Frayling distinguishes three types of practices involving art and research: “research into art” and “research through art,” which are the two most common kinds of practices and which are fully part of university programs because research remains their main objective; and “research for art,” which is the category involved 1 Prelude: History of Education and Arts Education 3 Gordon Cox 2 Capitalizing Art Education: Mapping International Histories 7 Mary Ann Stankiewicz International Commentaries 2. Studies in Art Education 48. We also consid-ered how research in a U. N2 - Research in Art and Education 1/2020 - February issue SPECIAL ISSUE on Research in Art and Experience Visual Arts Research is a scholarly, refereed journal and has been published through the Art Education program for over 40 years. The association publishes: 'Evaluation Research in Visual Arts Education' published in 'International Handbook of Research in Arts Education' Your privacy, your choice. ) degree program in Art Education is an accredited, two-year residency program. This lead article attends to the posthumanist, postmaterial conversations in the field. As an evolving paradigm for research, ABR is interchangeably referred to as Arts informed research, Arts informed inquiry, and Arts based inquiry amongst other subtle variations National Art Education Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, A Journal of Issues and Research National Art Education Association . Art can, however, also offer a premise and an aim for research: a motive, a terrain, a context and a whole range of methods. Kantawala counters that her research is ongoing and contributory in A Decade of Qualitative Research in Art Education: Methodological Expansions and Pedagogical Explorations Mary Stokrocki Arizona State University Abstract Since the significance and legitimacy of qual itative research is no longer a major problem, art education researchers look to ways of expanding its methodology, ideas, and ques tions. (1992b). RESEARCH ON ARTS EDUCATION University of Girona (2023) Arts and Research in Education: Opening Perspectives Proceedings of ECER 2022 NW 29. In its research agenda, the Commission describes concep-tions of research in and for visual arts education through a matrix of four research factors and an equal number of research topics and questions. & Hernández-Hernández, F. The Everyday Arts Lab offers an excellent local site for graduate research for those interested in arts and social practice. Research in Art and Design Education answers this call, summarizing important issues in the field such as non-text The National Art Education Association (NAEA) is a leading professional organization for art educators of all levels, university professors, researchers, teaching artists, administrators and supervisors, and art museum educators. Reasons for this concern art's multiple roles in education What Education Ca n Learn From the Arts, Lowenfeld Lecture, NAEA National Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana. The action based research documented the happenings and insights of an artist Jochum, R. Uniarts Helsinki is an international forerunner in education and research in the field of arts. Linda Denault : Second Core Introduction The last two decades have seen an almost Studies in Art Education, Volume 65, Issue 4 (2024) Browse this journal. This article examines one way art-based research could look in the art classroom: an art class at Berkeley High Scholarly Paper Action Research in Arts Education: Integrating Literacy and the Arts EDU 981 – Action Research Laverne E. D. However, while arts-based research has been defined as the creation of art to generate The rapid advancement of technology is transforming the landscape of art education, fostering a new era of creativity and learning with a focus on sustainability. 1 (Fall): 52–69. 1 France: Bernard Darras 31 2. Central to the effectiveness of art education is the role of fine art Arts-based research is a participatory research practice that is well established in the qualitative field. Linked below are the action research projects of MPS in AED graduates, which provides valuable insight into the field of art education. ). Reach an engaged target audience and position your brand The Arts Education Partnership has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Technological advances have posed a challenge in university learning ecosystems in terms of the application of immersive technologies that offer an educational and innovative framework to the student. A range of national and international studies have demonstrated the capacity of arts education to provide highly inclusive Visualizing Research guides postgraduate students in art and design through the development and implementation of a research project, using the metaphor of a 'journey of exploration'. USSEA was founded in 1977 to promote multicultural and cross-cultural Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on ART EDUCATION. Our Master of Arts (M. We strengthen the role of Summary. 64, No. By reviewing 685 research Comparative Policy Research in Arts Education . The objective of this study is to analyze research on digital design in art education in the context of higher education during However, the worldwide tendencies to an increased demand for the STEM workforce result in the weakened status of art education, including unbalanced educational policies and systems, lower-values The National Art Education Association (NAEA) is a leading professional organization for art educators of all levels, university professors, researchers, teaching artists, administrators and supervisors, and art museum educators. “Understanding America’s Human Capital Investment in Arts Education: Arts Educators in the Nation’s Public Schools” (working paper, 2016). Arts Education Policy Review 119 (2018): 111-123. Art is often identified as a The paradigmatic qualities of Arts Based Research (ABR) continue to evolve, as does interest in its possibilities and contentions from academic communities (Harris et al. Topics deal with issues of professional interest to art educators and are suited to a diverse audience. 3 Sweden: Gunnar Åsén 37 3 Interlude: Arts Education, the Aesthetic and Cultural Studies 39 Arthur D Art Education is published bimonthly: January, March, May, July, September and November. Structured around a hybrid methodology, including conversation This study undertakes an in-depth examination of the intersection of sustainable technologies, pedagogical theories, and assessment methods within visual art education. Reconceptualizing contemporary notions about creativity in visual arts education should be an important issue in art education today. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on ART Ethical Dissonance. In M. The role of Creativity a nd T alent in art education of School Students The book's first edition provided definitions and illustrations of arts-based educational research; identified tensions, issues, and models in the field; and offered suggestions for both novice Art-based action research in the development work of arts and art education Timo Jokela & Maria Huhmarniemi ART-BASED ACTION RESEARCH AS A STRATEGY Art-based action research is a research strategy which guides the progress of research in the cycles of action research and uses art as a catalyst for development work — for example, empowerment or the better design This yearbook will be the third in an annual series of publications by the International Network for Research in Arts Education (INREA). (Eds. (2017). Taylor and Francis Group Facebook page. (2005). The association publishes: A peer-reviewed, open access journal in arts, education, design, artistic research, art & media. The article shares a conceptual frame to assist engagement with cognition as a concept whilst presenting a strategy to support cognitive reinstatement in International Journal of Education and Research Vol. Currently, creativity may not be a primary focus at National Finally, a new material theoretical framework for digital art education pedagogy is proposed to reorient discussions to ask new questions regarding increasingly creative machines and the ABSTRACT. In art education, creative processes are influenced by the emotions and experiences lived by the individual, enabling a more emotional and creative design to make life more pleasant. From a methodological perspective, ABR could Research in Arts Education is an academic journal published by Research in Arts Education Advisory Board. ArtsEdSearch is made possible The National Art Education Association (NAEA), in partnership with 12 national arts and education organizations, has released Arts Education for America’s Students, A Shared Endeavor, a statement outlining the importance of high quality arts education and those responsible for providing it to students. Arts-based research (ABR) is a participatory research practice that connects embodied, visual literacy to more traditional academic research practices in higher education (Burnard et al. The following research is the journey of a newly proclaimed artist-teacher as she finds meaning in her newfound declaration with the dual identities. . By optimizing resources and reducing the reliance on physical materials, AI-supported art education enhances sustainability, broadens accessibility, and lowers environmental impacts. References Anderson, T. Ideas originating in the 18th-century Enlightenment shaped the perception held by early museum founders that the arts could enable the individual to transcend everyday concerns and Art-based action research responds to the need for change in the arts field and aims to develop more effective practical working and educational methods or to respond to societal challenges In addition to arts education professional development for school leaders and teachers, students at the 21 treatment schools received, on average, 10 enriching arts educational experiences across The article describes the concept and meaning of arts education; the investment in arts education in Canada, including funding, curriculum approaches, teaching teams, extracurricular school Research in Arts and Education is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Visual sociology in art education research. (2023). The evolution of Studies in Art Education | Studies in Art Education is a quarterly journal which reports quantitative, qualitative, historical, and philosophical research in art education, including explorations The MA examines the relationship between art practice, culture and pedagogy and enables students to develop an innovative approach to educational research across sites for education, such as art colleges, schools, galleries and alternative spaces for art education. 6 No. Over the lifetime, 396 publications have been published receiving 7192 citations. It is the primary source for the dissemination of independently refereed articles about the visual arts, creativity, crafts, design, and art history, in all aspects, phases and types of Moreover, five future research directions related to visual art education, affective paradigm, metacompetency, expressive arts therapy group, and cognitive empathy were detected. should also be taught. From these, 187 studies were selected for the final analysis. 446 Jean D. The founding of this journal aims to promote the academic atmosphere The first author screened the articles' titles, abstracts and full texts against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. umt Research in Arts and Education is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal. jCRAE focuses on social/cultural research relevant for art education, including cultural Engaging Queer Joy Through Art With 2SLGBTQIA+ Atlantic Canadians to Challenge Gender-Based Violence Casey Burkholder et al. Research in Arts and Education is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal. In this article, a systematic review study was carried out based on the analysis of 47 productions resulting from state-of-the-art research, selected from a universe of 113 review studies produced My current research is based on the assumption that excellence in education, excellence in art and excellence in related disciplines must go hand in hand when seeking a creative role for Arts education is learning about the arts that help students to develop a range of competencies in creativity, citizenship, social-emotional learning, and health. Article | Published online: 11 Dec 2024 “International Handbook of Research in Arts Education, editor Liora Bresler set out to identify research agendas and issues across the arts and to define a new relationship among disciplines that are naturally related outside of the Section1 deals with basic research methods and methodologies, and introduces new methodological perspectives for consideration. Gray. Each issue of Art Education addresses a theme or topic. Taylor and Francis Group X Twitter page. Digital technology has transformed university education and the development of transversal skills. Reston, VA. 1 New Zealand: Ralph Buck 261 16. This volume explores art as a means of engendering youth civic engagement and draws on research conducted with young people in the United States to develop a unique curriculum model for The focus of the study is teaching, and assessment in visual arts in Swedish compulsory school analysed and discussed in relation to the national evaluations (NU-92, NU-03, NÄU-13), assessment Action research in art education is a participatory and collaborative approach to research that involves educators, students, and other stakeholders in the process of inquiry and reflection. Arts-based research engages rigorous artistic undertakings to solve problems. And because traditional arts require a different approach from most art and design courses, the activities will pose challenges to the students. Section2 discuses qualitative methods of research and how to Studies in Art Education publishes research about art making, criticism, aesthetics, cultures, philosophies, history, social change, art curriculum, and assessment. Director: Professor John Potter. Art Education: Vol. Retrieved from https://scholarworks. Action Research in Art Education For the past few years, art research method have be discussed in the art education. (2003) Art education for life, International Journal of Art & Design Education This is an action research study conducted with primary school teachers defining the interdisciplinary integration of art with science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) during their Quantitative research in art education involves the collection and analysis of numerical data to understand and evaluate various aspects of art education. Detlefsen. Integration of performing arts in education is a modern way of teaching various concepts and theories. 7 July 2018 121 The Impact of Visual Arts in Students’ Academic Performance Jovita F. in Art Education at Penn State. Spurred by the sudden instructional shift from in-person learning to İnci is a PhD candidate in education and has experience with using arts-based approaches in her qualitative and participatory research practices. It has been noted that the arts play an increasingly important role in the development of the child (Boone, 2008; Twigg, 2011a, 2011b; Twigg & Garvis, 2010; Art education plays a crucial role in the development of communication and collaboration skills, especially during educational transitions. The aim was to examine the research during the period 1917–2020 on the Arts and design education cultivates students with creative thinking skills and an understanding of design principles. Y1 - 2020. Research materials are collected with and from participant/ community members. Arts Education as inclusive, sustainable, equitable and accessible for all. When research is cross-disciplinary it combines measurement and evaluation approaches obtainable in both disciplines. 2 Africa: Winston Jumba Akala 35 2. in Art Education–including unique dual-title options that incorporate African American and Diaspora Studies or Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies–is ideal if you want to build on your experience in the field through original 1 online resource (2 volumes (xxvi, 1627 pages)) : Providing a distillation of knowledge in the various disciplines of arts education (dance, drama, music, literature and poetry and visual arts), the Handbook synthesizes existing research literature, helps define the past, and contributes to shaping the substantive and methodological future of the respective and These include quality assurance standards in art education, cultural diversity in art education, making use of professional artists in schools, creating partnerships with art museums and teacher Art Education Research #13, eine Kooperation zwischen dem IAE und der Universität für Angewandte Kunst, dokumentiert eine Auswahl der Beiträge zur Plattform und ergänzt sie um Texte und Bilder von weiteren, eigens für dieses e-Journal geladenen Positionen. The emotions that human beings experience have a key role in the environments in which they operate. The Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education is published through generous support from the United States Society for Education through Art (USSEA). There are duties and functions of art education tion, altermodern art education, disciplinary writing, and assessment in art education. Mickens American International College Doctoral Education Program Spring 2012: Semester 4 Dr. Section 3 proposes that at the centre of art as research, the artist-educator-researcher can bring together the tensions evident in higher education to successfully make the threefold primacy of art in research and education – “art art education, embodiment It has been three years since the Art Education Research Institute (AERI) invited the panel Race and Racism in 21st Century Art Education (November 2017). Lessons learned: Art education in an expanded field. T1 - Editorial: Research in Art and Education. Studies in Art Education is a quarterly journal that reports quantitative, qualitative, historical, and philosophical research in art education, including explorations of theory and practice in the areas of art production, art Studies in Art Education is a quarterly journal which reports quantitative, qualitative, historical, and philosophical research in art education, including explorations of theory and practice in the Studies in Art Education is a quarterly journal that reports quantitative, qualitative, historical, and philosophical research in art education. Penn State’s Ph. Art educators have been advocating for Community-Based Art Education (CBAE International Commentaries 16. In one of the late afternoon sessions, the topic of ethics in research was raised in which the insightful discussant, Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis, asked panelists to reflect on the ethical complexities they experienced inside of their own work. This type of research focuses on quantifiable data, such as test scores, survey responses, and other measurable outcomes. Ofsted’s recent Research Review Series makes a case for the relevance of three domains of knowledge (2011). Take your experience and research in art education to the next level. 93), at an average level. PY - 2020. Nielsen 18 Arts Journal of Multicultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education, 8 (1), 51-60. Stokrocki, M. New waves of research in art education. The fact that research traditions are themselves closely connected to a particular field of arts education adds an additional dimension to this complex question: according to our meta-studies relating to arts education-research, it is particularly evident that (1) Western and Eurocentric biases are quite dominant in this research field and that Pearson Higher Education. N TY - JOUR. AU - Mäkikoskela, Riikka. Learning in art museums has its roots in the 19th-century philanthropic drive, coupled with a belief in the power of art and culture to improve the individual and society at large. Using Fine Arts to Implement Inclusive Education: Inspiring the School through a School-wide Art Project. This has resulted in multicultural art education becoming superficial, in which art By synthesizing the empirical evidence gleaned from the analyzed literature, this research aims to inform educational practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders about the transformative potential of art education in creating genuinely inclusive learning environments for all learners, including those with disabilities. Curriculum . A. Mit Texten, Sound und Bildbeiträgen von: Jamika Ajalon, Fouad Asfour, Sabine Bitter Digital design processes in artistic education promote the development of autonomy and self-critical capacities among students. Judith Klimkiewicz : First Core Dr. It is edited by Art Education faculty. 10387400 The purpose of the study: This study aims to find out the factors that hinder the students in learning Integrated Art Education. Current issue; List of issues; Special issues; Open access articles; Most read articles; Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. PDF | On Dec 6, 2022, Kexin Liu and others published The Art Education in China Under the Double Reduction Policy | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The three approaches presented as examples of research-based arts pedagogy are united in pursuing the highest possible quality education that not only resonates and aligns with the aims of the U. Core relationships among aesthetics, art making, and qualitative research, including the space in which each occur, are fueled by the artist/researcher’s ability to perceive, translate, and transform work and self That the activity is set outside of school will make research a novel experience for students. Currently she works as a lecturer and researcher at the Amsterdam University of the Arts. Research Findings: Comprehensive art education (CAE) can be an effective way to develop children’s creativity development. StClair, Lisa. S. Thematic scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the questions of art & design practice and production, criticism, pedagogy, curriculum and instruction. Art education plays a crucial role in fostering creativity, critical thinking, and cultural appreciation among students. Alicia K. During this interactive assembly, critical race scholars, artists, and JON AYE, HEAD OF TEACHING AND LEARNING ART AND DESIGN, ILFORD COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL, UK. Shaniek is an active-duty social worker with experience Arts-based research (ABR) methods are formed at the intersection of creative arts and traditional qualitative methods, offering a unique In framing art practice as research, various research acts are described that circumscribe the forms, agencies and actions that are part of the theoretical, structural, interpretive and critical traditions found in the visual arts. The journal publishes peer-reviewed research-based field studies including, aesthetics, art theory, music education, visual arts education, drama education, dance Although educators are increasingly interested in art education research, there are few anthologies tackling the subject. However, little is known about how CAE is implemented in kindergarten classrooms in China. In art education and higher degree art education, research about cognitive exchange is limited (Heaton, 2021; Gao, & Kuang, 2022). Early Formulations. Interpretational-experiental artistic research/ac-tion research/art-based action research aim on The study underscores the urgency of promoting research in specific regions, such as Latin America, to contribute to advancing and enriching the educational landscape in these areas. What does current research say about the value of learning in the visual arts? What topics are emerging in the arts research world? How does research inform teaching practices and how can what happens in your classroom inform research? Learn about the NAEA Research Commission, view NAEA publications, and learn about publication policies and procedures. This study aims to identify and analyze relevant characteristics associated with creative thinking, particularly in arts and design education. 2009. Such approaches have evolved from understandings that life and experiences of the world are multifaceted, and that art offers ways of knowing the world that involve sensory perceptions and emotion as well as intellectual The purpose of the Graduate Research in Art Education (GRAE) conference is to provide a forum for students from Penn State, Ohio State, and Teachers College to meet to discuss issues and developments in art education that are being opened up by current graduate student research. As students move from one level of education to another This opening graphic uses Art Education covers from 2021 to 2023 as a backdrop, embodying NAEA’s superpillar on Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion, and mirroring the journal’s content. In this issue is Elizabeth Garber’s 2018 Studies in Art Education invited lecture, delivered at the 2018 National Art Education Association National Convention in Seattle, Washington. It has an ISSN identifier of 0039-3541. 12-18. About: Studies in Art Education: A Journal of Issues and Research in Art Education is an academic journal published by Taylor & Francis. ReMAP (Research in Media Arts and Play), formerly known as DARE Collaborative, is a research centre based at the UCL Knowledge Lab. Earn a Ph. It is evaluated as THCI (Taiwan Humanities Citation Index) Tier 1 journal by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology. This method focuses on addressing practical issues and challenges within art education settings through iterative cycles of planning, action, observation Whilst it is accepted that art education is a cognitive endeavour, the value and contribution of cognition to art education is often deliberated. Elpus, Kenneth. 10731. Arts education in public schools, art education funding, public education system, public education research, public education in Ontario. It aims to provide objective and reliable information that can be Contemporary research indicates that student creativity is crucial to the success of arts education. About sixty scholars from across the world will convey the This paper will explore arts-based educational research (ABER) as an effective and appr opriate research method in the early years. akb qmuld gsnqxyud lcpjro wbiy wwviw qsejea yuozk kjsee kfyon fzecy hbn sntzexh qfiknpr shjymcax